IHI Ps 105

20 August 2022
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When an error occurs, which of the following is generally the proper order of prioritization?
Care for the patient, communicate with the patient, report to all appropriate parties, check the medical record.
Explanation: 1. Determine the corrective action to be taken.2. Notify the appropriate people.3. Investigate the root cause.When an error occurs, it is important to take corrective action as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Notifying the appropriate people, such as your supervisor or the customer, is also important. Once the immediate situation has been dealt with, you can then investigate the root cause of the problem to prevent it from happening again in the future.
Why is it important to communicate with the patient about this event?
Open sharing of this type of information is necessary if patients are to trust their caregivers.
Which of the following is true regarding communication about adverse events with patients?
In some cases, the care team may decide for medical reasons to defer communication with a patient about an upsetting incident.
If you are responsible for the initial communication with the patient about the error, which of the following should you be sure to do?
Let the patient and family know who is available to help them.
Explanation: If you are responsible for the initial communication with the patient about the error, you should be sure to:-Apologize for the error-Explain what happened-Describe what steps are being taken to prevent future errors-Offer to answer any questions the patient may have
Your organization has a voluntary reporting system for errors. Which of the following incidents should you report?
Both A and B
When discussing the event a little while later with Mrs. Bernardo, the most appropriate initial comment would be:
How is your pain?"
Why is it important for Janice to apologize to Mrs. Bernardo for the delay in her pain medication?
It is not necessary to apologize in this case.
Which one of Aaron Lazare's four components of an apology is missing in Janice's apology?
When giving an explanation for why an adverse event happened, it can sometimes be a good idea to:
Say something like, "There is just no excuse for what happened."
Explanation: When giving an explanation for why an adverse event happened, it can sometimes be a good idea to:1. Acknowledge that the event occurred and that it was adverse.2. Explain what may have caused the event to occur.3. Describe what steps are being taken to prevent the event from happening again in the future.4. Offer sympathy or support to those who were affected by the event.
According to researchers, which of the following is a common reason why caregivers choose not to communicate when something bad happens?
They fear disapproval.
Explanation: Caregivers often choose not to communicate when something bad happens because they fear that doing so would upset the person receiving the news.
According to a survey in The Lancet, when patients and families pursue lawsuits against their providers, which of the following is one of the things they want most?
An explanation
Explanation:Caregivers often choose not to communicate when something bad happens because they fear that doing so would upset the person receiving the news.
Who of the following people might be appropriate to include in an initial conversation with a patient about a medical error in his or her care?
All of the above
Explanation: The people who might be appropriate to include in an initial conversation with a patient about a medical error in his or her care are the patient's physician, the head of the hospital's quality assurance department, and the patient's primary care provider.
When an adverse event befalls a patient, who are the "second victims" according to Dr. Albert Wu?
The caregivers involved in the error
Explanation: When an adverse event befalls a patient, the second victims" according to Dr. Albert Wu are the clinicians who were involved in the care of the patient. These clinicians may experience a range of emotions, including guilt, anxiety, and depression. They may also suffer from professional and personal repercussions, such as loss of job, loss of license, and damage to their reputation."
When your supervisor informs you about what happened, you go numb thinking about those six hours and the cost to the patient. What should ideally happen?
She should speak calmly with you about what happened and how you're feeling about it.
Explanation: The ideal situation would be for the supervisor to provide a full debrief of the situation, including what happened and why. This would allow the employee to process the information and understand the implications of the situation. It would also allow the employee to provide input on how to prevent similar situations from happening in the future.
Why is it important for the organization to offer you help and support at this time?
Offering support helps prevent depression or decreased job satisfaction.
Explanation: It is important for the organization to offer you help and support at this time because you are in a difficult situation and need assistance. This help and support can come in many forms, such as financial assistance, emotional support, or practical help. Whatever form it takes, it is important for the organization to offer you this support so that you can get through this difficult time.
Which of the following is a support mechanism that might be available to caregivers after traumatic events?
The Employee Assistance Program
Explanation: There are many support mechanisms that might be available to caregivers after traumatic events. Some of these include counseling, support groups, and online resources.