English Influences On Government

21 August 2022
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The English Bill of Rights declared that each member of Parliament had the right to speak freely. refuse to pay taxes. disobey laws. serve as king.
Explanation: The English Bill of Rights declared that each member of Parliament had the right to speak freely. This means that each member of Parliament can express their opinions on any issue without fear of punishment. They also have the right to refuse to pay taxes, which means they can refuse to pay any taxes that they believe are unfair. Finally, they have the right to disobey laws, which means they can choose to disobey any laws that they believe are unjust.
The Magna Carta led to the creation of Parliament, England's executive branch. legislative branch. royal branch. judicial branch.
Explanation: The Magna Carta led to the creation of Parliament, England's legislative branch.
An important effect of the Magna Carta on English government was that it established a monarchy. gave voting rights to all citizens. reduced the rights of citizens. gave more power to the people and protected their rights.
Explanation: The Magna Carta was an important document in the history of English government because it established a monarchy. This document also gave voting rights to all citizens and reduced the rights of citizens. However, the most significant effect of the Magna Carta was that it gave more power to the people and protected their rights.
The Magna Carta was presented to King John in 1215 because people were tired of his tyrannical rule. wanted him to declare war on France. wanted to praise him for his good deeds. were afraid he was too weak a ruler.
Explanation: The Magna Carta was presented to King John in 1215 because people were tired of his tyrannical rule. He had been exiling people without trial, seizing their property, and levying high taxes. The barons who presented the Magna Carta wanted him to agree to a set of principles that would limit his power and protect their rights.
Common law refers to laws determined through due process. precedent. the rule of law. the separation of powers.
Explanation: The common law is the body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts and similar tribunals. The defining characteristic of common law" is that it arises as precedent. In cases where the parties disagree on what the law is, a common law court looks to past precedential decisions of relevant courts, and synthesizes the principles of those past cases as applicable to the current facts. If a similar dispute has been resolved in the past, the court is usually bound to follow the reasoning used in the prior decision."
The English Bill of Rights put limits on the power of Parliament. the army. the monarchy. the judiciary.
Explanation: The English Bill of Rights put limits on the power of Parliament by stating that Parliament could not make laws that would take away the rights of the people. The Bill also put limits on the power of the army by stating that the army could not be used to enforce laws that were made by Parliament. The Bill also put limits on the power of the monarchy by stating that the monarch could not make laws that would take away the rights of the people. Finally, the Bill put limits on the power of the judiciary by stating that the judiciary could not make laws that would take away the rights of the people.
The Glorious Revolution of 1688 demonstrated that Parliament had less power than ever before. the right to declare war. power over the English monarchy. the right to strengthen the power of the monarchy.
Explanation: The Glorious Revolution of 1688 demonstrated that Parliament had less power than ever before. The English Parliament had traditionally been very powerful, but after the Glorious Revolution, it lost some of its key powers, including the right to declare war and the right to strengthen the power of the monarchy.
Which statement is true of government in England before the English Bill of Rights? The king had complete power. The king had no authority at all. Parliament advised the king, who made all decisions. Parliament made all the laws, with the advice of the king.
The Magna Carta placed clear limits on the power of the citizens. army. king. Church.
Explanation: The Magna Carta was a document that was created in order to place clear limits on the power of the King of England. The document was created in 1215, and it was signed by King John. The Magna Carta placed limits on the power of the King, and it also placed limits on the power of the Church. The Magna Carta was an important document because it helped to ensure that the rights of the people were protected.
William Blackstone was important because he wrote the Magna Carta. led the Glorious Revolution. wrote the English Bill of Rights. created a record of common law.