Skills And Tactics- Practice

3 October 2022
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Strategies to improve a team's performance include all of the following EXCEPT: A. competition B. teamwork C. coaching D. practice
A. competition
Which of the following does NOT improve performance in sports? A. strength and endurance training B. speed and agility training C. communication training D. visualization training
C. communication training
What is visualization training?
Visualization training helps athletes to mentally prepare for competition. The process of visualization includes imagining success, focusing on goals, perfecting skills, and increasing one's ability to focus on the task at hand.
Speed training increases one's maximum velocity.
Describe what endurance training is and explain in detail the four components of endurance training.
Endurance training increases the ability to sustain high-quality athletic ability over time. It includes aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance, speed endurance, and strength endurance. Aerobic endurance is when the body's demands for oxygen and fuel can be met. Anaerobic endurance is when the body's demand for oxygen exceeds the rate of supply. Speed endurance is used to develop the coordination of the muscles. Strength endurance is used to maintain the quality of the body's muscles.
Describe a typical practice program.
Practices should start with a short warm-up. After warming up, players should stretch all the major muscle groups. Then, practices should work on individual skills and then on group skills. These activities should be followed by a scrimmage to work on the skills that were practiced during the skills training. The final step in a typical practice program is the cool down.
Endurance is important for participating in sports because it __________. A. provides the energy needed to maintain physical activity for long periods of time B. decreases the amount of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues C. allows you short spurts of energy to be released D. allows slow releases of energy for a small amount of time
A. provides the energy needed to maintain physical activity for long periods of time
Which of the following is NOT an important skill for participating in sports? A. agility and balance B. endurance and muscle control C. level of intellectual ability D. visual acuity and hand-eye coordination
C. level of intellectual ability
How can coaches improve team performance?
Coaches plan, conduct, and evaluate the team on a regular basis. They are the leaders of the team, so they help motivate the players. They are able to communicate with the athletes and determine the best learning styles for each player. Coaches call the plays and the strategies. Without quality coaching, a team's strategy can diminish and lead to a team's demise.
What is mental commitment and what are the four components of mental commitment?
Stress is a part of playing a sport and can negatively affect an athlete's performance. Mental commitment is the ability to focus on the required objectives and specific responsibilities at hand. The four components of mental commitment are concentration, confidence, control, and commitment.