Mastering Biology 11

24 July 2022
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Which of the following is the correct sequence of these events in the origin of life? I. formation of protobionts II. synthesis of organic monomers III. synthesis of organic polymers IV. formation of DNA-based genetic systems a) III, II, I, IV b) I, II, III, IV c) I, III, II, IV d) IV, III, I, II e) II, III, I, IV
e) II, III, I, IV
Which is a defining characteristic that all protobionts had in common? a) RNA genes b) a nucleus c) the ability to synthesize enzymes d) the ability to replicate RNA e) a surrounding membrane or membrane-like structure
e) a surrounding membrane or membrane-like structure
RNA molecules can both carry genetic information and be catalytic. This supports the proposal that a) free nucleotides would not have been necessary ingredients in the synthesis of new RNA molecules. b) protobionts had an RNA membrane. c) RNA is a polymer of amino acids. d) RNA was the first hereditary information. e) RNA could make energy.
d) RNA was the first hereditary information.
Approximately how far back in time does the fossil record extend? a) 3,500,000,000 years b) 5,000,000,000,000 years c) 6,000,000 years d) 3,500,000 years e) 6,000 years
a) 3,500,000,000 years
An early consequence of the release of oxygen gas by plant and bacterial photosynthesis was to a) prevent the formation of an ozone layer. b) make it easier to maintain reduced molecules. c) change the atmosphere from oxidizing to reducing. d) cause iron in ocean water and terrestrial rocks to rust (oxidize). e) make life on land difficult for aerobic organisms.
d) cause iron in ocean water and terrestrial rocks to rust (oxidize).
Which free-living cells were the earliest contributors to the formation of Earth's oxidizing atmosphere? a) chloroplasts b) mitochondria c) endosymbionts d) seaweeds e) cyanobacteria
e) cyanobacteria
Which of the following statements provides the strongest evidence that prokaryotes evolved before eukaryotes? a) meteorites that have struck Earth b) abiotic laboratory experiments that produced liposomes c) Liposomes closely resemble prokaryotic cells. d) the primitive structure of plants e) The oldest fossilized cells resemble prokaryotes.
e) The oldest fossilized cells resemble prokaryotes.
What is thought to be the correct sequence of these events, from earliest to most recent, in the evolution of life on Earth? 1. origin of mitochondria 2. origin of multicellular eukaryotes 3. origin of chloroplasts 4. origin of cyanobacteria 5. origin of fungal-plant symbioses a) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 b) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5 c) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 d) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 e) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
d) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
Penicillin is an antibiotic that inhibits enzymes from catalyzing the synthesis of peptidoglycan, so which prokaryotes should be most vulnerable to inhibition by penicillin? a) gram-positive bacteria b) archaea c) mycoplasmas d) gram-negative bacteria e) endospore-bearing bacteria
a) gram-positive bacteria
Which two structures play direct roles in permitting bacteria to adhere to each other, or to other surfaces? 1. capsules 2. endospores 3. fimbriae 4. plasmids 5. flagella a) 3 and 4 b) 3 and 5 c) 1 and 2 d) 1 and 3 e) 2 and 3
d) 1 and 3
The typical prokaryotic flagellum features a) a complex "motor" embedded in the cell wall and plasma membrane. b) an internal 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules. c) a basal body that is similar in structure to the cell's centrioles. d) an external covering provided by the plasma membrane.
a) a complex "motor" embedded in the cell wall and plasma membrane.
Match the numbered terms to the descriptions that follow. For each item, choose all appropriate terms, but only appropriate terms. 1. autotroph 2. heterotroph 3. phototroph 4. chemotroph an organism that obtains its energy from chemicals a) 3 only b) 1 and 4 c) 1 only d) 4 only e) 2 only
d) 4 only
Match the numbered terms to the descriptions that follow. For each item, choose all appropriate terms, but only appropriate terms. 1. autotroph 2. heterotroph 3. phototroph 4. chemotroph a prokaryote that obtains both energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms a) 1, 3, and 4 b) 2 and 4 c) 4 only d) 1 only e) 1 and 3
b) 2 and 4
Protists are alike in that all are a) monophyletic. b) eukaryotic. c) symbionts. d) autotrophic. e) unicellular.
b) eukaryotic
According to the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells, how did mitochondria originate? a) from infoldings of the plasma membrane, coupled with mutations of genes for proteins in energy-transfer reactions b) by secondary endosymbiosis c) when a protoeukaryote engaged in a symbiotic relationship with a protobiont d) from engulfed, originally free-living prokaryotes e) from the nuclear envelope folding outward and forming mitochondrial membranes
d) from engulfed, originally free-living prokaryotes
Which taxon of eukaryotic organisms is thought to be directly ancestral to the plant kingdom? a) foraminiferans b) apicomplexans c) green algae d) radiolarians e) golden algae
c) green algae
As a group, fungi are _____. a) photoautotrophs b) decomposers c) herbivores d) carnivores e) chemoautotrophs
b) decomposers
Fungi release digestive enzymes into their _____. a) surroundings b) gastrovascular cavity c) stomach d) hyphae e) mycelia
a) surroundings
Basidia produce spores by a process known as _____. a) decomposition b) mitosis c) meiosis d) hyphae e) binary fission
c) meiosis
Which of the following do all fungi have in common? a) absorption of nutrients b) symbioses with algae c) meiosis in basidia d) sexual life cycle e) coenocytic hyphae
a) absorption of nutrients
What is the primary role of a mushroom's underground mycelium? a) protection b) anchoring c) sexual reproduction d) asexual reproduction e) absorbing nutrients
e) absorbing nutrients
In most fungi, karyogamy does not immediately follow plasmogamy, which consequently a) allows fungi to reproduce asexually most of the time. b) results in heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells. c) means that sexual reproduction can occur in specialized structures. d) is strong support for the claim that fungi are not truly eukaryotic. e) results in multiple diploid nuclei per cell.
b) results in heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells.
Fungi produce _____ spores. a) dikaryotic b) heterokaryotic c) haploid d) diploid e) triploid
c) haploid
Karyogamy produces a _____. a) diploid zygote b) haploid zygote c) spores d) mycelium e) hypha
a) diploid zygote
Which of these contains two haploid nuclei? a) the heterokaryotic stage of the fungal life cycle b) zygote c) spore-producing structures d) mycelium e) hypha
a) the heterokaryotic stage of the fungal life cycle
Zygosporangia are _____. a) diploid b) haploid c) heterokaryotic d) haplodiploid e) either haploid or diploid, depending on the type of fungus
c) heterokaryotic
Cup fungi are in the phylum _____. a) Zygomycota b) Chytridomycota c) Ascomycota d) Chordata e) Basidiomycota
c) Ascomycota
In sac fungi, karyogamy and meiosis occur in _____. a) ascospores b) antheridia c) asci d) ascogonia e) basidia
c) asci
A nucleus within an ascus undergoes meiosis, producing four haploid spores, which then undergo mitosis, producing eight haploid ascospores. These haploid ascospores contain a maximum of _____ different genetic types. a) one b) two c) three d) four e) five
d) four
In club fungi, karyogamy and meiosis occur in _____. a) basidiospores b) basidia c) ovule d) asci e) zygotes
b) basidia
What are the sporangia of the bread mold Rhizopus? a) vegetative structures with no role in reproduction b) sexual structures that produce diploid spores c) sexual structures that produce haploid spores d) asexual structures that produce haploid spores e) asexual structures that produce diploid spores
d) asexual structures that produce haploid spores
The gray-black, filamentous, haploid mycelium growing on bread is most likely what kind of organism? a) zygomycete b) basidiomycete c) chytrid d) deuteromycete e) ascomycete
a) zygomycete
Mushrooms with gills have meiotically produced spores located in or on a) zygosporangia. b) basidia. c) asci. d) conidiophores. e) soredia.
b) basidia
Lichens sometimes reproduce asexually using a) small clusters of fungal hyphae surrounding photosynthetic cells. b) specialized conidiophores. c) coenocytic fungal hyphae located within photosynthetic cells. d) the fruiting bodies of fungi. e) flagellated, conjoined spores of both the fungus and alga.
a) small clusters of fungal hyphae surrounding photosynthetic cells.
Which of the following best describes the physical relationship of the partners involved in lichens? a) Fungal cells are enclosed within algal cells. b) Algal cells and fungal cells mix together without any apparent structure. c) Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae. d) Lichen cells are enclosed within fungal cells. e) The fungi grow on rocks and trees and are covered by algae.
c) Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae.
The photosynthetic symbiont of a lichen is often a(n) a) ascomycete. b) green alga. c) small vascular plant. d) moss. e) brown alga.
b) green alga