Illegal Drugs Practice

25 July 2022
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Explain what distinguishes medicines from drugs and why medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines.
Medicines are drugs used to treat, cure, and prevent disease. This means that all medicines must be drugs. However, since not all drugs are used to treat disease, not all drugs can be considered medicines.
Why does low self-esteem intensify the impact of the various influences on teen decision making?
Teens with high levels of self-esteem are confident and self-assured, so when they face a tough decision such as whether to use illegal drugs, this self-assurance allows them to make decisions independently. Teens with low self-esteem are not confident and often doubt themselves and their decision making. When teens with low self-esteem need to make tough decisions, they will look to outside influence to guide, suggest, or validate their decisions.
Explain why drug abuse is more common with teens whose family members abuse drugs.
Family is one of the strongest influences on teens and their decision making. Parents, siblings, and other family members are guiding influences throughout a teen's life and often occupy a position of authority or power in the teen's life. As a result, teens can be strongly influenced by the poor decisions of these authority figures in their lives.
Prescription drugs become illegal when __________. A. you buy them without a prescription B. they are used with a prescription C. unused medicine is not resold D. they are used to treat an illness
A. you buy them without a prescription
Why are many teens curious about trying illegal drugs? A. The health risks of drug use are not widely known. B. There are few legal consequences to using illegal drugs. C. Drug use is glamorized in popular media. D. all of the above
C. Drug use is glamorized in popular media.
Why might a medical professional prescribe narcotics to a patient?
Narcotics include some of the most powerful pain relievers known. For patients suffering from extreme pain, either acute or chronic, narcotics may be the only drugs able to alleviate the pain.
Which of the following is a classification of illegal drugs? A. antidepressants B. hallucinogens C. antihistamines D. painkillers
B. hallucinogens
Why are marijuana users stereotypically portrayed as sluggish people with the munchies?
Marijuana has many side effects, such as feelings of general relaxation, distorted time-sense, short-term memory loss, and increased appetite. Together these manifest themselves as a general disregard for time schedules and the inability to remember to perform tasks or chores. The increased appetite also results in marijuana users feeling the munchies.
Which of the following statements BEST describes alcohol? A. It is an illegal drug. B. It is only legal for people age 18 and older. C. It is only legal for people age 21 and older. D. It is always legal to use alcohol.
C. It is only legal for people age 21 and older.
A person addicted to crystal meth is using a __________. A. stimulant B. depressant C. narcotic D. hallucinogen
A. stimulant