Human Growth Development Chapter 8

3 January 2023
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a condition in which the bones, become brittle, fragile, and thin, often brought about by a lack of calcium in the diet
a nearby universal change in eyesight during middle adulthood that results in some loss of near vision
a condition in which pressure in the fluid of the eye increases, either because the fluid cannot drain properly or because too much fluid is produced
loss of the ability to hear sounds of high frequency
Female climacteric
the period that marks the transition from being able to bear the children to being unable to do so
the cessation of menstruation
Advantages of exercise
Muscle system- Slower decline in energy molecules, muscle cell thickness, number of muscle cells, muscle thickness, muscle mas, muscle strength, blood supply, speed of movement, stamina. Slower increase in fat and fivers, reaction time, recovery time, development of muscle soreness Nervous system- Slower decline in processing impulses by the central nervous system Slower increase in variations in speed and motor neuron impulses Circulatory system-Maintenance of lower levels of LDLs and higher HDL/cholesterol and LDL ratios Decreased risk of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke Skeletal system- slower decline in bone minerals Decreased risk of fractures and osteoporosis Psychological Benefits- enhanced mood, feeling of well-being, reduced stress
Pros and cons of Hormone therapy*
Pros- reduces hot flashes and loss of skin elasticity. Also, may reduce coronary heart disease by changing the the ratio of "good" cholesterol to "bad" cholesterol. Decreases the thinning of the bones related to osteoporosis, which becomes a problem for many in late adulthood. Some studies show that HT is associated with reduced risks of stoke and colon cancer. Estrogen may improve memory and cognitive performance in healthy women and reduce depression. Finally, increased estrogen may lead to a greater sex drive. Cons- it seemed to increase the risk of breast cancer and blood clots. A study in 2002, showed the long term risks. A higher risk for breast cancer, stroke, pulmonary embolism, and heart disease. Increased risk of stroke and pulmonary embolism were later found to be associated with estrogen-alone therapy.
Male climacteric
the period of physical and psychological change relating to the male reproductive system that occurs during late middle age
Type A and B personalities*
Type A behavior pattern- is characterized by competitive-ness, impatience, and a tendency toward frustration and hostility. Type A people are extremely ambitious and they engage in polyphasic activities- multiple activities carried out simultaneously. They are the true multitaskers whom you see talking on their phones while working on their laptops while riding the commuter train and eating breakfast. Easily angered, they become both verbally and nonverbally hostile if prevented from reaching their goals. Type B behavior pattern is characterized by non competitiveness, patience and lack of aggression. In contrast to Type A's, Type B's experience little sense of time urgency, and they are rarely hostile. Type A and Type B behavior is significant because the distinction is related to the risk of coronary heart disease. Type A men have twice the rate of coronary heart disease, a greater number of fatal heart attacks, and five times as many heart problems as type B men.
Fluid and Crystallized intelligence*
Fluid intelligence- reflects information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory.Arranging a series of letters according to some rule or to memorize a set of numbers. Crystallized intelligence- is the information, skills, and strategies that people have accumulated through experience that they can apply to solve problems. Solving a crossword puzzle or attempting to identity the murderer in a mystery story. Crystallized intelligence is determined in part by fluid intelligence. Fluid intelligence declines with age. Crystallized intelligence holds steady and can actually improve.
Selective optimization with compensation
the process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas
the acquisition or knowledge in a particular area
Memory Schemas*
organized bodies of information stored in memory. Schemas represent the way the world is organized, allowing people or categorize and interpret new information. For example, if we have a schema for eating in a restaurant, we don't regard a meal in a new restaurant as a completely new experience. We know that we will be seated at a table or counter and offered a menu which to select food. Our schema for eating out tells us how to treat the server, what sorts of food to eat first, and that we should leave a tip. People hold schemas for individuals, as well as for categories of people and behaviors or events. People's schemas organize their behavior and help them interpret social events. A person who knows the schema for visiting the doctor will not be surprised when he is asked to undress.
Effective strategies for Remembering*
Mnemonics- are formal strategies for organizing material in ways that make it easier to remember. -Get organized. For people who have trouble recalling where they left their keys or remembering appointments, the simplest approach is to become more organized. Using a date book, hanging keys on a hook, or using Post-It notes can aid recall. -Pay attention. You can improve tour recall by paying close attention to new information, and purposefully thinking that you will need to recall it. For example, when you park your car at the mall, pay attention at the moment you park, and remind yourself that you really want to remember the location. -Using the encoding specificity phenomenon. According to the encoding specificity phenomenon, people are most likely to recall information in environments that are similar to those in which they initially learned. For instance, people are best able to recall information on a test if the test is held in which they studied. -Visualize. Making mental images of idea can help you recall them later. For example, if you want to remember that global warming may lead to rising oceans, think of yourself on a beach on a hot day, with the waves coming closer to where you're sitting. -Rehearse practice makes memory perfect, or if not perfect, at least better. By practicing or rehearsing what you wish to recall, you can substantially improve your memory
Normative-crisis and life events models*
Normative-crisis models- see personality development as universal stages of sequential, age related crisis. For example, Erik Erickson's psycho social theory predicts that people move through a series of stages and crises throughout their life span. Life events models- which suggest that particular events, rather than age per se, determine how personality develops. For instance a woman who has her first child at age 21 may experience similar psychological forces as a women who has her first child at age 39.
One's middle adulthood, according to Erkison, is either spent in generativity- making a contribution to family, community, work and society- or in stagnation. Generative people strive to guide and encourage future generations. Often, people find generativity through parenting, but other roles can fill this need, such as working directly with young people, acting as mentors. Or the need for generativity may be satisfied through creative and artistic output, seeking to leave a lasting contribution. Some psychologists suggest that we need a more precise look at midlife changed in personality. We'll consider three alternative approaches. Vaillant- an important period between ages 45 and 55 centers on "keeping the meaning" versus rigidity. Seeking to extract meaning from their lives, adults also seek to "keep the meaning" by accepting the strengths and weaknesses of others. Gould-He agrees that people move through a series of stages and potential crisis, but he suggests that adults pass through seven stages associated with specific age periods. Levinsons- seasons of life theory. He suggests that adult men pass through a series of stages beginning with early adulthood, around age 20, and continuing to midlife. They experience the first signs of aging and they confront the fact that they will not accomplish all their aims before they die. May lead to a midlife crisis.
Midlife crisis*
Levinson's view may lead to this. A stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life is finite. A myth or reality? The evidence is simply lacking. In fact, most research suggests that most people pass into middle age with relative east. The majority regard midlife as a particularly rewarding time. Parents physical demand period of childrearing is usual over, and in some cases children have left the home, allowing parent the opportunity to rekindle their intimacy. Many people find that their careers have blossomed, and they feel quite content with their lives. Focusing on the present, they seek to maximize their involvement with family, friends and social groups. Those who regret the course of their lives may be motivated to change directions, and those who do change end up better off psychologically.
Phases of marital satisfaction*
Child free, infant children, pre-school children, school-age children, adolescent children, young adults, empty nest, retirement. For many couples, marital satisfaction falls and rises in a U- shaped configuration. It begins to decline after the birth of children but increases when the youngest child leaves home and eventually returns to a level of satisfaction similar to that at the start of marriage. Sexual satisfaction is related to general marital satisfaction. -Holding realistic expectations. -Focusing on the positives -Compromising -Avoiding suffering in silence
Empty nest syndrome and boomerang children*
refers to the unhappiness, worry and loneliness and depressions some parents feel when their children leave home.Many parents report that major adjustments are required. For women who were stay-at- home mothers, the loss can be very difficult. Traditional homemakers, who focus significant time and energy on their children, face a challenging time. While the loss can be difficult, parents also find that some aspects of this transition are quite positive. They may have time for other interests, such as community or recreational activities when the children leave. They may also enjoy the opportunity to get a job or return to school. Though feelings of loss are common for most people, their is little, if any, evidence that the departure of children produces anything more than temporary feelings of sadness and distress. Most of this aspect focuses on women, but a survey showed that a quarter of men were unhappy. Some parents may become helicopter parents- who intrusively intervene in their children's lives. When they micromanage their children's lives, even in their college careers, complaining to instructors about poor grade's or trying to get them into certain classes. Boomerang children- these returning offspring typically cite economic issues as the main reason for coming back home. Because of a difficult economy, many young adults cannot find jobs after college, or the positions they do find so little that they have difficulty making ends meet. Others, return home after the breakup of a marriage. Overall, close to one-third of young adults ages 25 to 34 are living with their parents.
Sand which generation
couples who in middle adulthood must fulfill the needs of both their children and are aging parents
Cycle of violence hypothesis
the theory that the abuse and neglect that children suffer predispose them as adults to abuse and neglect their own children
3 stages of spousal abuse*
Tension building stage- a batterer becomes upset and shows dissatisfaction through verbal abuse. He may also use some physical aggression, such as shoving or grabbing. Acute battering incident- the physical abuse actually occurs, lasting from several minutes to hours. Wives may be shoved against walls, choked, slapped, punched, kicked and stepped on. Arms may be twists or broken, shaken severely, thrown down a flight of stairs or burned with cigarettes or scalding liquids. Loving contrition stage- not all cases. The husband feels remorse and apologizes for his actions. He may provide first aid and sympathy, assuring his wife that he will never act violently again. Because wives may feel they were somehow partly at fault, they may accept the apology and forgive their husbands. They want to believe that the aggression will never occur again.
a situation that occurs when workers experience dissatisfaction, disillusionment, frustration and weariness from their jobs