Introduction Part 2

25 July 2022
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In what types of weather do most collisions occur?
While concentrations of crashes occur in freezing rain, sleet, snow, etc., most crashes occur in nice weather.
Besides other cars, with what or with whom do we share the road?
Buses, school buses, motorcycles, trucks, tractor-trailers, bicycles, mopeds, roller blades, pedestrians, delivery vehicles, taxicabs, etc.
What must you do when you see a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing?
Stop. What if it is in the opposite direction? Stop. What if it is a four-lane highway? Stop. A divided four-lane highway? Florida Statutes, Section 316.172(2) states: The driver of a vehicle upon a divided highway where the one-way roadways are separated by an intervening unpaved space of at least five (5) feet or physical barrier need not stop upon meeting or passing a school bus which is on a different roadway. Fines start at $165 and four (4) points are assessed against your driving record.
Who has the right-of-way at a four-way stop?
No driver every has the right-of-way at any time. Right-of-way must be given, not taken. If a driver does not yield the right-of-way, the wise course of action is to assume it is not yours.
What must you do when you hear or see an emergency vehicle approaching?
Florida Statutes, Section 316.126(1) states: Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle, while en route to meet an existing emergency, the driver of every other vehicle shall, when such emergency vehicle is giving audible signals by siren, exhaust whistle, or other adequate device, or visible signals by the use of displayed blue, white or red lights, yield the right-of-way to the emergency vehicle and shall immediately proceed to a position parallel to and as close as reasonable to the closest edge of the curb of the roadway, clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed, unless otherwise directed by any law enforcement officer.
List as many distractions as you can that may cause a collision.
Distractions are a primary cause of collisions in the U.S.A study at the Meninger Foundation of crash victims found that over 90% of people causing the crash were experiencing stress, frustration, or other such emotions or were momentarily distracted moments prior to the crash. Estimates of decision making showed that a driver makes approximately 300 decisions for every mile of city traffic driven, and 100 decisions for every mile of a rural traffic. (Source: NYS DMV)
What is defensive driving?
Defensive Driving is driving with the proper attitudes, knowledge, and skills to avoid confrontations and collisions with others on the road.
How does one become a good defensive driver?
By practicing good observation habits, good driving skills, keeping updated on new rules, and making good driving a top priority. An acronym used for good defensive driving is SIPDE. Scan, Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute. SCAN the road continuously, that the driver may, IDENTIFY potential problems. You must them PREDICT what the other driver will do, DECIDE what you are going to do about it, and EXECUTE the proper maneuver.
What is an average driver's reaction time?
1 to 1.5 seconds. The generally stated 3/4 of a second reaction time is in a clinical setting where the driver is ready and aware that something will happen requiring a response.
To what does the term 2-second rule refer?
No, not how long after the light turns green do you blow your horn. "The Two-Second Rule" is defined as follows: Pick a fixed object in front of the car you are following (a telephone or an overpass, a mile-marker, or even a line on the pavement). When the rear end of the car in front of you passes this fixed object, begin to count, "one thousand and one, one thousand two", if you reach the object before you count "two" you are too close and need to slow down. Try to count again. If you reach the object at or after "two" your following distance is adequate.