Test 4- Ch. 17

25 July 2022
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Which of the following is correct concerning the location of the kidneys? A) The right kidney is usually higher than the left one. B) They are located behind the peritoneum. C) Their upper borders are about at the level of the third lumbar vertebra. D) They are located against the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity.
They are located behind the peritoneum
A renal corpuscle includes A) glomerulus and glomerular capsule. B) glomerulus and renal tubule. C) glomerular capsule and renal tubule. D) renal tubule and collecting tubule.
glomerulus and glomerular capsule
Which of the following indicates the parts of a renal tubule in the correct sequence from beginning to end. A) proximal convoluted tubule, ascending limb, descending limb, distal convoluted tubule B) distal convoluted tubule, ascending limb, descending limb, proximal convoluted tubule C) proximal convoluted tubule, descending limb, ascending limb, distal convoluted tubule
proximal convoluted tubule, descending limb, ascending limb, distal convoluted tubule
If the arteriole that supplies blood to the glomerulus becomes constricted A) blood flow into the efferent arteriole increases. B) the glomerular filtration rate decreases. C) hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus increases. D) the protein concentration of the filtrate increases.
the glomerular filtration rate decreases
The reabsorption of glucose occurs primarily through the walls of the A) glomerular capsule. B) nephron loop. C) proximal convoluted tubule. D) distal convoluted tubule.
proximal convoluted tubule
Whenever the plasma glucose concentration exceeds the renal plasma threshold, A) the glomerular filtration rate increases. B) the volume of urine decreases. C) glucose will be secreted into the peritubular capillary. D) glucose will appear in the urine.
glucose will appear in urine
Whenever sodium ions are reabsorbed through the wall of the renal tubule by active transport, chloride ions are A) reabsorbed by active transport. B) reabsorbed by passive transport. C) secreted by active transport. D) secreted by passive transport.
reabsorbed by passive transport
The countercurrent mechanism functions primarily in the A) renal corpuscle. B) proximal convoluted tubule. C) distal convoluted tubule D) nephron loop.
nephron loop
The hormone ADH functions to promote water reabsorption through the walls of the A) distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct. B) proximal convoluted tubule and collecting duct. C) ascending limb of the nephron loop. D) descending limb of the nephron loop.
distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct
The largest quantity of hydrogen ions is secreted A) passively into the proximal convoluted tubule. B) passively from the distal convoluted tubule. C) actively into the proximal convoluted tubule. D) actively from the distal convoluted tubule.
actively into the proximal convoluted tubule
The ureter extends downward A) behind the parietal peritoneun and joins the urinary bladder from below. B) behind the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from below. C) in front of the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from above. D) in front of the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from below.
behind the parietal peritoneum and joins the urinary bladder from below
The micturition reflex center is located in the A) sacral segments of the spinal cord. B) medulla oblongata. C) pons. D) hypothalamus.
sacral segments of the spinal cord
Which of the following is not part of the male urethra A) prostatic urethra B) membranous urethra C) penile urethra D) glandular urethra
glandular urethra
Which of the following would increase the rate of glomerular filtration A) decreased blood pressure B) increased blood pressure C) a constricted afferent arteriole D) a dilated efferent arteriole
increased blood pressure
Which of the following is not considered a function of the kidney A) regulation of body fluid concentration B) regulation of body fluid volume C) removal of waste products from the body D) formation of plasma proteins
formation of plasma proteins
Which of the following correctly lists the order of structures through which urine flows after its formation in the nephron? A) calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra B) renal pelvis, calyx, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra C) renal pelvis, calyx, urethra, ureter, urinary bladder D) renal pelvis, calyx, urinary bladder, ureter, urethra
calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra
In which of the following portions of the nephron is water actively transported A) proximal convoluted tubule B) descending limb of the nephron loop C) collecting duct D) none of the above
proximal convoluted tubule descending limb of the nephron loop collecting duct none of the above(this is the answer)
Conscious control of micturition involves inhibiting the micturition reflex by using nerve centers A) medulla oblongata. B) spinal cord. C) brain stem and cerebral cortex. D) pons and hypothalamus.
brain stem and cerebral cortex
Which of the following is an abnormal constituent of urine A) urea B) uric acid C) creatinine D) none of the above
urea uric acid creatinine
Which of the following correctly describes the countercurrent mechanism of the nephron loop A) Water moves out of the ascending limb; sodium moves in the ascending limb. B) Water moves in the ascending limb; sodium moves out of the ascending limb. C) Water moves out of the descending limb; sodium moves out of the ascending limb. D) Water moves in the descending limb; sodium moves out of the descending limb.
Water moves out of the descending limb, sodium moves out of the ascending limb
Gout is a condition in which the plasma has a abnormally high concentration of A) uric acid. B) urea. C) calcium ions. D) amino acids.
uric acid
As a result of excessively low arterial blood pressure, glomerular hydrostatic pressure A) rises and filtration increases. B) rises and filtration decreases. C) drops and filtration increases. D) drops and filtration decreases.
drops and filtration decreases
What is the purpose of the countercurrent mechanism in the nephron A) It creates a highly concentrated interstitial fluid so that urine can be concentrated by the collecting ducts when they are permeable to water. B) It is a method to move sodium around so that its concentration can be controlled. C) It keeps the amount of water lost in the urine relatively constant so that a person doesn't retain much water. D) It keeps interstitial fluid hydrated to maintain blood pressure.
it creates a highly concentrated interstitial fluid so that urine can be concentrated by the collecting ducts when they are permeable to water
As a consequence of widespread edema, blood volume A) increases and blood pressure drops. B) decreases and blood pressure drops. C) increases and blood pressure rises. D) decreases and blood pressure rises.
decreases and blood pressure drops
Aldosterone from the adrenal cortex causes sodium ions to be A) excreted and water to be conserved. B) excreted and water to be excreted. C) conserved and water to be conserved. D) conserved and water to be excreted.
conserved and water to be conserved
Infants are more likely to become dehydrated than adults because A) adults drink more liquid. B) infants grow rapidly. C) infant kidneys are less able to conserve water. D) the infant thirst mechanism is underdeveloped.
infant kidneys are less able to conserve water
During a kidney transplant procedure, the renal artery and vein of the donor kidney are connected to the recipient's A) renal artery and vein. B) iliac artery and vein. C) aorta and inferior vena cava. D) aorta and portal vein.
renal artery and vein
Plasma clearance is a test to determine the rate at which the kidneys can A) excrete water. B) reabsorb ions. C) remove a particular substance from the blood. D) restore the correct pH of the blood.
remove a particular substance from the blood
Kidney stones are least likely to be composed of A) uric acid. B) calcium oxalate. C) cholesterol. D) magnesium phosphate.
The renal medulla is composed of ________,whereas the renal cortex is composed of _______________ A) renal pyramids; ureters from nephrons B) renal columns; renal pyramids and nephrons C) collecting tubules; peritubular capillaries from nephrons D) renal pyramids; granular tissue composed of nephron tubules
renal pyramids; granular tissue composed of nephron tubules
A renal corpuscle is a _________, whereas a renal tubule is a ___________ A) tangled cluster of blood capillaries; highly coiled tubule that leads away from the glomerular capsule B) special blood cell found in the kidneys; tubule that leads away from the kidneys to the bladder C) storage area for urine; tubule that carries urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body D) glandular structure that regulates blood pressure; blood vessel that regulates the flow of blood into the glomerular structure
tangled cluster of blood capillaries; highly coiled tubule that leads away from the glomerular capsule
An increase in glomerular osmotic pressure will result in _______ the rate of glomerular A) an increase in B) a decrease in C) no change in D) a variable effect on
an increase in
Filtration rate in the glomerulus s increased by A) vasodilation of the afferent arteriole only. B) vasodilation of the efferent arteriole only. C) vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole only. D) both vasodilation and vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole. E) both vasodilation of the afferent arteriole and vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole.
both vasodilation of the afferent arteriole and vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole
The juxtaglomerular apparatus regulates the filtration rate by ________ and by _________ A) vasodilation of the afferent arteriole; increasing osmotic pressure in the glomerular capsule B) vasoconstriction of the peritubular capillary; dilation of the collecting duct C) vasodilation of the afferent arteriole; renin-angiotensin II causing vasoconstriction of the renal artery
vasodilation of the afferent arteriole; renin-angiotensin II causing vasoconstriction of the renal artery
The epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubule are adapted for reabsorption by A) having thin walls. B) having rugae folds that increase surface area. C) secreting enzymes that activate absorption of substances. D) having microscopic projections called microvilli.
having microscopic projections called microvilli
The micturition reflex can be voluntarily controlled by the A) persons controlling contraction and relaxation of the pyloric sphincter valve. B) sympathetic impulses stimulating the internal urethral sphincter valve. C) cerebral cortex stimulating or inhibiting the external urethral sphincter valve. D) voluntary contractions or inhibition of the prostate gland.
cerebral cortex stimulating or inhibiting the external urethral sphincter valve
A decrease in the glomerular hydrostatic pressure of a glomerular capsule will result in __________ the rate of glomerular filtration A) an increase in B) a decrease in C) no change in D) a variable effect on
a decrease in
The composition of glomerular filtrate compares to that of plasma by containing A) many different substances that are absent from plasma. B) the same substances as plasma except for larger protein molecules. C) less water and electrolytes than does plasma. D) much more uric acid and creatinine than plasma.
the same substances as plasma except for larger protein molecules