Introduction To Individuality And Conformity: "Initiation"

27 August 2022
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An internal conflict features character vs. _________.

Explanation: An internal conflict features a character in conflict with themselves. This can be over a moral dilemma, a choice between what they want and what they think is right, or any other type of conflict that takes place within the character's own mind.
Read the passage from "Initiation." Millicent and Bev took a bus ahead of the rest of the girls; they had to stand up on the way to Lewiston Square. Bev seemed very cross about something. Finally she said, "You were talking with Herb Dalton at lunch today." "No," Millicent said honestly. "Well, I saw you smile at him. That's practically as bad as talking. Remember not to do it again." Which conclusion is best supported by the passage?
Bev is jealous of Millicent.

Explanation: Bev is cross with Millicent because she saw her talking with Herb Dalton at lunch.
Read the passage from "Initiation." "Get up, gopher," Bev ordered. There was something about her tone that annoyed Millicent. It was almost malicious. And there was an unpleasant anonymity about the label "gopher," even if that was what they always called the girls being initiated. It was degrading, like being given a number. It was a denial of individuality. Rebellion flooded through her. "I said get up. Are you deaf?" Millicent got up, standing there. "Into the house, gopher. There's a bed to be made and a room to be cleaned at the top of the stairs." This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs. _________.

Explanation: This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs. society.
Which excerpt from "Initiation" is the best example of an internal conflict?
. . .thinking, this is beginning to sound serious. Worse than a loyalty test, this grilling over the coals. What's it supposed to prove anyway?

Explanation: Depends on the interpretation of the word "best." However, one possible interpretation is that the excerpt below is the best example of an internal conflict:"I had been going through the motions of living for so long that I no longer knew how to live. I was like a machine that had run out of oil, grinding to a halt.
Read the passage from "Initiation." For tonight was the grand finale, the trial by fire. There really was no doubt now that she would get in. She could not think of anyone who had ever been invited into the high school sorority and failed to get through initiation time. But even so, her case would be quite different. She would see to that. The author includes this excerpt in the falling action to
clarify the resolution

Explanation: The author includes this excerpt in the falling action to foreshadow the protagonist's success in her initiation. The protagonist is confident that she will succeed in the initiation, and the author wants to show the reader that the protagonist's confidence is well-founded.
Which situation from "Initiation" is an example of internal conflict?
Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority.

Explanation: In "Initiation," Sylvia has several internal conflicts. One example is when she is torn between staying true to herself and conforming to the expectations of her peers and society. She feels pressure to change her hair, clothes, and interests to fit in, but she also doesn't want to lose her individuality. Another example is when Sylvia is trying to decide whether or not to go through with the initiation rite and become a member of the Sorority. She is scared and doesn't want to do it, but she also doesn't want to be left out and considered a coward.
Read the passage from Initiation. Millicent brushed back a strand of hair. It was stiff and sticky from the egg that they had broken on her head as she knelt blindfolded at the sorority altar a short while before. There had been a silence, a slight crunching sound, and then she had felt the cold, slimy egg-white flattening and spreading on her head and sliding down her neck. She had heard someone smothering a laugh. It was all part of the ceremony. What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent?
The author uses direct characterization to describe how Millicent looks.

Explanation: The author uses sensory detail to describe Millicent's experience at the sorority altar. The author includes details about the egg that was broken on her head, the egg-white that slid down her neck, and the sound of someone smothering a laugh. This sensory detail allows readers to feel as though they are experiencing the ceremony alongside Millicent.
Which are elements of plot structure that the reader can study in order to understand the resolution? Check all that apply.
climax exposition falling action rising action

Explanation: The elements of plot structure that the reader can study in order to understand the resolution are the climax, the resolution, and the denouement.
In the plot of a story, most of the events result from a central conflict that leads to the _______________, or conclusion.

Explanation: The resolution is the part of the story where the central conflict is resolved. Most of the events in the story lead up to the resolution, which is the climax of the story.
Read the sentence from "Initiation." And from that time on, initiations didn't bother Millicent at all. Which revision of this sentence best uses direct characterization?
Millicent's tense posture evaporated, replaced by a genuine smile.

Explanation: Millicent was not bothered by initiations from that time on.