PSY 301 QUIZ 7

25 July 2022
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Psychologist Judith Harris argues that human behavior primarily is shaped by:
peer groups.
Explanation: Psychologist Judith Harris argues that human behavior primarily is shaped by:There are a number of different factors that can influence human behavior, but Harris believes that the most important factor is the environment. She believes that our behavior is shaped more by our interactions with others and our surroundings than by our genes or our individual personalities. This is a controversial view, but it does have some evidence to support it.
Marjorie has been diagnosed with a learning disability that involves difficulty in reading, lack of fluency, and poor word recognition. Marjorie's mother reports that her grandmother had the same disability. Marjorie MOST likely has been diagnosed with:
Explanation: Marjorie MOST likely has been diagnosed with dyslexia. This is a neurological disorder that affects reading skills. It is characterized by difficulty in reading, lack of fluency, and poor word recognition. It is believed to be caused by a deficiency in the brain's ability to process phonemic information.
From the age of 3, Sam has been raised by his mother who works 50 hours per week at a minimum-wage job. Sam goes to a "failing" school. According to statistics, Sam's intelligence test scores MOST likely will reflect _____ more than _____.
environmental forces; genetically based abilities
Explanation: Sam's intelligence test scores will most likely reflect the effects of poverty more than they will reflect his actual intelligence. This is because growing up in poverty can have a negative effect on cognitive development. Studies have shown that children who grow up in poverty are more likely to have lower IQ scores and to perform worse on standardized tests than children who do not grow up in poverty.
Which kinds of intelligences would be measured on a test devised by Howard Gardner?
interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, and kinesthetic
Explanation: Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences posits that there are eight different kinds of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. A test designed to measure all eight of these would likely include questions or tasks that assess a person's ability to use language, solve mathematical problems, visualize spatial relationships, manipulate objects, understand and create music, interact with other people, understand and regulate their own emotions, and observe and classify elements of the natural world.
Elementary schools that are exceeding expectations based on the socioeconomic status of their pupils tend to do all of the following EXCEPT:
provide worksheet drills to help students pass state standardized tests.
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific school and its circumstances. However, some possible explanations for why a school might not be meeting expectations despite having high-performing students from low-income backgrounds could include a lack of resources, poor teaching, or a lack of support from parents and the community.
Studying only in order to raise your grade point average is an example of:
extrinsic motivation.
Explanation: This is an example of academic dishonesty. Cheating on exams, plagiarism, and buying papers are all examples of academic dishonesty.
All are tips for teachers described in the lecture EXCEPT:
praising children for brilliance in order to boost their self-esteem.
Explanation: The answer is D. All of the other choices are tips that the lecturer gives for teachers. D is not a tip, but rather an explanation of how some students may feel in a classroom.
William expects instant obedience from his children when he tells them to do something, such as to clean up their rooms. Richard is typically willing to negotiate with his children regarding household chores. In terms of Diana Baumrind's parenting styles, William is _____, and Richard is _____.
authoritarian; authoritative
Four-year-old Rachel has parents who provide no rules and are not very affectionate. According to Diana Baumrind, Rachel's parents have a(n) _____ parenting style.
Explanation: Rachel's parents have a permissive parenting style. Permissive parents are generally warm and loving, but they have very few rules and expectations for their children. This can lead to children who are less self-controlled and more impulsive.
Jeremy was administered the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) and received a score of 65. According to this test, he should be classified as:
having an intellectual developmental disability.
Explanation: The WISC is an intelligence test that is often used to diagnose learning disabilities in children. It is divided into two main sections: verbal and performance. The verbal section measures a child's ability to understand and use language, while the performance section measures a child's ability to solve problems and remember information. A child's score on the WISC is based on their performance on both sections of the test.A score of 65 on the WISC would place a child in the borderline range of intellectual functioning. This means that the child's intellectual functioning is significantly below average, but they are still able to function in everyday life. children in the borderline range may struggle in school and have difficulty with tasks that require them to think abstractly.
Victor enjoys playing the guitar and practices for hours at a time. He says that practicing is a very pleasurable activity for him, and he does not do it for any tangible reward. Regarding his guitar playing, Victor is:
intrinsically motivated.
Explanation:The WISC is an intelligence test that is often used to diagnose learning disabilities in children. It is divided into two main sections: verbal and performance. The verbal section measures a child's ability to understand and use language, while the performance section measures a child's ability to solve problems and remember information. A child's score on the WISC is based on their performance on both sections of the test.A score of 65 on the WISC would place a child in the borderline range of intellectual functioning. This means that the child's intellectual functioning is significantly below average, but they are still able to function in everyday life. children in the borderline range may struggle in school and have difficulty with tasks that require them to think abstractly.
Alicia is being raised in a blended family. This means that Alicia's parents:
divorced and remarried, so Alicia has step-siblings.
Explanation: Alicia is being raised in a blended family. This means that Alicia's parents:Alicia's mother and father each have children from previous relationships. Alicia's mother might have children from a previous marriage, or she might have children with a partner she was never married to. Alicia's father might have children from a previous marriage, or he might have children with a partner he was never married to. Alicia might have siblings who are her half-siblings, or she might have siblings who are her step-siblings.A blended family can be a great way for children to expand their family and to have a wider support system. It can also be a challenge, as the children in the family learn to navigate different dynamics and relationships.
Which is NOT a valid criticism of Baumrind's parenting-styles framework?
There is no correlation between parenting styles and a child's success.
Explanation: The Baumrind parenting-styles framework is a valid and widely used framework for understanding and describing parenting styles. However, it has been criticized for being too simplistic and for not taking into account the complexities of real-world parenting. Additionally, some have criticized the framework for being overly Westernized and for not being applicable to other cultures.
Link each statement with the relevant parenting perspective: (1) A child's personality shapes parenting; (2) children model their peer group rather than what they learn at home; (3) having firm rules and being loving produces a successful child.
(1) behavioral genetics; (2) Harris's peer group theory; (3) Baumrind's styles framework
Explanation: 1. A child's personality shapes parenting:This statement is linked to the parenting perspective known as the nurture" perspective. This perspective emphasizes the importance of a child's environment, including the parent's influence, in shaping the child's personality.2. children model their peer group rather than what they learn at home:This statement is linked to the parenting perspective known as the "social learning" perspective. This perspective emphasizes the importance of a child's social environment, including the influence of peers, in shaping the child's behavior.3. having firm rules and being loving produces a successful child.This statement is linked to the parenting perspective known as the "authoritative" parenting style. This parenting style is characterized by both firm rules and a loving, supportive relationship between parent and child."
A student is writing a paper on trends in corporal punishment. She should make all of these points EXCEPT:
Few U.S. parents ever spank their children today.
Explanation: A. Corporal punishment is used in schools as a way to discipline students.B. Corporal punishment is used in the military as a way to train soldiers.C. Corporal punishment is used in prisons as a way to reform inmates.D. Corporal punishment is used in families as a way to teach children.The student should NOT make the point that corporal punishment is used in families as a way to teach children. Although corporal punishment may be used in some families for this purpose, it is not a trend. Additionally, corporal punishment is generally not considered an effective or appropriate method of discipline for children.
Sir Ken Robinson suggests that we all have a vested interested in education partially due to what?
Because education is meant to take us into a future that we can't grasp.
Explanation: Sir Ken Robinson suggests that we all have a vested interested in education partially due to the fact that it can help unlock our creative potential. He believes that education should be geared towards nurturing creativity, rather than simply providing knowledge.
Sir Ken Robinson believes that we over-estimate what children are capable of and need to be mindful of that when setting our educational expectations.
Explanation: In a TED talk given by Sir Ken Robinson, he claims that we often underestimate what children are capable of and that we need to be more mindful of that when setting our educational expectations. He believes that children are natural learners and that they have an innate desire to learn and be curious. However, he feels that the education system often stifles this natural curiosity and instead focuses on conformity and standardized testing. As a result, children are often left feeling bored and disengaged in their learning. Robinson argues that we need to trust children more and allow them to explore their interests and talents in order to reach their full potential.
According to Sir Ken Robinson, creativity is as important as literacy in educaiton.
Explanation: According to Sir Ken Robinson, creativity is just as important as literacy in education. He believes that the current education system focuses too much on teaching children how to read and write, and not enough on teaching them to be creative. He believes that being creative is just as important as being literate, and that we should be teaching children to be creative in addition to teaching them to read and write.
According to Sir Ken Robinson, if you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never accomplish what?
anything original
Explanation: According to Sir Ken Robinson, if you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never accomplish anything. This is because being wrong is a necessary part of the learning process. If you're not willing to be wrong, you'll never learn anything new.
According to Sir Ken Robinson, what is the main reason we are jeopardizing creativity in schools?
We are making is so student are afraid of being wrong.
Explanation: The main reason that we are jeopardizing creativity in schools, according to Sir Ken Robinson, is that we are too focused on standardized testing and rote learning. This narrow focus does not allow for the kind of creativity and innovation that is necessary for true learning to take place.