Part 4: Writing To Evaluate Mortimer's Style

5 September 2022
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Read the passage from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. There are no roads across this wasteland, only track ways. Elizabethans see it as good for nothing but pasture, tin mining, and the steady water supply it provides by way of the rivers that rise there. Many people are afraid of such moors and forests. They are "the ruthless, vast and gloomy woods . . . by nature made for murders and for rapes," as Shakespeare writes in Titus Andronicus. Certainly no one will think of Dartmoor as beautiful. Sixteenth-century artists paint wealthy people, prosperous cities, and food, not landscapes. What is the effect of the author's word choice in the passage?
It supports the author's purpose of challenging the image of the romantic countryside.

Explanation: The author's word choice gives a very negative view of the moors and forests of Elizabethan England. These areas are seen as dangerous and not worth exploring. This is in contrast to the positive view of the wealthy people, prosperous cities, and food of the time.
At what point should a writer introduce evidence in a paragraph?
after making a point

Explanation: There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the specific paragraph and the evidence being introduced. In general, however, a writer should introduce evidence as soon as possible after making a claim, in order to support their argument and convince the reader. This may mean introducing evidence in the form of a quote, statistic, or real-world example.
Read the passage from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. Perhaps the most difficult thing to come to terms with is the scale of death. Influenza, for example, is an affliction which you no doubt have come across. However, you have never encountered anything like Elizabethan flu. It arrives in December 1557 and lasts for eighteen months. In the ten-month period August 1558 to May 1559 the annual death rate almost trebles to 7.2 percent (normally it is 2.5 percent). More than 150,000 people die from itβ€”5 percent of the population. This is proportionally much worse than the great influenza pandemic of 1918-19 (0.53 percent mortality). The evidence in the passage is strong because it
is relevant to the topic.

Explanation: The evidence in the passage is strong because it provides statistics to back up its claims. The passage states that the flu arrived in December 1557 and lasted for eighteen months. In the ten-month period from August 1558 to May 1559, the annual death rate almost tripled to 7.2 percent. This means that more than 150,000 people died from the flu, which was 5 percent of the population. This is proportionally much worse than the great influenza pandemic of 1918-19, which had a mortality rate of 0.53 percent.
Read the beginning of the literary analysis paragraph. The writer has a very accomplished style. His descriptions make the facts more dramatic for the reader. Which sentence would further develop the paragraph by providing evidence to support the point?
The writer repeats the word "deadly" so much that it becomes alarming.

Explanation: The writer's style is very accomplished. He is able to make the facts more dramatic for the reader, which makes his writing more enjoyable.
When a reader evaluates an author's style, the reader
judges it in a careful and thoughtful way.

Explanation: is looking atThere are a few different things that a reader might consider when they are evaluating an author's style. This can include things like the author's word choice, sentence structure, and overall tone. The author's style can give the reader a good sense of their personality and how they view the world. It can also give the reader an idea of what to expect from the author's writing in general.
Read the passage from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. 1.) It is easy to write the line "people starve to death"; it is much harder to deal with the harsh reality. 2.) But you need to understand this point, if only to see how little choice you might have in what you eat. 3.) The itinerant poor might literally die in the street. In what way is the second sentence effective?
It emphasizes why this passage is important to the reader personally.

Explanation: The second sentence is effective in that it drives home the point that people in Elizabethan England had very little choice in what they ate. It also highlights the fact that the poor in this period were often itinerant and might literally die in the street.
Which sentence uses precise, domain-specific wording?
I liked how the author's use of second-person point of view got my attention.

Explanation: Which sentence uses precise, domain-specific wording?The sentence that uses precise, domain-specific wording is The cat slept on the mat.""
To analyze an author's style, which elements should the reader identify? Check all that apply.
point of view tone word choice

Explanation: The reader should identify the author's use of literary devices, sentence structure, and word choice.
Read the sentence. The playwright created a tragedy with nice characterizations. Which underlined word would be the best to replace in order to create more precise wording?

Explanation: The playwright created a tragedy with well-developed characters.
The purpose of adding relevant evidence to a paragraph is to
support a point.

Explanation: Adding evidence to a paragraph is important because it strengthens the argument that the author is trying to make. By including evidence, the author is able to provide support for their claims and make their argument more convincing. In addition, evidence can help to clarify a point that the author is trying to make, or it can provide an example that illustrate the point.