Chapter 52 Group Assignment: Terrestrial Biomes & Aquatic Biomes

25 July 2022
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What are the two major factors determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes?
temperature and rainfall *These are the two major factors that determine the distribution of terrestrial biomes.*
Which of these biomes is characterized by little rainfall?
desert *Deserts are characterized by levels of rainfall less than 30 cm per year.*
Which of these is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth?
coniferous forest *Coniferous forests are the largest terrestrial biome on Earth. However, as a result of logging, they are disappearing at a very rapid rate.*
Which biome is characterized by an extensive canopy that allows little light to penetrate to the ground and by the presence of epiphytes?
tropical rainforest *Two of the characteristics of a tropical rain forest are the presence of epiphytes and an extensive canopy that allows little light to penetrate to the ground.*
Which biome is characterized by the presence of permafrost?
tundra *Permafrost, permanently frozen subsoil, is a characteristic of tundra.*
Which of these is characteristic of the photic zone of a freshwater biome?
the presence of algae *"Photic" means light, and light encourages the growth of photosynthetic organisms.*
The benthic zone of aquatic environments is defined as the _____.
substrate at the bottom of the body of water *This is the definition of the benthic zone.*
The _____ biome is the largest of Earth's biomes.
marine *The marine biome is the largest of Earth's biomes.*
A(n) _____ is a region where fresh water and salt water mix.
estuary *Estuaries are regions where fresh water and salty marine water mix.*
Aquatic biomes can be distinguished by chemical characteristics such as dissolved oxygen content and salinity and by physical characteristics such as water flow. Which five of the following statements about aquatic biomes are true? A freshwater organism permanently attached to the substrate would be unlikely to survive and reproduce in an estuary. Wetlands have slow water movement or no water movement and no turnover. Tropical coral reefs generally exist in relatively shallow areas of the ocean. Temperature drives water movement in some lakes. All wetlands have soils that dry out periodically. The lowest levels of dissolved oxygen in a stream are generally found in its turbulent headwaters. Estuaries are very productive and are used as breeding grounds by many species of fish.
A freshwater organism permanently attached to the substrate would be unlikely to survive and reproduce in an estuary. Wetlands have slow water movement or no water movement and no turnover. Tropical coral reefs generally exist in relatively shallow areas of the ocean. Temperature drives water movement in some lakes. Estuaries are very productive and are used as breeding grounds by many species of fish. *Freshwater aquatic biomes include lakes, rivers, and wetlands with salinity less than 1%, whereas oceans are marine biomes, with an average salinity of 3.5%. The salinity of an estuary can range from less than 1% to over 3.5%, depending on river flow, tides, and proximity to the ocean. Of the freshwater biomes, streams are marked by their current, whereas lakes and wetlands are standing bodies of water.*
Zones in lakes and oceans are delineated by depth, distance from shore, or light penetration. Different zones have different physical and chemical characteristics, such as temperature and salinity. Label the diagrams of zonation in lakes and oceans. Drag the labels to their correct targets on the diagrams below. Use the pink labels for the pink targets and the blue labels for the blue targets.
a.) freshwater plants may be rooted here b.) littoral zone c.) limnetic zone d.) alternately dry and submerged e.) extends to edge of the continental shelf f.) generally low nutrient levels g.) light penetrates here h.) no photosynthesis occurs here i.) benthic zone *Light is one of the factors used to define zones in lakes and oceans. All surface waters have a photic zone, where enough sunlight penetrates to support photosynthesis. Oceans and deep lakes also have an aphotic zone, where there is insufficient light for photosynthesis. The benthic zone is the bottom of a lake or ocean. Lakes and oceans are also divided into zones based on distance from shore. Lakes have a littoral zone near shore and a limnetic zone farther from shore. In an ocean, the intertidal zone is alternately submerged and dry during high and low tides, respectively; the neritic zone is near shore, extending from the intertidal zone to the edge of the continental shelf; and the oceanic zone is farthest from shore and therefore does not receive much of the nutrient load from rivers that flow into the ocean.*
In many temperate lakes, thermal energy from sunlight causes changes in the temperature of surface waters. These changes initiate a turnover, a mixing of waters that occurs in spring and fall. Water circulates from the surface of a lake to its bottom and back. Determine the correct order of events involved in seasonal turnover.
a. surface water warms to 4 C and sinks b. water mixes, bringing oxygen to the bottom and nutrients to the surface c. warm surface water is separated from cooler bottom water by thermocline d. surface water cools to 4 C and sinks e. water mixes, bringing oxygen to the bottom and nutrients to the surface *The following diagram illustrates seasonal turnover in a lake. Note that in winter and summer, the lake is thermally stratified, which means that there are different temperatures at different depths. Turnover in spring and fall eliminates the thermal stratification.*