Medieval Europe: Challenges In Late Medieval Times Quiz

6 September 2022
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What is one similarity between the famine and plague of the 1300s? Both lowered the population of Europe. Both were caused by weather changes. Both lowered food supplies in Europe. Both were caused by social unrest.
Both lowered the population of Europe
How did the Great Famine affect Europeans' health? It led to bubonic plague. It led to starvation. It led to food poisoning. It led to pneumonic plague.
It led to starvation.
How did trade contribute to the spread of the plague in the 1300s? Trading vessels from the Americas brought the plague to London, where it spread across Europe. Trading caravans from Mongolia brought the plague to Rome, where it spread across Europe. Trading caravans from Russia brought the plague to Barcelona, where it spread across Europe. Trading vessels from China brought the plague to Sicily, where it spread across Europe.
Trading vessels from China brought the plague to Sicily, where it spread across Europe.
In the 1300s, Jews were often blamed for causing the plague and were forced to leave the continent. were tried by juries and imprisoned. were forced to convert to Christianity. were persecuted and murdered.
were persecuted and murdered.
What was one cause of the Hundred Years' War? King Edward III claimed the French throne. King Phillip VI claimed the English throne. King Charles VII claimed the English throne. King Henry V claimed the French throne.
King Edward III claimed the French throne.
This graph shows the death rate of the bubonic plague in Europe during the 1300s. Based on the graph, approximately how many people who got bubonic plague died from it? about 1 in 2 about 1 in 3 about 1 in 4 about 1 in 5
about 1 in 2
How did the Hundred Years' War affect standing armies? It increased their power. It reduced their power. It gave their power to nobles. It gave them intermittent power.
It increased their power.
What was one effect of the Hundred Years' War? the destruction of French towns and farms the destruction of English castles and cities higher death rates and a lower life expectancy higher prices and a loss of economic power
the destruction of French towns and farms
How did advances in weaponry during the Hundred Years' War contribute to the end of the Middle Ages? Advanced weapons led to stronger monarchies and a weaker aristocracy. Advanced weapons led to a stronger aristocracy and weaker armies. Advanced weapons led to stronger armies and weaker monarchies. Advanced weapons led to a stronger peasant class and weaker armies.
Advanced weapons led to stronger monarchies and a weaker aristocracy.
Peasants gained power during the Hundred Years' War by fighting in the English army. growing food for French soldiers. attacking the English monarchy. spying on French troops.
fighting in the English army.