ISM 3011 Ch 3 Quiz

25 July 2022
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The ____ component is responsible for data storage, manipulation, and retrieval. a. data definition b. data administration c. application generation d. database engine
database engine
Explanation: The database engine is responsible for data storage, manipulation, and retrieval. It is the component that actually stores the data in the database, and it is responsible for manipulating the data according to the instructions of the application or user.
The ____ dimension of big data refers to the sheer quantity of transactions, measured by petabytes or exabytes. a. viscosity b. volume c. variety d. velocity
Explanation: The volume dimension of big data refers to the sheer quantity of transactions, measured by petabytes or exabytes.
Which of the following statements is true of data marts and data warehouses? a. consolidating information from different departments is easier in data marts than in data warehouses b. data marts have more extended scope than data warehouses c. access to data is often slower in data marts than in data warehouses d. despite being smaller, data marts can usually perform the same type of analysis as data warehouses.
despite being smaller, data marts can usually perform the same type of analysis as data warehouses
Which of the following factors has made big data analytics accessible to nearly all types of organizations? a. significant improvements in storage technology b. flat file organization of data c. significant increase in costs d. increase in the volume of business data
significant improvements in storage technology
Explanation: One of the main reasons big data analytics has become accessible to nearly all types of organizations is due to the significant improvements in storage technology. In the past, data was often stored in flat file formats, which made it difficult to analyze. However, newer storage technologies make it possible to store data in more accessible formats, which makes it much easier to perform big data analytics. Additionally, the costs of big data analytics have also decreased significantly, making it more affordable for organizations of all sizes.
____ is information in its original form. a. summary data b. raw data c. paradata d. metadata
raw data
Explanation: Raw data is information in its original form. This data has not been processed or analyzed in any way and is often unorganized. Summary data is a condensed version of raw data that includes only the most important information. Paradata is data about data, such as when it was collected and by whom. Metadata is data that describes other data, such as how it is organized or what it represents.
Which of the following is true of big data? a. it is a consequence of geometric decay of data in data warehouses b. it can be efficiently processed and manage by conventional computing methods c. its three dimensions are value, density, and uniformity d. it is a result of exponential growth of data in both public and private organizations
it is a result of exponential growth of data in both public and private organizations
In a relational model, the rows are called attributes and the columns are called tuples. T/F
False in a relational model, rows are records (tuples) and columns are fields
Explanation: False. In a relational model, the columns are called attributes and the rows are called tuples.
The database component of an information system can generate sufficient business intelligence by accessing just the internal data of an organization. T/F
False to generate business intelligence, the database component of an information system needs access to two types of data: internal and external
Explanation: False. The database component of an information system can generate business intelligence by accessing both the internal and external data of an organization.
In the context of data administration component, the acronym CRUD sands for copy, revise, undo, and define. T/F
False CRUD stands for create, read, update, and delete
Explanation: The acronym CRUD stands for create, read, update, and delete. These are the four basic operations that are typically performed on data in a database.
Although a database can consist of only a single file, it is usually a group of files. T/F
Explanation: A database can consist of only a single file, but it is usually a group of files. This is because a database typically contains a lot of data, and it is more efficient to store this data in multiple files. Additionally, a database may be split up into multiple files for organizational purposes, such as to separate data that is frequently accessed from data that is accessed less often.
An e-commerce site that needs frequent updates would benefit from the use of a static website. T/F
False data-driven websites are useful for e-commerce sites that need frequent updates. With a data-driven website, users can get more current information from a variety of data sources
Explanation:A database can consist of only a single file, but it is usually a group of files. This is because a database typically contains a lot of data, and it is more efficient to store this data in multiple files. Additionally, a database may be split up into multiple files for organizational purposes, such as to separate data that is frequently accessed from data that is accessed less often.
Business intelligence uses scorecards and query reports to support decision-making activities, whereas business analytics uses data mining tools and predictive modeling. T/F
Explanation: This statement is true. Business intelligence uses scorecards and query reports to support decision-making activities, whereas business analytics uses data mining tools and predictive modeling.Business intelligence tools focus on providing users with information that is already available, in a format that is easy to understand and use. Business analytics tools, on the other hand, focus on analyzing data to find trends and patterns that can be used to predict future outcomes.
Which of the following is a source of internal data? a. tax records b. sales records c. distribution networks d. economic indicators
sales records
Explanation: Sales records would be the most likely source of internal data, as tax records and distribution networks would be external sources. Economic indicators could be either internal or external, depending on the company's data collection methods.
A database administrator is responsible for developing recovery procedures in case data is lost or corrupted. T/F
Explanation: A database administrator is responsible for developing recovery procedures in case data is lost or corrupted. This includes creating backups, testing backups, and ensuring that the data can be restored in the event of a disaster.
In well-designed data-driven websites, changes are made to the HTML code every time a website's data content changes. T/F
False without the features of a data-driven website, website designers must edit the HTML code every time a website's data content is changed
Explanation: False. In well-designed data-driven websites, the HTML code is static, and only the data content changes.
A database is a critical component of information systems because any type of analysis that is done is based on data available in the database. T/F
Explanation: A database is a critical component of information systems because it stores data that can be accessed by computers. This data can be used to support various types of analysis, such as statistical analysis, decision analysis, and trend analysis. Additionally, databases can be used to support the management of information systems.
Which of the following is a source of external data? a. tax records b. sales records c. transaction record d. personnel records
tax records
Explanation: External data is data that is not internal to the organization. It can come from customers, suppliers, partners, or other organizations.
Data in a database is used for analytical purposes, whereas data in a data warehouse is used for capturing and managing transactions. T/F
False data in a data warehouse is used for analytical purposes, whereas data in a database is used for capturing and managing transactions
Explanation: False. Data in a database is used for analytical purposes, whereas data in a data warehouse is used for capturing and managing transactions.
Redundant data is eliminated by a process called normalization. T/F
Explanation: Redundant data is eliminated by a process called normalization. This is done to improve the efficiency of the database and to reduce the amount of storage space required.
A ____ is a collection of data from a variety of sources used to support decision-making applications and generate business intelligence. a. data dictionary b. data pattern c. data mine d. data warehouse
data warehouse
Explanation: A data warehouse is a collection of data from a variety of sources used to support decision-making applications and generate business intelligence. Data warehouses typically include data from multiple sources, including transactional data, operational data, and external data. Data warehouses are used to support a variety of business intelligence applications, including reporting, analysis, and data mining.