Effects Of Technology

25 July 2022
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Which of the following statements about the use of hydrokinetic energy is not true?
a. Hydrokinetic energy is a commonly used form of energy.
How does nuclear energy use differ from geothermal and solar energy use?
c. Geothermal and solar energy are both renewable, while nuclear energy is not.
Which of the following emissions is associated with burning coal?
d all of the above (sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides)
Which of the following energy sources does not require waste disposal?
a. geothermal
Which of the following energy sources is associated with nitrogen emissions?
a. biomass
What are some advantages to the use of hydrokinetic energy? What might be some disadvantages?
Some advantages to using hydrokinetic energy are that it can be used without mining materials, it is not associated with waste production, and that it does not contribute to air pollution. The main disadvantage to using hydrokinetic energy is the fact that it uses waves and tides as an energy source. This technology could not be used in all locations.
Which of the following energy producing methods can sometimes lead to riverbed erosion?
c. hydroelectric
Which of the following is not a way that energy producing technologies can impact aquatic viability?
d. filtration of pollutants
What has caused a 90% decrease in Southern California steelhead run sizes?
b. dams along water sources
_______ associated with energy producing technologies can decrease land fertility.
a. landfill use
Which of the following energy sources harnesses the power of waves?
b. hydrokinetic
Explain how the use of oil as an energy source can potentially affect aquatic viability.
The use of oil has the potential to affect aquatic viability during several stages. Offshore drilling practices to acquire oil for energy use can negatively impact aquatic viability through potential contamination and disruption of aquatic habitats. Transportation of oil over the water has the potential to contaminate aquatic ecosystems through oil spills. Waste products associated with the use of oil for energy production can also cause contamination of aquatic habitats.
Compare the environmental impact of using solar, geothermal, and nuclear energy.
Solar and geothermal energy are both considered renewable energy sources. Nuclear energy, on the other hand, is a nonrenewable energy source. Nuclear, solar, and geothermal energy are all low sources of air pollution and do not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Nuclear and geothermal energy both heat up water to produce electricity. Nuclear energy requires a mining step to obtain the raw material used to produce energy, while solar and geothermal energy do not require mining. Nuclear energy produces nuclear waste, while solar and geothermal energy do not produce a significant amount of waste.
Explain how the use of biomass energy can both improve and decrease water quality.
Biomass energy comes from crops that are grown expressly for that purpose. The growth of these crops helps decrease the rate of soil erosion and therefore sedimentation buildup in waterways and also decreases the runoff of fertilizers and pesticides into those waterways. The combustion of biomass, on the other hand, can decrease water quality involves the use of water to create steam. When this water is returned to the environment, it can contaminate waterways.
Explain the differences between the use of hydroelectric energy and coal.
Hydroelectric energy uses the movement of water to spin a turbine and produce electricity. Coal is a fossil fuel that is burned as an energy source, which results in emissions such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sulfur. Coal use is associated with waste products both from the mining process to acquire the coal and also from the actual use of coal itself. Hydroelectric energy does not involve waste, but does pose potential problems to waterways. Coal use is more common than the use of hydroelectric energy.