Milady Chapter 2 Review Questions

6 September 2022
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what principles contribute to personal and professional success?
Building self-esteem, visualizing success, building on your strengths, Be kind to yourself, stay true to yourself, practice new behaviors, keep your personal life separate from your work, keep your energy up, respect others, and stay productive.
How do you create a mission statement? ( Give an example.)
Which establishes the purpose and values for which an individual or institution lives and works by. It provides a sense of direction by defining guiding principles and clarifying goals, as well as how an organization operates. Often you will find the mission statement next time you're in a hotel,fast food restaurant, or other service- related business. The mission often becomes more the just a statement. It becomes the cultural pulse for organizations. A well thought-out sense of purpose in the form of a mission statement will also help individuals on their journey to success. Created a mission statement by beginning with your interests. We have created a tool,the interests we have created a tool, the interest self-test , to help you get started. Next try to prepare a mission statement in one or two sentences that communicate who you are and what you want for your life. One example of a simple, yet thoughtful, mission statement is "I am dedicated to pursuing a successful career with dignity, honesty, and integrity." Your mission statement will point you in the right direction and help you feel secure when things temporary go off course. For reinforcement, keep a copy of your mission statement where you can see it, and read it frequently. (example: I am committed to be the best I can be.) (example: I am committed to be the best I can be.)
How do you go about setting long- and short-term goals?
when setting goals categorize them based on the amount of time it takes to accomplish the goals. A example of a short terms goal is to get through an exam successfully. Another short-term goal is to graduate from cosmetology school. Short-term goals are usually those to be accomplished in a year or less. Long-term goals are measured in a larger increment of time such as two years, five years ten years or even longer. An example of a long term goal is becoming a salon owner in five years. Once you have organized your thoughts, write them down in short-term and long-term columns and divide each set of goals into workable segments. Now the goals will not seem out of sight or overwhelming. For example, if you are a part-time cosmetology student, one of your long-term goal should be to become a licensed cosmetologist. At first, getting this license might seem to require an overwhelming amount of time, and effort. However when larger aspersions are divided into short-term goals (such as going to class on time, completing homework assignment, and mastering techniques), each step leads to the accomplishment of a larger goal. Remember to set feasible goals, to create a plan of action, and to revisit the plan. While adjusting goals and actions plans may be necessary from time to time,successful people know that focusing on their goals will move them toward additional success.
what are some of the most effective ways to manage time?
Learn to prioritize by ordering task on your to do list from least from most important. When designing your time management system, make sure it will work for you. For example, if you are a person who needs a fair amount of flexibility, schedule some blocks of unstructured time. Never take on more than you can handle. Learn to say "no" firmly but kindly and mean it it will be easier to complete tasks in activities like are limited. Learn problem-solving techniques that will save you time and needless frustration. Give yourself some downtime whenever you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, worried,or feeling guilty. You lose valuable time energy when you are in a negative state of mind. Unfortunately,there are may be situations where you cannot get up and walk away. To handle theses difficult times, try practicing the technique of deep breathing. Just gill your lungs as much as you can and exhale slowly. After about five to ten breaths you will usually find that you have calmed down and your inner balance has been restored. Have a notepad, organizer,tablet, or other digital application accessible at all times. Make daily,weekly, and monthly schedules that show exam times, study sessions, and any other regular commitments. Plan leisure time around theses commitments rather than the other way around. Identify times during the day when you are energetic and times when you wanted or needed to relax. Plan your schedule accordingly. Reward yourself with special treats or activity for work well done and efficient time management. Do not neglect physical activity. Remember that exercise and recreation stimulate clear thinking. Schedule at least one block of free time each day. This will be your hedge against events that happen unexpectedly, such as car trouble, baby-sitting problem, helping a friend in need, or other unforeseen circumstances. Understand the value of to-do list for the day and the week. Theses list help prioritize tasks and activities, a key element to organizing time effectively. Make effective time management a habit.
How do you describe good study skills
If you find studying overwhelming, focus on the small tasks one at a time . For example, instead of trying to study for three hours at a time, set the bar lower by standing in smaller chucks of time. if your mind tends to wander in class, try writing down key word or phase as your instructor discuss them. Any time you lose focus, do not hesitate to stay after class and ask questions based your notes. another study tip is to find other students who are helpful and supportive. studying in groups can bring positive results for everyone including improved study skills and a better understanding of the materials. Part of developing good study habits is knowing where, when, and how to study. Where : establish a comfortable, quit place to study without interruptions. Have a everything you need books, pens, paper, proper lighting prior to studying. When : start out by estimating how much study time you need. Study when you feel most energetic and motivated. Practice effective time management by studying during blocks of time that would otherwise be wasted such as while you are waiting in the the doctor's office or taking a bus across town. How : study just one section of a chapter at a time and review key points. This method is more effective than reading the entire chapter at once. Highlight key words and phrases as you go along. Test yourself on each section to ensure that you understand the information.
what is the definition of ethics?
The moral principles by which we live and work
What are the characteristics of a healthy, positive attitude?
Diplomacy, Pleasing tone of voice, emotional stability, sensitivity, values and goals, receptivity, effective communication of skills.