The Lady Or The Tiger? Questions

6 September 2022
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In the kingdom described in the story, what happens after a person is accused of a crime?
The person is then put in an arena with two door, one with a beautiful lady and one with a man killing tiger. They have to pick one of the doors, if they pick the lady, they will automatically get married to her no matter if he is already married or not, which to the people means he was innocent. If the person picks the tiger, they will most likely die which to them means he was guilty.
For what crime was the young man thrown into prison?
For the crime of falling in love with the king's daughter.
When the young man was in the arena, what did the princess do, and what did he do?
When the young man was in the arena, the princess gestured for him to go to the door on the right, with her right hand. He listened to the princess and opened the door on the right.
What did the princess know about the lady behind one of the doors?
The princess knew that the lady behind one of the doors was one of the fairest and loveliest of the damsels of the court who had been selected as the reward for the accused youth.
What question does the narrator ask at the end of the story?
"...Which came out of the open door-the lady or the tiger?"
Why did the people in the community support the king's method of administering justice? do you agree that the method is fair? Explain.
The people in the community supported the king's method of administering justice because they were entertained by watching what happened.
Why were the young man's actions considered a crime?
Because he fell in love with the king's daughter, which never before had a subject of such low class dared to love the princess.
What do the young man's actions in the arena tell you about his relationship with the princess?
His actions showed that he cared for the princess and would die for her if that was what she wanted if she signaled to the door with the tiger.
What would motivate the princess to send the young man to his death?
Jealousy would lead the princess to the young man's death.
In your opinion, why does the story end without an answer to the question?
Because the author wants you to think about what you think she should have done, what you think she did, and what you would have done if you were the princess.
Most stories end by telling you what happens to the main characters. This story leaves it open for the reader to decide. what is your opinion of this type of ending?
In my opinion, I do not really like this kind of ending because I'd rather the story be completed, and I do not like cliff hangers. Ms. Ward #1
What would motivate her to save him?
Love and care would motivate the princess to save the young man.
What is a "cliff hanger" story?
It is a story with an unclear ending - one that leaves you "hanging."
Is this a fair form of justice?
No, because it relies on chance and luck not fairness.