Quiz 5

1 September 2022
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The following sentence is an example of an effective explanation: Company policy prevents us from exchanging your defective wireless router more than 30 days after you purchased it. True False
False Page 194 (Guffey). Readers resent blanket policy statements prohibiting something.
The emphasis on a technical memo is conclusions, rather than details of the methodology you used to reach those conclusions. True False
True Page 196 (May).
In denial messages you must establish the proper tone and use you statements such as You would have known that cash refunds are not available if you had read the receipt. True False
False Page 201 (Guffey). The tone of a denial message is important. Therefore, you should avoid preachy "you" statements (You would have known that cash refunds are not available if you had read the receipt). Instead, use neutral, objective language to explain the reasons for the denial.
Summary sentences are used throughout a memo to make it more coherent. True False
True Page 190 (May).
Which of the following is NOT considered to be a guideline to keep in mind as you compose an email message? Put important ideas last. Begin with a salutation. Use conventional grammar and mechanics. Use an email signature.
Put important ideas last. Pages 228-229 (May). You should put important ideas first, not last.
Which of the following is NOT considered to be a guideline when you are writing for a blog? Provide a summary statement at the end of your message. Review what has already been written on the topic. Keep it short. Write clear, descriptive headlines.
Provide a summary statement at the end of your message. Page 236 (May). These are all guidelines to follow when you are writing for a blog except the item that states that you should provide a summary statement at the end of your message.
Which of the following is NOT a helpful tip for apologizing in a negative-news message? Be sincere and explain what you will do to prevent recurrence. Accept responsibility. Focus on your regret. Use good judgment, and do not admit blame without consulting your supervisor.
Focus on your regret. Pages 192-193 (Guffey). Helpful tips for effective apologies include being sincere, accepting responsibility, and using good judgment. Focusing on your regret will not convey sincerity or improve your message.
The closing of a bad-news message may include all of the following except anticipate future relations or business. reference resale or promotional information. include coupons, samples, or gifts. a restatement of the bad news.
a restatement of the bad news. Pages 196-197 (Guffey). The closing of a bad-news message may include any of the following: references to an alternative if one exists, free materials, good wishes, a forward look to future relations or business, and resale or sales information.
Taylor must send a bad-news message to a client and indicate to her that he will be unable to meet a delivery deadline. What should Taylor do first? Select a soothing color of stationery for the message. Gather information about his reasons for not meeting the deadline. Write the opening of his message. Analyze the bad news to see how it will affect his reader.
Analyze the bad news to see how it will affect his reader. Page 187 (Guffey). First, Taylor should analyze the bad news so that he can anticipate its effect on the receiver. This analysis will help him choose techniques and words to reduce the pain of the bad news.
Corbin must inform employees that overtime pay will be reduced from the current 2.0 factor to a 1.5 factor. Because he anticipates a hostile reaction, which of the following sequences should Corbin use for the parts of his message? Bad news, explanation, reasons, and closing Bad news, reasons, buffer, and closing Buffer, reasons, bad news, and closing Buffer, explanation, reasons, and closing
Buffer, reasons, bad news, and closing Page 190 (Guffey). When a hostile reaction is anticipated, beginning with a buffer may keep the audience receptive enough to listen to Corbin's presentation of the reasons before he must present the bad news of the reduction in overtime pay. Using this indirect strategy for a bad-news message is recommended when the news is upsetting.
All of the following are helpful tips to deliver a bad-news message personally in the workplace except consider taking a partner if you fear a "shoot the messenger" reaction. focus on the future and avoid discussing the past or present. think about timing, and do not deliver bad news on a Friday afternoon. prepare and rehearse; outline what you plan to say.
focus on the future and avoid discussing the past or present. Pages 201-202 (Guffey). When delivering a bad-news message personally in the workplace, you should discuss the past, the present, and the future to provide a complete picture of the situation. It is also appropriate to be well prepared, to take a partner if a hostile reaction is likely, and to avoid a Friday afternoon.
All of the following are effective techniques for softening bad news except suggesting a compromise or an alternative. positioning the bad news at the beginning or end of a paragraph. placing the bad news in a subordinate clause. using passive-voice verbs.
positioning the bad news at the beginning or end of a paragraph. Pages 195-196 (Guffey). These techniques can cushion bad news: positioning the bad news in the middle of a paragraph, placing the bad news in a subordinate clause, using passive-voice verbs, highlighting the positive, implying the refusal, and suggesting a compromise or an alternative.