Mastering A&P HW #8

24 July 2022
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Which vessel delivers nutrient-rich blood to the liver from the digestive tract? central vein hepatic vein hepatic portal vein inferior vena cava
hepatic portal vein All blood from the digestive organs as well as the spleen is delivered to the liver in the hepatic portal vein before being returned to the general circulation.
What is a major function of pancreatic juice? a. neutralizing chyme entering the small intestine from the stomach b. acidifying the contents of the small intestine c. acidifying the contents of the stomach d. emulsifying fats by breaking them into smaller pieces
a Pancreatic juice contains bicarbonate (as baking soda does) that can neutralize the pH of acidic chyme coming from the stomach.
ART BASED QUESTION label the bile duct gallbladder liver pancreas cystic duct common hepatic duct pancreatic duct duodenum
it's the same photo that's the cover slide of Chapter 23.3
Bile is secreted by the __________ under hormonal influence of __________. gallbladder; CCK liver; secretin pancreas; secretin small intestine; CCK
liver; secretin The liver secretes bile, especially when influenced hormonally by secretin.
Which of the following is NOT a secretion of the pancreas? insulin nutrient enzymes bicarbonate bile
bile Bile is secreted by the liver.
What structural modification of the small intestine slows the movement of chyme through the lumen? villi circular folds intestinal crypts microvilli
circular folds The circular folds of the small intestine help slow the progress of food through the intestine so that it can be digested and absorbed more effectively. These folds also increase surface area and help mix chyme.
Which cells in the small intestine's mucosa secrete mucus? enteroendocrine cells Paneth cells goblet cells absorptive cells
goblet cells Goblet cells, which secrete mucus and are found in several areas of the digestive tract, are located on the villi of the small intestine.
Which of these best describes a lacteal? a. a lymphatic vessel designed to help introduce fats to the blood b. special capillaries in the villi designed for absorbing food effectively c. a deep pocket in the intestinal wall where endocrine and antimicrobial cells are located d. a projection of the small intestine wall designed to increase surface area
a Lacteals are lymphatic vessels located in the intestinal villi. Their ability to accept large materials makes them helpful in transporting large fat particles (called chylomicrons) into the lymph and eventually the bloodstream.
The __________ is the first segment of the small intestine. colon ileum duodenum jejunum
Which other organ can affect small-intestine motility? pancreas large intestine stomach mouth
stomach As the stomach releases its contents into the small intestines, that can affect the motility of the small intestines.
Which of the following propels food residue over large areas of the colon three to four times a day? haustral contractions Valsalva's maneuver mass movement defecation reflex
mass movement Mass movement propels food residue over large areas of the colon three to four times a day. The defecation reflex occurs when the rectal wall stretches as mass movements force feces into it.
Which of the following is the primary physiological function of the large intestine? a. water absorption and feces elimination b. primary digestion of food c. mechanical breakdown of food d. nutrient absorption
water absorption and feces elimination Water absorption and feces elimination are the primary physiological functions of the large intestine. The large intestine also provides a transport route and a surface for healthful bacteria.
ART BASED QUESTION label the appendix teniae coli ileocecal valve haustrum epiploic appendages right colic flexure left colic flexure cecum transverse colon rectum anal canal sigmoid colon ileum descending colon ascending colon
Figure 23.31A
Carbohydrates are digested into __________. nucleotides amino acids monosaccharides glycerol
Monosaccharides are sugars, the building blocks of carbohydrates such as starch or glycogen.
Which of the following are NOT correctly matched? a. protease: lipid digestion b. lipase: fat digestion c. amylase: carbohydrate digestion d. nuclease: DNA and RNA digestion
a Proteases digest proteins.
Which enzyme(s) is/are responsible for the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates? amylases nuclease proteases trypsin
Amylases hydrolyze carbohydrate chains.
ART BASED QUESTION label the ileum duodenum mouth jejunum esophagus liver gallbladder
Figure 23.1
Which of the following is NOT a structural modification of the small intestine that increases surface area? villi circular folds microvilli rugae
Rugae Rugae are a structural modification that allow expansion of the stomach wall.
Most absorption of nutrients occurs in the __________. duodenum jejunum stomach large intestine
jejunum As digesting foods make their way through the jejunum, the majority of nutrients are absorbed at this time.