Quizzes Ch 10 And 12

18 October 2022
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D) anorexia nervosa.
About eight months ago, 14-year-old Shelley went on a drastic weight-loss diet that caused her to drop from 110 to 80 pounds. Although she is now dangerously underweight and under-nourished, she continues to think she looks fat. Her frustrated father recently forced her to eat a peanut butter sandwich, but Shelley immediately went to the bathroom and threw it all up. Shelley most clearly suffers from A) neophobia. B) an abnormally low set point. C) a high basal metabolic rate. D) anorexia nervosa.
fat cells
Leptin, a hunger-dampening protein, is secreted by A) endocrine glands. B) the stomach. C) fat cells. D) the lateral hypothalamus.
The health risks associated with obesity are generally the greatest for those who carry their excess weight around their A) bellies. B) buttocks. C) hips. D) thighs.
C) a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal.
Motivation is defined by psychologists as A) an impulse to accomplish something of significance. B) rigidly patterned behavior characteristic of all people. C) a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal. D) the cause of behavior.
C) lower; higher
Compared with European teens, American teens have ________ rates of contraceptive use and ________ rates of pregnancy and abortion. A) lower; lower B) higher; higher C) lower; higher D) higher; lower
D) similar; similar
The descriptions of orgasm written by men and women are ________, and the subcortical brain regions active in men and women during orgasm are ________. A) different; similar B) similar; different C) different; different D) similar; similar
A) they have just experienced orgasm.
During the resolution phase of the sexual response cycle, people are most likely to experience a rapid decrease in physiological arousal if A) they have just experienced orgasm. B) they have not used contraceptives. C) their refractory period is unusually short. D) their sexual interaction has not resulted in conception.
A) sexual relations between same-sex partners in several hundred different animal species.
A biological influence on homosexuality is most clearly seen from evidence of A) sexual relations between same-sex partners in several hundred different animal species. B) an increase in same-sex attraction among women who had fraternal twin brothers. C) the increase in homosexual and bisexual people among males with domineering mothers. D) the link between sexual orientation and the levels of sex hormones currently in a person's blood.
B) mass media standards of appearance.
Researchers use biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis to understand eating disorders. The social-cultural level of analysis is especially likely to emphasize that eating disorders are influenced by A) the sight and smell of food. B) mass media standards of appearance. C) bouts of depression and anxiety. D) stress and mood.
D) the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time.
The set point is A) the point at which fat cells no longer reproduce themselves. B) the body temperature of a healthy organism, for example, 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in humans. C) the point at which energy expenditures from exercise and from metabolism are equal. D) the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time.
C) behavioral consistency.
The concept of personality most clearly embodies the notion of A) moral integrity. B) self-consciousness. C) behavioral consistency. D) self-actualization.
A) id.
According to psychoanalytic theory, the part of the personality that strives for immediate gratification of basic drives is the A) id. B) ego. C) superego. D) erogenous zones.
D) Oedipus complex.
One night after he heard his parents arguing, 4-year-old Wei had a vivid dream in which he saved his mother from being bitten by a large snake. A psychoanalyst would most likely suspect that Wei's dream reflects a(n) A) oral fixation. B) reaction formation. C) self-serving bias. D) Oedipus complex.
c) regression
Four-year-old Timmy had not wet his bed for over a year. However, he started bed-wetting again soon after his sister was born. Timmy's behavior best illustrates A) reaction formation. B) projection. C) regression. D) denial.
B) unconditional positive regard.
Carl Rogers referred to an attitude of total acceptance toward another person as A) the spotlight effect. B) unconditional positive regard. C) self-actualization. D) a peak experience.
A) trait.
A consistent tendency to be shy is best described as a(n) A) trait. B) projection. C) locus of control. D) factor.
D) factor analysis.
The Big Five trait dimensions were identified by means of A) the MMPI. B) situational tests. C) projective tests. D) factor analysis.
B) personality inventory.
The MMPI is an example of a(n) A) projective test. B) personality inventory. C) inkblot test. D) self-esteem test.
B) openness.
Being highly imaginative is most closely related to the Big Five trait dimension of A) extraversion. B) openness. C) neuroticism. D) conscientiousness.
B) the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware.
According to Freud, the unconscious is A) the part of personality that cannot process information. B) the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware. C) a set of universal concepts acquired by all humans from our common past. D) a reservoir of deeply repressed memories that does not affect behavior.