Management Chapter 12

30 August 2022
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According to James Kouzes and Barry Posner, the best leaders: A. seldom show appreciation. B. stick to conventional practices. C. simply tell followers what to do. D. inspire a shared vision. E. often use punishments to motivate others.
D According to James Kouzes and Barry Posner, the best leaders challenge the process, inspire a shared vision, enable others to act, model the way, and encourage the heart.
Which of the following best describes a vision as it pertains to leadership? A. A plan to make an effective financial turnaround B. A mental image of a future state of an organization C. An image that people have of an organization D. An operational plan for a specific department E. A leader's plan for accomplishing his personal goals
B A vision is a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization. It expresses the leader's ambitions for the organization.
Which of the following statements is true of organizational visions? A. Visions can exist only at the top of the organization. B. Visions primarily focus on performance and day-to-day survival. C. A person can develop a vision for any task. D. A vision is optional for effective leadership. E. A vision is still meaningful without any additional action.
C Visions can be small or large and can exist throughout all organizational levels. The important points are that (1) a vision is necessary for effective leadership; (2) a person or team can develop a vision for any job, work unit, or organization; and (3) many people, including managers who do not develop into strong leaders, fail to develop a clear vision and instead focus on performing or surviving day by day. Additionally, the vision means nothing until the leader and followers take action to turn the vision into reality.
Visions can be inappropriate, or fail, when they: A. are unique and challenging. B. fail to motivate all members of the organization to the same extent. C. reflect only the leaders' needs. D. are focused on long-term benefits. E. may take a couple of years to become feasible.
C An inappropriate vision may reflect merely the leader's personal needs. Such a vision can be unethical, or it may fail because of lack of acceptance by the market or by those who must implement it.
Supervisory leadership is best described as behavior that: A. provides support and corrective day-to-day feedback. B. gives purpose and meaning to the organization. C. involves envisioning and creating a positive future. D. involves anticipation of changes. E. creates collaboration with others to initiate changes.
A Supervisory leadership is behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for day-to-day activities. Strategic leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations. Strategic leadership involves anticipating and envisioning a viable future for the organization, and working with others to initiate changes that create such a future.
_____ leadership refers to leadership behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for the day-to-day activities of work unit members. A. Strategic B. Supervisory C. Autocratic D. Charismatic E. Pseudotransformational
B Supervisory leadership is behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for day-to-day activities. Strategic leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations.
Strategic leadership primarily gives: A. support and corrective feedback. B. purpose and meaning to organizations. C. financial support for plans. D. guidance and prepares followers. E. day-to-day coaching.
B Strategic leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations. Strategic leadership involves anticipating and envisioning a viable future for the organization, and working with others to initiate changes that create such a future.
_____ leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations while envisioning and creating a positive future. A. Strategic B. Supervisory C. Operational D. Pseudotransformational E. Autocratic
A Strategic leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations. Strategic leadership involves anticipating and envisioning a viable future for the organization and working with others to initiate changes that create such a future.
Which of the following refers to the ability to influence others, which in an organizational setup means the ability to get things done or accomplish one's goals despite resistance from others? A. Cohesion B. Wisdom C. Vision D. Courage E. Power
E Central to effective leadership is power, the ability to influence other people. In organizations, this influence often means the ability to get things done or accomplish one's goals despite resistance from others.
_____ power is dominant when subordinates are obliged to comply by virtue of a boss's authority. A. Legitimate B. Reward C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert
A The leader with legitimate power has the right, or the authority, to tell others what to do; employees are obligated to comply with legitimate orders.
_____ power is held by a manager who has control over the size of an employee's raise. A. Legitimate B. Reward C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert
B The leader who has reward power influences others because he or she controls valued rewards; people comply with the leader's wishes to receive those rewards.
Managers at Top-Tech Inc. determined that there would be no end-of-year bonuses due to predicted leveling of sales. Perry, a department manager, let his staff know that even high-performing employees would not get bonuses this year. This change limits Perry's _____ power. A. legitimate B. reward C. coercive D. referent E. expert
B The leader who has reward power influences others because she controls valued rewards; people comply with the leader's wishes to receive those rewards. If company policy dictates that everyone receive the same salary increase, a leader's reward power decreases because he or she is unable to give higher raises.
Which of the following types of power is most dominant when a leader utilizes his or her ability to control punishments? A. Legitimate power B. Reward power C. Coercive power D. Referent power E. Expert power
C A leader with coercive power has control over punishments; people comply to avoid those punishments.
Kelly, a manager at a restaurant, has the responsibility of scheduling workers and assigning projects during each shift. Employees who have performed poorly are often scheduled for the unpopular weekend shifts and the worst shift duties. In order to avoid this, most employees try to perform well. In this case, Kelly seems to use a high degree of _____ power. A. legitimate B. negative C. coercive D. referent E. expert
C A leader with coercive power has control over punishments; people comply to avoid those punishments.
Referent power is described as the power that exists through having ____. A. control over punishments B. control over rewards C. the authority to tell others what to do D. expertise E. appealing personal characteristics
E A leader with referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to others; people comply because of admiration, personal liking, a desire for approval, or a desire to be like the leader.
Which of the following sources of power is most dominant when a leader is followed due to his or her charisma? A. Legitimate power B. Reward power C. Coercive power D. Referent power E. Expert power
D The leader with referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to others; people comply because of admiration, personal liking, a desire for approval, or a desire to be like the leader. For example, young, ambitious managers might emulate the work habits and personal style of a successful, charismatic executive.
At an architecture firm where Jamie works, her manager is a personable and likable person who is quite popular. Jamie has said that if she were the manager, she would manage just as he does, and she likes working with him. This manager seems to have a high degree of _____ power. A. legitimate B. reward C. coercive D. referent E. expert
D A leader with referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to others; people comply because of admiration, personal liking, a desire for approval, or a desire to be like the leader.
Which type of power is dominant when a leader is respected for his knowledge? A. Legitimate power B. Reward power C. Coercive power D. Referent power E. Expert power
E A leader who has expert power has certain expertise or knowledge; people comply because they believe in, can learn from, or can otherwise gain from that expertise.
Which of the following forms of power is being used when a sales manager gives his salespeople some tips on how to close a deal, and the salespeople then alter their sales techniques because they respect the manager's proficiency? A. Coercive power B. Legitimate power C. Professional power D. Referent power E. Expert power
E A leader who has expert power has certain expertise or knowledge; people comply because they believe in, can learn from, or can otherwise gain from that expertise. For example, a sales manager gives his salespeople some tips on how to close a deal. The salespeople then alter their sales techniques because they respect the manager's expertise.