PSYC 1101 Exam 3 MC Questions

3 September 2022
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In considering gender differences, you should remember that: a. gender similarities are much greater than gender differences. b. all of these answers are true. c. genetic differences between the genders do not contribute to gender differences in behavior. d. no gender difference is common to all human cultures.
a. gender similarities are much greater than gender differences.
Secretions of testosterone and ovarian hormones during the fourth and fifth months of prenatal development exert one of their earliest influences on a. secondary sex characteristics. b. brain organization. c. gender schemas. d. menarche.
b. brain organization.
Which of the following is an example of a secondary sex characteristic? a.gender typing b.female ovaries c.spermarche d.male facial hair
d.male facial hair
In one survey, 72 percent of sexually active 12- to 17-year-old American girls said a. none of their close friends were sexually active. b.they abstain from alcohol prior to sex. c. they never use condoms during sex. d. they regretted having had sex.
d. they regretted having had sex.
Jay and Malcolm are a gay couple and Susie and Lynn are a lesbian couple. Jay and Malcolm are likely to report ________ concern with their partner's physical attractiveness and report having sex ________ often than do Susie and Lynn. a. more; less b. less; more c. less; less d. more; more
d. more; more
Studies show a significant link between oral sex and the a. transmission of the human papillomavirus. b. increased incidence of paraphilias. c. reduced incidence of AIDS. d. development of female orgasmic disorder.
a. transmission of the human papillomavirus.
Gender refers to the ________ that define what it means to be a man or a woman. a. primary sex characteristics b. secondary sex characteristics c. cultural expectations d. genetically determined traits
c. cultural expectations
Compared with males, females experience a greater risk of a. antisocial personality disorder. b. autism spectrum disorder. c. color-deficient vision. d. eating disorders.
d. eating disorders.
In a group discussion, women are ________ likely than men to express support for others' opinions. As group leaders, women are ________ likely than men to promote a democratic leadership style. a.more; more b. less; more c. more; less d. less; less
a.more; more
During a group conversation, men are more likely than women to a. interrupt other speakers. b. behave in all of these ways. c. stare at other group members. d. talk assertively.
b. behave in all of these ways.
In everyday behavior, men are LESS likely than women to a. stare at others. b. interrupt others. c. smile at others. d. initiate touching others.
c. smile at others.
During the course of a conversation between Mary, Nancy, and Mark, which of the following events is most likely to occur? a. Mary interrupts Nancy. b. Mark interrupts Mary. c. All of these events are equally likely to occur. d. Nancy interrupts Mark.
b. Mark interrupts Mary.
Compared with females, males use conversation to a. explore relationships. b. obtain feedback on their views. c. offer support. d. communicate solutions.
d. communicate solutions.
A baby girl receives a(n) a. Y chromosome from both her father and mother. b. X chromosome from both her father and mother. c. Y chromosome from her mother. d. Y chromosome from her father.
b. X chromosome from both her father and mother.
Primary sex characteristics are to ________ as secondary sex characteristics are to ________. a. adrenal glands; underarm hair b. male testes; adrenal glands c. female ovaries; deepened male voice d. male testes; female ovaries
c. female ovaries; deepened male voice
The expected behaviors for men or for women are called a.gender identities. b. gender roles. c. gender types. d. gender schemas.
b. gender roles.
Sixteen-year-old Julie often sends sexually explicit texts ("sexts") to her boyfriend after seeing movie and TV characters sending such messages. Her behavior could best be attributed to the _________ provided by the filmed material. a. refractory period b. sexual dysfunction c. erotic plasticity d. social script
d. social script
Eddie and his wife Lesley have just shared a fulfilling sexual experience. Unlike Lesley, Eddie probably won't be able to experience another orgasm for a period of time. This stage of the sexual response cycle is called a.the resolution stage. b. the plateau stage. c. orgasm. d. the excitement stage.
a.the resolution stage.
Janice and Tre are kissing and caressing each other. They are both sexually aroused and decide to engage in intercourse. According to Masters and Johnson, the correct order of the stages of the sexual response cycle the two of them will experience is a. orgasm, excitement, plateau, and resolution. b. plateau, excitement, orgasm, and resolution. c. excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. d. resolution, excitement, plateau, and orgasm.
c. excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
Which approach is most likely to attribute gender differences in mating preferences to the impact of watching and imitating readily available social scripts? a. Freudian psychology b. social learning theory c. the fertile females theory d. evolutionary psychology
b. social learning theory
The idea that maternal genetics may explain the transmission of genes that promote homosexuality is expressed by a.the fertile females theory. b.sexual dysfunctions. c.refractory periods. d.erotic plasticity.
a.the fertile females theory.
Research on sexual motivation indicates that a. normal hour-to-hour fluctuations in men's testosterone level have little effect on the level of their sex drive. b. the level of men's sex drive varies more over time than the level of women's sex drive. c. men's testosterone level varies more over time than does women's estrogen level. d. variations in estrogen level over time have a greater impact on the sex drive of human females than on other mammalian females.
a. normal hour-to-hour fluctuations in men's testosterone level have little effect on the level of their sex drive.