Media 1 - Chapter 10 (Books)

1 September 2022
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Rules of punctuation, capitalization, and spacing of written words were developed ______. -during the Middle Ages by scribes -in 1452 by printer Johannes Gutenberg -in the 1500s for the publication of Canterbury Tales -in the ninth century by Wang Chieh for the Diamond Sutra -during the Renaissance by Leonardo DaVinci
during the Middle Ages by scribes.
Which of the following is the oldest printed book still in existence? -The Gutenberg Bible -The Bay Psalm Book -Wang Chieh's Diamond Sutra -Plato's Republic -Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Wang Chieh's Diamond Sutra
Johannes Gutenberg is remembered for ______. -inventing paper -developing the printing press -inventing the codex -translating the Canterbury Tales into English -translating the Bible into English
Developing the printing press
Which of the following did the linotype do? -Engrave photographs -Add color to the printed page -Power the press by electricity -Set type mechanically -Type lines underneath printed words
Set type mechanically
An adult trade book is ______. -a novel of a pornographic nature -any hardbound or paperback book, fiction or nonfiction, aimed at the general adult reader -a type of book that targets various occupational groups and is not intended for the general consumer market -a type of book typically used in the classroom setting as students learn about a specific topic -in the category of books that includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and almanacs
any hardbound or paperback book, fiction or nonfiction, aimed at the general adult reader.
Many movies have been inspired by comics and graphic novels because ______. -the movie industry wants to appeal to an older, more literary audience -they are all about warriors and superheroes -they have strong stories and visual narratives -they are all about regular mortals -All of the above.
they have strong stories and visual narratives.
Pocket Books revolutionized the paperback industry by ______. -cutting the standard book price to twenty-five cents -raising the quality of the books by using better paper -making the pages and the font bigger -stapling rather than gluing the binding -selling books online
cutting the standard book price to twenty-five cents.
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Memorial,' published in 1945, is an example of which type of book? -Religious -Graphic novel -Instant book -Reference -Fiction
Instant book
The Encyclopaedia Britannica fell on hard times in the 1990s because ______. -of competition from electronic encyclopedias -its scholarship was considered inferior to that of other encyclopedias -other encyclopedias were cheaper and better -it no longer had a sales force -None of the above.
of competition from electronic encyclopedias
Numerous books became best-sellers after their authors appeared on __________. -Inside Edition -Home Improvement -Oprah -C-SPAN's Booknotes program -ABC's 20/20
What are two major facets of the relationship between books and television? -The ability of book authors to become TV stars and TV stars to write books -That TV can help sell books and that books serve as ideas for TV shows -That television shows often give authors ideas for books but books are never a source of inspiration for TV shows -That books need to be advertised on television and TV shows need to be talked about in books in order for either industry to be profitable -None of the above
That TV can help sell books and that books serve as ideas for TV shows
______ made one of the first portable electronic reading devices. -Sony -Amazon -Apple -Barnes & Noble -Borders
According to the textbook, which of the following statements is most likely true about the future of e-books? -The sales of e-books will probably level off at 5 percent of U.S. book sales. -The sales of e-books will likely drop as the fad passes. -Over half of all U.S. book sales will be e-books by 2015. -Over half of all U.S. book sales will be e-books by 2017. -Publishers will probably stop producing print books by 2012.
-Over half of all U.S. book sales will be e-books by 2017.
Millions of library books are deteriorating because ______. -there is too much humidity in library buildings -the ink used in printing the books is eating through the paper -the glue holding the books together is drying out -the books were printed on acid-based paper, which is turning brittle -nobody wants to take care of them
the books were printed on acid-based paper, which is turning brittle.
The rights to use the contents of a book in another form, such as a screenplay, are called ______. -royalties -residuals -subsidiary rights -an advance -bonus money
subsidiary rights
Publishers employ ______ to seek out and sign authors to contracts. -copy editors -acquisitions editors -book agents -developmental editors -sales representatives
acquisitions editors
What do Das Kapital, The Satanic Verses, and The Autobiography of Malcolm X have in common? -They were written by the same author. -They were originally published in Latin. -They were the first books made into e-books. -They all had trouble finding a publisher. -They were all banned at one time or another.
They were all banned at one time or another.
What is the name of the project that has many libraries and companies like Google and Amazon are joining forces to digitize millions of books with expired copyrights? -Apple -The Open Content Alliance -The Association of American Publishers -The Digital Public Library of America -Google
The Digital Public Library of America
Which sector of the book industry makes the most money? -Reference books -Mass market paperbacks -Trade books -Textbooks -Religious books
Trade books
Which of the following statements about the early American ''prestigious'' publishing houses is true? -They developed rapidly during the eighteenth century with printers like Benjamin Franklin. -For almost a century, there was only one major publishing house that was broken apart by antitrust laws. -The first American publishing houses were founded between 1900 and 1910. -The oldest and most prestigious American publishing houses are all now part of major media conglomerates. -All of the above.
The oldest and most prestigious American publishing houses are all now part of major media conglomerates.