10 February 2023
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The objective of a human resource strategy is to A. comply with local and national labor laws. B. manage labor and design jobs so people are effectively and efficiently utilized. C. minimize labor costs. D. avoid the possiblity of workers forming a union.
B. manage labor and design jobs so people are effectively and efficiently utilized`
What term means that both management and employees strive to meet common​ objectives? A. mutual trust B. quality of work life C. mutual commitment D. human resources
C. mutual commitment
Human resource strategy includes the decision areas of A. labor​ planning, scheduling, and labor standards. B. labor​ planning, job​ design, and scheduling. C. labor​ planning, job​ design, and labor standards. D. job​ design, labor​ standards, and scheduling.
C. labor​ planning, job​ design, and labor standards.
Which of the following is NOT one of the constraints on human resource​ strategy? A. Layout decisions influence job content. B. ​Technology, equipment, and processes may have implications for safety and job content. C. The location decision may have an impact on the ambient environment in which the employees work. D. The location decision may determine seasonality and stability of employment.
D. The locations decisions may determine seasonality and stability of employment.
Labor planning is determining staffing policies that deal with all EXCEPT which of the​ following? A. work rules B. work schedules C. employment stability D. quality of work life
D. quality of work life
Which of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. Implementing a flexible workweek often moves employees to​ part-time status. B. Following demand exactly keeps direct labor costs tied to production but incurs other costs. C. Flextime allow​ employees, within​ limits, to determine their own schedules. D. Holding employment levels constant maintains a trained workforce and keeps​ hiring, layoff, and unemployment costs to minimum.
A. implementing a flexible workweek often moves employees to part-time status.
Building morale and meeting staffing requirements that result in an​ efficient, responsive operation are easier if managers​ have: A. more job classifications and fewer​ work-rule constraints. B. more job classifications and more​ work-rule constraints. C. fewer job classifications and fewer​ work-rule constraints. D. fewer job classifications and more​ work-rule constraints.
C. fewer job classifications and fewer work-rule constraints.
A flexible workweek is sometimes called A. a​ part-time workweek. B. a jellyfish workweek. C. a compressed workweek. D. flextime.
C. a compressed workweek
Job enrichment A. includes job enlargement. B. is a concept promoted by Adam Smith and Charles Babbage in books they wrote. C. means the same thing as job rotation. D. includes some of the planning and control necessary for job accomplishment.
D. includes some of the planning and control necessary for job accomplishment.
The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is that A. enriched jobs contain a larger number of similar​ tasks, while enlarged jobs include some of the planning and control necessary for job accomplishment. B. enriched jobs enable an employee to do a number of boring jobs instead of just one. C. enlarged jobs contain a larger number of similar​ tasks, while enriched jobs include some of the planning and control necessary for job accomplishment. D. These terms mean the same thing.
C. enlarged jobs contain a larger number of similar​ tasks, while enriched jobs include some of the planning and control necessary for job accomplishment.
Which of the following is NOT a limitation of job​ expansion? A. individual differences B. lower wage rates C. higher capital cost D. smaller labor pool
B. lower wage rates
Which among the following has the highest level of job expansion along the job design​ continuum? A. specialization B. enrichment C. enlargement D. empowerment
D. empowerment
Ergonomics is the study of A. ergos. B. work. C. the human interface with the environment and machines. D. the management of technology.
C. the human interface with the environment and machines
Which of the following is NOT classified as a​ work-environment factor? A. noise and vibration B. temperature and humidity C. feedback D. illumination
C. Feedback
What term is often substituted for​ "ergonomics?" A. worker economics B. time studies C. human factors D. work environment
C. Human factors
As an example of​ ergonomics, controls and instrumentation in race cars have migrated to A. the steering wheel. B. the floor. C. the windshield. D. the door.
A. the steering wheel.
Methods analysis focuses on A. the design of the machines used to perform a task. B. reducing the number of steps required to perform a task. C. how a task is accomplished. D. the raw materials that are consumed in performing a task.
C. how a task is accomplished.
A flow diagram is A. used to analyze the movement of people or material. B. a chart depicting​ right- and​ left-hand motions. C. used to examine the ergonomics of a job. D. a way of improving utilization of an operator and a machine.
A. used to analyze the movement of people or material
Which of the following uses a variety of visual communication techniques to rapidly communicate information to​ stakeholders? A. ergonomics workplace B. visual workplace C. kanban workplace D. activity charts
B. Visual workplace
The visual workplace uses A. ​high-cost braille devices. B. ​high-cost visual devices. C. ​low-cost braille devices. D. ​low-cost visual devices.
D. low-cost visual devices
The visual workplace A. can eliminate​ value-added activities, and it needs more supervision. B. can eliminate​ non-value-added activities, and it needs more supervision. C. can eliminate​ non-value-added activities, and it needs less supervision. D. can eliminate​ value-added activities, and it needs less supervision.
C. Can eliminate non-value added activities, and if it needs less supervision.
Which of the following statements about the visual workplace is NOT​ correct? A. The visual workplace needs less supervision because employees understand the​ standard, see the​ results, and know what to do. B. The visual workplace can eliminate​ non-value-added activities by making​ standards, problems, and abnormalities visual. C. A visual workplace uses​ low-cost visual devices to share information quickly and accurately. D. ​Well-designed printouts and paperwork root out confusion and replace displays and graphs.
d.Well-designed printouts and paperwork root out confusion and replace displays and graphs.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the ethics in the​ workplace? A. The issues of​ fairness, equity, and ethics in the workplace are pervasive. B. Operations managers are responsible for ensuring safe working​ conditions, while human resource managers ensure equal opportunity. C. ​Management's role is to educate​ employees; specify the necessary​ equipment, work​ rules, and work​ environment; and then enforce those​ requirements, even when employees think it is not necessary to wear safety equipment. D. Human resource and legal departments are available for help and guidance through the labyrinth of laws and regulations.
B. Operations managers are responsible for ensuring safe working​ conditions, while human resource managers ensure equal opportunity.
Management should foster a work environment based on A. intimidation. B. mutual trust and commitment. C. disloyalty. D. nepotism.
B. mutual trust and commitment.