Module 41

29 April 2023
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Which of the following emotional reactions is most likely to precede any conscious thinking? A) love B) regret C) fear D) hatred E) depression
Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system A) slows heart rate and accelerates digestion. B) accelerates heart rate and slows digestion. C) accelerates perspiration and accelerates respiration. D) accelerates heart rate and accelerates digestion. E) slows heart rate and slows digestion.
slows heart rate and accelerates digestion
Research on the accuracy of lie detector tests suggests that they A) are more accurate for men than women. B) are accurate only 50 percent of the time, even when administered by experts. C) are more likely to declare the innocent guilty than to declare the guilty innocent. D) are most accurate when used by researchers than by law enforcement officials. E) are more likely to declare the guilty innocent than to declare the innocent guilty.
are more likely to declare the innocent guilty than to declare the guilty innocent
The basic components of emotion are A) cognition, affect, and behavior. B) physical gestures, facial expressions, and psychological drives. C) physiological reaction, psychological reaction, biopsychosocial reaction. D) expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience. E) sympathetic arousal, parasympathetic inhibition, and cognitive labeling.
expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience
Cassandra's mother told her, "You know you are in love when your heart beats fast and you experience that unique trembling feeling inside." This remark best illustrates the ________ theory of emotion. A) Cannon-Bard B) James-Lange C) two-factor D) adaptation-level E) catharsis
Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty while he was taking a difficult test, Harley concluded that he was "anxious." Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty when an attractive lady asked him to dance, Harley concluded that he was "falling in love." The differing emotions experienced by Harley can best be explained by the A) two-factor theory. B) catharsis hypothesis. C) adaptation-level principle. D) James-Lange theory. E) relative deprivation principle.
two-factor theory
Paul Whalen and his colleagues demonstrated that subliminal exposure to fearful eyes triggered increased activity in the A) medulla. B) hypothalamus. C) cerebellum. D) amygdala. E) hippocampus.
Thaddeus will play a violin solo at his school tomorrow. Which of the following will be true of his musical performance? A) It will be good if his physiological arousal during the performance is very high. B) It will be poor if his physiological arousal during the performance is moderate. C) It will be mediocre if his physiological arousal during the performance is moderate. D) It will be good if his physiological arousal during the performance is moderate. E) It will be good if his physiological arousal during the performance is very low.
It will be good if his physiological arousal during the performance is moderate
One problem with the use of the polygraph for lie detection is that A) innocent people are presumed to be guilty at the very beginning of any lie detector test. B) polygraphs can cause autonomic nerve damage in rare cases. C) polygraph assessments are more expensive than brain scans. D) emotions involve expressive behaviors as well as autonomic nervous system arousal. E) anxiety, irritation, and guilt feelings all prompt similar physiological reactivity.
anxiety, irritation, and guilt feelings all prompt similar physiological reactivity
Polygraphs are designed to measure the changes in breathing, cardiovascular activity, and perspiration that are thought to accompany specific emotions. Which theory of emotion best supports this assumption? A) fight or flight B) Cannon-Bard C) James-Lange D) Schachter-Singer E) opponent-process