Human A&P 1 Mastering HW Set 4: Cells

24 July 2022
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Which of the following is a function of a plasma membrane protein?
Which of the following is a function of a plasma membrane protein?
molecular transport through the membrane
tight junctions
tight junctions
Help prevent molecules from passing through the extracellular space between adjacent cells
-Type of anchoring junction -Abundant in tissues subjected to great mechanical stress
gap junctions
gap junctions
-Allows ions and small molecules to pass through from one cell to another -Present in electrically excitable tissues
How would a small, nonpolar molecule likely diffuse across a cell membrane?
How would a small, nonpolar molecule likely diffuse across a cell membrane?
-simple diffusion -Nonpolar (or lipid-soluble) molecules dissolve into the phospholipid regions of the cell membrane and will pass with no additional protein transporters required.
Which of the following is NOT one of the concepts collectively known as the cell theory? a) All cells must be motile and divide. b) The cell is the smallest unit of life. c) All organisms are made of one or more cells. d) Cells only arise from other cells.
a) All cells must be motile and divide.
What is the purpose of the energy extracted from ATP in this figure?
What is the purpose of the energy extracted from ATP in this figure?
to transport sodium across the membrane The energy from ATP hydrolysis is used to transport sodium and potassium ions across the membrane and thereby establish concentration gradients for each of those ions. The mechanism illustrated does not include an actual chemical reaction between sodium and potassium ions.
Which of the following is not a passive process?
Na+/K+ pump This pump is a protein in the membrane that moves these ions only in one direction, and up their concentration gradient. This is active transport, and it requires the use of energy.
If a cell is selectively reducing the concentration of a particular enzyme in the extracellular fluid it will likely utilize ________.
If a cell is selectively reducing the concentration of a particular enzyme in the extracellular fluid it will likely utilize ________.
receptor-mediated endocytosis
What is the force driving all of these transport mechanisms?
What is the force driving all of these transport mechanisms?
diffusion down a concentration gradient Transport by diffusion of a molecule down its concentration gradient is a spontaneous process that requires no energy input.
What is the difference between active and passive transport across the plasma membrane?
Active transport is ATP dependent, whereas passive transport uses only the kinetic energy of the particles for movement across the plasma membrane. In active transport, the cell provides the metabolic energy (ATP) needed to move substances across the plasma membrane (against their concentration gradient). In passive transport, substances cross the plasma membrane (down their concentration gradient) using kinetic energy, without any energy input from the cell.
Which of the following is a principle of the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane structure?
Which of the following is a principle of the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane structure?
Phospholipids form a bilayer that is largely impermeable to water-soluble (polar) molecules.
A cell engulfing a relatively large particle will likely utilize ________.
A cell engulfing a relatively large particle will likely utilize ________.
Which of the following will NOT speed up the net rate of diffusion for glucose into a cell?
Decreasing the number of phospholipids in the plasma membrane.
If cells are placed in a hypotonic solution containing a solute to which the membrane is impermeable, what could happen?
If cells are placed in a hypotonic solution containing a solute to which the membrane is impermeable, what could happen?
The cells will swell and ultimately burst.
Crenation (shrinking) is likely to occur in blood cells immersed in ________.
Crenation (shrinking) is likely to occur in blood cells immersed in ________.
a hypertonic solution
Which of the following statements is true? a) Endocytosis and exocytosis are passive transport mechanisms. b) During exocytosis, substances from inside the cell are moved outside. c) Unlike endocytosis, exocytosis does not rely on protein interactions with the plasma membranes. d) Exocytosis involves infolding of the plasma membrane.
b) During exocytosis, substances from inside the cell are moved outside. Vesicular transport processes that eject substances from the cell interior into the extracellular fluid are called exocytosis. Exocytosis is a form of active transport; thus, it requires energy, usually in the form of ATP.
In a patient with severely burned skin, the damaged cells that have lost fluid cannot be properly rehydrated because _________.
the disruption of selective permeability allows water molecules that enter these damaged cells to also leave the cytoplasm Skin is an organ made up of tissues, and tissues are made up of cells. Selective permeability requires an intact cell membrane.
A red blood cell placed in pure water would ________.
swell and burst
Which of the following allows for communication and the passage of small molecules between adjacent cells?
A gap junction is a communicating junction between adjacent cells.
Which of the following would NOT be restricted (limited) by low levels of ATP?
Assume that Na+ is being transported across a membrane via facilitated diffusion. Which of the following conditions would allow for the most transport of Na+ across that membrane?
Na+ diffusing toward the side of the membrane with Clβˆ’ and 50% less Na+ A large gradient will provide a greater kinetic energy that will drive and Na+ will be chemically attracted to the Clβˆ’ ; this will create an electrochemical gradient. While this will create a large gradient, consider how the Na+ will interact with the K+.
Phagocytosis is used by the cells to secrete intracellular substances to the outside of the cell.
false! In cell biology, phagocytosis is the process by which a cell - often a phagocyte or a protist - engulfs a solid particle to form an internal compartment known as a phagosome
What is a membrane potential?
a voltage or electrical charge across the plasma membrane The membrane potential is the electrical potential energy (measured in millivolts) resulting from the separation of oppositely charged ions across the plasma membrane. At rest, membrane potentials are typically negative, ranging from βˆ’ 50 to minus 100 mV, with more anions (than cations) concentrated along the internal surface of the membrane, and more cations (than anions) concentrated along the external surface.
Which of the following is FALSE regarding the membrane potential?
The resting membrane potential is maintained solely by passive transport processes.
In their resting state, all body cells exhibit a resting membrane potential; therefore, all cells are polarized.
True All cells have a resting membrane potential (RMP), such that the inside (interior surface) of the cell membrane has a net negative charge while the outside (external surface) of the membrane has a net positive charge. Given the different (opposite) charges on either side of the cell membrane, the cell is considered to be polarized. This RMP, which results from separation of charged particles (ions) across the cell membrane, can be measured in millivolts (typically ranging from βˆ’50 to βˆ’90 mV depending on the cell typ
Which of the following describes the plasma membrane?
a phospholipid bilayer surrounding the cell
Which of the following is a component of the plasma membrane that creates a physical barrier between the inside and the outside of the cell?
phospholipids The plasma (cell) membrane is a phospholipid bilayer, composed of two parallel sheets of phospholipid molecules lying tail to tail, with their polar heads exposed to water on either side of the membrane. This allows the plasma membrane to separate the intracellular fluid (the ICF) from the extracellular fluid (ECF).
If a cell is non-selectively engulfing samples of extracellular fluid, for example to absorb nutrients, it will likely utilize ________.
If a cell is non-selectively engulfing samples of extracellular fluid, for example to absorb nutrients, it will likely utilize ________.
Which of the following would NOT be a constituent of a plasma membrane? messenger RNA phospholipids glycoproteins glycolipids
messenger RNA
As you look under a microscope you see a nucleus with a large density of nucleolus. What inference can you make about that cell?
The cell is producing a large amount of proteins. The nucleolus is the site where ribosomal RNA is synthesized and combined with proteins to form ribosomal. These subunits enter the cytoplasm where they form functional ribosomes used for protein synthesis.