History #6

14 November 2022
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In their competition for power, nations raced to -create alliances. -build new colonies. -educate their citizens. -improve their quality of life.
build new colonies.
By building military bases around the world, imperialist nations mainly aimed to -resupply naval vessels. -protect far-flung colonies. -initiate wars in several places at once. -avoid warfare within their own nation.
resupply naval vessels.
Westerners who ruled territories directly denied the influence of natives because -Natives were likely to rebel under direct rule, so Westerners needed to exert strict control. -Westerners saw territories as an extension of a home country, so they demanded that natives conform. -Natives under direct rule had weak leadership, so they did not want or expect to have influence. -Westerners saw natives as racially superior, so they felt the need to demand that natives conform to Western ways to protect their culture.
Westerners saw territories as an extension of a home country, so they demanded that natives conform.
In what way did imperialism hurt rather than help European nations? -It kept nations from cooperating to achieve shared goals. -It slowed the development of new industries and trade. -It prevented people from forming powerful nation-states. -It led nations to put Europe's welfare above their own.
It kept nations from cooperating to achieve shared goals.
What was one effect of nation industrialization? -Nations became more self-sufficient. -Nations began to cooperate rather than compete. -Nations needed more raw materials. -Nations started to reduce their territories overseas.
Nations needed more raw materials.
What would happen to industrialized nations' economies if they did not expand their reach abroad? -Nations would avoid shortages of essential items within their nation. -Nations would make what they needed with local resources. -Nations would have fewer partnerships with other nations. -Nations would have a smaller market in which to sell their goods.
Nations would have a smaller market in which to sell their goods.
Which area was colonized under new imperialism? -Africa -South America -Australia -North America
The term "white man's burden" refers to -the difficulty of converting colonists to Christianity. -the belief that Europe had a duty to civilize other people. -the conviction that white people were superior to all others. -the struggle to survive in an increasingly industrialized world.
the belief that Europe had a duty to civilize other people.
_________ increased competition for power among European states and led to imperialism
This is an excerpt from a British poem called "The White Man's Burden." Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child. -Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden Which words convey the "burden" Europeans had to bear? Check all that apply. -exile -captives -harness -bind -fluttered
exile harness bind
The British takeover of Egypt was an example of -British expansionism. -industrialization. -colonization. -economic imperialism.
economic imperialism.
Which correctly lists all of the belligerents in the Crimean War? -Russia, the Ottoman Empire, France, and Britain -Russia, France, Britain, and India -Russia and the Ottoman Empire -Russia, France, and Britain
Russia, the Ottoman Empire, France, and Britain
In its weakened state, the Ottoman Empire was known as the " ___ Man of Europe."
Persia was located between the Middle East and -Great Britain. -Central Asia. -Africa. -Russia.
Central Asia.
Nationalist movements in the Ottoman Empire helped Europe by -putting Europeans at the head of new governments. -opening up new trade routes in the empire. -creating allies in newly formed nations. -weakening the empire as a whole.
weakening the empire as a whole.
When Russia and Britain established spheres of influence in Persia, Russia and Britain ______ -each gained partial control of Persia's economy. -together shared total control of Persia's government. -together shared total control of Persia's economy. -each gained partial control of Persia's government.
each gained partial control of Persia's economy.
Russia and Britain competed for Persia because it offered -access to the Suez Canal. -control of Central Asia. -land and resources. -industrial power.
land and resources.
Britain and Russia managed to peacefully share control of Persia by -letting Persia decide how to divide its assets. -setting up a joint committee to oversee resources. -agreeing to share all duties of a protectorate. -each taking charge of their own part of Persia.
each taking charge of their own part of Persia.
Nationalist movements in the Ottoman Empire resulted in -growth and a stronger empire. -independence or self-rule for many territories. -new alliances with many European nations. -a smaller but more stable empire.
independence or self-rule for many territories.
Muhammad Ali tried to westernize Egypt by -building a large army and expanding Egyptian territory. -allowing Britain to take control of the government. -expanding farms and developing a range of new crops. -inviting European industries to expand to Egypt.
building a large army and expanding Egyptian territory.
China was insulated from the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions occurring in Europe because of its self-imposed isolation. As a result, -it did not face competition and could focus more clearly on its own goals. -the West continued to badger China diplomatically for cooperation. -the West surged ahead of China while China began its slow decline. -it grew in a parallel way in technology and science, surging ahead of Europe.
the West surged ahead of China while China began its slow decline.
In China, food shortages, corruption in government, and high rates of opium addiction led to -the Opium Wars. -the Taiping Rebellion. -the Boxer Rebellion. -the Open Door Policy.
the Taiping Rebellion.
The end of dynastic rule in China was ultimately due to -greed. -opium. -imperialism. -isolationism.
What steps did Chinese emperors take to reduce foreign influence in China? Check all that apply. -They had no interest in European manufactured goods. -They did not allow Europeans or Japanese to immigrate. -They controlled the number of foreign visitors. -They pursued a policy of isolationism. -They limited trade to one port.
They had no interest in European manufactured goods. They pursued a policy of isolationism. They limited trade to one port.
China was easily defeated by the British in the first Opium War because -China's navy was no match for Britain's advanced weaponry. -Britain had help from its allies in Europe to fight the Chinese. -China never had a chance after Britain's surprise attack. -Britain's navy outnumbered the Chinese navy by fifty to one.
China's navy was no match for Britain's advanced weaponry.
US Secretary of State John Hay established the _______ policy, which opened China's ports to European trade.
Open Door
Many Chinese were not happy about the increasing Western influence so they -supported Empress Cixi. -supported Emperor Guangxu. -rose up in the Boxer Rebellion. -rose up in the Taiping Rebellion.
rose up in the Boxer Rebellion
A rising sense of nationalism in China was a reaction to -the inability of Cixi to accept foreign ideas. -the strong foreign influence in China. -the apathy of the Chinese people. -the declining economy.
the strong foreign influence in China.
Who did John Hay negotiate with to establish the Open Door policy? -only China and its leaders -China and countries outside of the spheres of influence -only the countries with spheres of influence -China and the countries with spheres of influence
China and the countries with spheres of influence
What were Dowager Empress Cixi's accomplishments during her reign? Check all that apply. -She served as the regent for her five-year-old son. -She controlled the Qing Dynasty for forty-seven years. -She modernized the Chinese military. -She put down the Boxer Rebellion. -She established the Open Door policy.
She served as the regent for her five-year-old son. She controlled the Qing Dynasty for forty-seven years. She modernized the Chinese military.
Cecil Rhodes wrote that he wanted to "paint as much of the map of Africa British red as possible." Which of the following best paraphrases what he meant? -British colonies are a shameful embarrassment to the world. -Britain should establish as many African colonies as possible. -Britain should distribute maps to schools throughout Africa. -Britain should teach Africans styles of painting commonly found in Europe.
Britain should establish as many African colonies as possible
The name of Africa's longest river is the _____.
The two European countries with the most colonies in Africa were -Germany and Portugal. -Belgium and Spain. -Germany and Italy. -France and Great Britain.
France and Great Britain.
Read the following passage from a book by modern-day author Adam Hochschild describing King Leopold's treatment of the Congo. "Talk of the lazy native accompanied the entire European land grab in Africa, just as it had been used to justify the conquest of the Americas. To an American reporter Leopold once declared, 'In dealing with a race composed of cannibals for thousands of years it is necessary to use methods which will best shake their idleness and make them realize the sanctity of work'." According to this passage, how did King Leopold justify his treatment of the Congolese people? -The Congolese were not treated harshly, compared to the American Indians. -The Congolese people understood the sanctity of work and needed to be punished. -The Congolese had too many resources and had become lazy because of their wealth. -The Congolese were an inferior people who needed harsh treatment for them to learn how to work.
The Congolese were an inferior people who needed harsh treatment for them to learn how to work.
When Europeans first began to explore Africa, what did they find? -a great diversity of cultures -a single language shared by all Africans -many large empires -an absence of natural resources
a great diversity of cultures
Resistance to British rule in southern Africa was led by the -Ethiopians. -Egyptians. -Liberians. -Zulus.
Which of the following describes an economic effect of European imperialism in Africa? -African colonies were forced to import all their raw materials from Europe. -Little money was invested in technology or infrastructure not related to exports. -Many Africans were forced to work in factories that were little more than sweatshops. -Plantations and mines were prohibited under strict rules imposed by Europeans.
Little money was invested in technology or infrastructure not related to exports.
The Berlin Conference of 1885 is said to have set off a "scramble for Africa." That means that Europeans -rushed to set up colonies in Africa. -fought each other on African soil before leaving the continent. -abandoned plans for establishing African colonies. -grew interested in African music and art forms.
rushed to set up colonies in Africa.
Read this passage written by British imperialist Cecil Rhodes. "I contend that we are the first race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race... If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is to paint as much of the map of Africa British red as possible." According to this passage, which of the following best describes Rhodes's view of British imperialism? -It is Britain's duty to send manufactured goods to Africa. -God is opposed to the colonization of Africa. -It is Britain's duty to spread European ways and customs around the world. -The British should be embarrassed by their dreams of a colonial empire.
It is Britain's duty to spread European ways and customs around the world.
Which is an example of a sphere of influence? -A nation is politically independent, but an imperial power controls its trade. -A nation is under complete political and cultural control of an imperial power. -A nation is protected by an imperial power in return for trade privileges. -A nation forms an alliance with an imperial power, and both reap benefits.
A nation is politically independent, but an imperial power controls its trade.
Because of the _____ Canal, Europeans no longer had to travel around Africa to reach Asia.
What caused Egypt's troubles in the 1800s? Check all that apply. -rapid industrial expansion -reliance on cotton crops -social reforms -government spending -French interference
reliance on cotton crops government spending
What happened after the British became more imperialistic and forced China to sign trade agreements? -Imports to China and exports from China grew. -Great Britain and China merged industries. -Imports to Britain grew, but exports to China fell. -China refused to honor the agreements.
Imports to China and exports from China grew.
The excerpt is from an African American poem called "The Black Man's Burden." Pile on the Black Man's Burden. 'Tis nearest at your door; Why heed long bleeding Cuba, or dark Hawaii's shore? Hail ye your fearless armies, Which menace feeble folks Who fight with clubs and arrows and brook your rifle's smoke. -H.T. Johnson, The Black Man's Burden, 1899 What point of view does the poem's author express? -Cuba and Hawaii could benefit most from imperialism. -Imperialist armies are easily repelled by native armies. -Imperialism is more about bullying than heroism. -African Americans were wrong to fight imperialism.
Imperialism is more about bullying than heroism.
As a result of the Crimean War, Russia -won exclusive trading rights with Crimea. -decided to end its involvement in the Middle East. -formed a powerful alliance with France and Britain. -realized it needed to build up its military.
realized it needed to build up its military.
Under indirect rule, native culture was -accepted to some degree. -subject to cultural conversion. -seen as equal to Western culture. -adopted by many Westerners.
accepted to some degree.
Why did European powers compete for control of Muslim states? Check all that apply. -to win trade rights in Russia -to control natural resources in Persia -to claim territory in the Persian Gulf -to gain access to the Middle East -to control trade routes to India
to control trade routes to India to gain access to the Middle East to control natural resources in Persia
What were some of the natural resources that attracted Europeans to Africa in the 1800s? Check all that apply. -land for farming -gold and diamonds -ivory -rubber and palm oil -petroleum and coal
land for farming gold and diamonds ivory rubber and palm oil
Which of the following African colonies did Belgium control? -Congo -Algeria -South Africa -Ethiopia
To drive out foreign influences, the main thing the Boxers did was to -recruit members openly. -oppose any kind of immigration. -force closure of all the ports in China. -kill foreigners, missionaries, and Chinese Christians.
kill foreigners, missionaries, and Chinese Christians.
Emperor Guangxu instituted sweeping reforms to modernize the government and the economy, and as a result -Empress Cixi had him arrested. -Empress Cixi supported him. -China surged forward economically. -China's people supported him.
Empress Cixi had him arrested.
Which of the following statements best reflects the point of view of an imperialist? Check all that apply. -"My country is better than all other countries." -"We have much to learn from the cultures of other peoples." -"It is our duty to help civilize people less cultured than us." -"My country can benefit from the rich resources of other countries." -"People are the same all over the world." -"God approves of my country's plans to set up new colonies."
"My country is better than all other countries." "It is our duty to help civilize people less cultured than us." "My country can benefit from the rich resources of other countries." "God approves of my country's plans to set up new colonies."
Which is a true statement about the Open Door policy? -The idea for the policy was opposed by the United States. -All nations did not want to pay taxes equally. -All nations should have equal access to ports of trade. -The idea for the policy came from Britain and France.
All nations should have equal access to ports of trade.