Introduction To Anglo-Saxon Literature: Beowulf Quiz

21 August 2022
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Read the passage from Beowulf. The hero arose, surrounded closely by his powerful thanes. A party remained under orders to keep watch on the arms; the rest proceeded, led by their prince under Heorot's roof. And standing on the hearth in webbed links that the smith had woven, the fine-forged mesh of his gleaming mail-shirt, resolute in his helmet, Beowulf spoke: Which word from the passage is a feature of Anglo-Saxon culture?
Read the passage from Beowulf. Wealhtheow came in, Hrothgar's queen, observing the courtesies. Adorned in her gold, she graciously saluted the men in hall, then handed the cup first to Hrothgar, their homeland's guardian, urging him to drink deep and enjoy it because he was dear to them. And he drank it down like the warlord he was, with festive cheer. So the Helming woman went on her rounds, queenly and dignified, decked out in rings, offering the goblet to all ranks, treating the household and the assembled troop until it was Beowulf's turn to take it from her hand. With measured words she welcomed the Geat and thanked God for granting her wish that a deliverer she could believe in would arrive to ease their afflictions. Which inference is most supported by the passage?
Wealhtheow has not been impressed by the men who have fought Grendel up to this point.
Which excerpt from the modern translation of Beowulf most strongly reflects the half-line style of Old English poetry?
will go and ask him about your coming here, then hurry back
Read the passage from Beowulf. From where he crouched at the king's feet, Unferth, a son of Ecglaf's, spoke contrary words. Beowulf's coming, his sea-braving, made him sick with envy: he could not brook or abide the fact that anyone else alive under heaven might enjoy greater regard than he did: The passage supports the inference that Unferth is
Read Anja's inference about Hrothgar. Despite Grendel's success in killing Hrothgar's men, Hrothgar's faith in God remained unshaken. Which passage best supports her inference?
[Hrothgar] Now Holy God has, in His goodness, guided him here to the West-Danes, to defend us from Grendel.
Read Micah's inference about Beowulf. Beowulf does not fear death. Read the passage from Beowulf. If Grendel wins, it will be a gruesome day; he will glut himself on the Geats in the war-hall, swoop without fear on that flower of manhood as on others before. Then my face won't be there to be covered in death: he will carry me away as he goes to ground, gorged and bloodied; he will run gloating with my raw corpse and feed on it alone, in a cruel frenzy, fouling his moor-nest. No need then to lament for long or lay out my body: if the battle takes me, send back this breast-webbing that Weland fashioned and Hrethel gave me, to Lord Hygelac. Fate goes ever as fate must." Which sentence or phrase from the passage most likely helped Micah make his inference?
Fate goes ever as fate must.
Read the passage from Beowulf. So the Helming woman went on her rounds, queenly and dignified, decked out in rings, offering the goblet to all ranks, treating the household and the assembled troop until it was Beowulf's turn to take it from her hand. Which feature of Anglo-Saxon culture is described in the excerpt?
a cup-bearer
Read the passage from Beowulf. Then it was like old times in the echoing hall, proud talk and the people happy, loud and excited; until soon enough Halfdane's heir had to be away to his night's rest. He realized that the demon was going to descend on the hall, that he had plotted all day, from dawn-light until darkness gathered again over the world and stealthy night-shapes came stealing forth under the cloud-murk. The passage features Anglo-Saxon culture because people are
Read the passage from Beowulf. They marched in step, hurrying on till the timbered hall rose before them, radiant with gold. Nobody on earth knew of another building like it. Majesty lodged there, its light shone over many lands. Which feature of Old English poetry did this modern translation maintain?
Old English developed from ? tribes.