Hunters Safety Quiz #4

24 July 2022
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All hunters should take several steps to prepare for each hunting trip. Which step will increase your hunting success and add to your enjoyment?
learn about the game you will hunt
Explanation: There is no one answer to this question as different hunters will have different preferences. However, some steps that may increase hunting success and enjoyment include:-Researching the area you will be hunting in advance. This includes learning about the terrain, what type of game is in the area, and what the best hunting strategies are.-Making sure you are in good physical shape before heading out. Hunting can be physically demanding, so it is important to be prepared.-Packing all the necessary gear, including food, water, shelter, and first-aid supplies.-Practicing with your weapon in advance. This will help you to be more accurate when it comes time to hunt.
You sit concealed in one spot above the level of your quarry. This hunting strategy uses:
an elevated stand
You are using the still-hunting strategy. How much time should you spend walking versus standing still and observing?
stand still ten as much as you walk
Aside from being a good marksman, what is the key to making a clean kill?
Explanation: The key to making a clean kill is to have a good understanding of the animal you are hunting. You need to know where to aim to make a clean kill. A clean kill is when the animal is killed instantly without suffering.
To take game and minimize its suffering, you must know the ______ of the animal you are hunting.
Explanation: The answer to this question is behavior." In order to take a game animal and minimize its suffering, you must know the behavior of the animal you are hunting. This will allow you to make a clean and quick kill, which will minimize the animal's suffering."
What is the preferred rifle shot for larger game animals, such as elk or bear?
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the type of rifle being used, the distance to the target, and the preferences of the individual shooter. However, many hunters believe that a well-placed shot to the heart/lung area is the best bet for taking down larger game animals. This shot will typically result in a quick and humane kill.
Bowhunters should avoid _______ shots, because the vital areas are protected by bone from this angle
Explanation: Bowhunters should avoid high-angle shots, because the vital areas are protected by bone from this angle. When the animal is at a high angle, the shot will likely glance off of the bone, causing a non-fatal wound.
A downed animal is still alive. What should you do if you want to save the head for mounting?
shoot it in the heart-lung area
Explanation: If you want to save the head for mounting, you should cut the head off at the base of the skull, being careful not to damage the hide. Then, you should remove the brain and spinal cord, and soak the head in a solution of bleach and water.
Three factors contribute to spoiled meat after game is harvested. One of these factors is:
Explanation: One factor that can contribute to spoiled meat after game is harvested is if the animal was not properly cooled down after being killed. If an animal is not cooled down quickly enough, bacteria can start to grow and cause the meat to spoil.
What should you do as soon as possible after tagging game?
field-dress it
Explanation: It is important to remember to properly take care of your game after you have hunted it. This includes field dressing the animal as soon as possible. Field dressing is the process of removing the internal organs from the animal. This should be done as soon as possible after the animal has been killed in order to prevent the meat from spoiling.
A hunter is planning a strategy for identifying and tracking quarry. To develop an effective strategy, this hunter needs to understand the animal's:
Explanation:It is important to remember to properly take care of your game after you have hunted it. This includes field dressing the animal as soon as possible. Field dressing is the process of removing the internal organs from the animal. This should be done as soon as possible after the animal has been killed in order to prevent the meat from spoiling.
You sit concealed in one spot above the level of your quarry. This hunting strategy uses:
an elevated stand
Explanation: This hunting strategy is most likely using a form of ambush hunting, which is where the hunter hides and waits for the animal to come to them. This can be done by waiting in a tree, on a hill, or in some other elevated position. The hunter must be patient and remain still in order to not scare off the animal.
After field dressing game, take steps to protect the meat. One of these steps is:
Cover the body with cheesecloth to keep it clean.
Explanation: One of the steps you can take to protect the meat after field dressing game is to keep the meat clean. This means removing any blood, dirt, or other contaminants from the surface of the meat. You can do this by wiping the meat with a clean cloth or by rinsing it with clean water. Another step you can take to protect the meat is to keep it cool. This means storing the meat in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. You can also wrap the meat in a light-colored cloth to help keep it cool.