Dating Relationships Practice

25 July 2022
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What are the warning signs of an abusive relationship?
The warning signs of an unhealthy and abusive relationship include being mean, disrespectful, violent, possessive, and angry.
It is acceptable to change your personality if you want the relationship to last. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F
The pressure of a new relationship may include all of the following EXCEPT: A. pressure to change B. hormone therapy C. time management issues D. pressure to become sexually active
You are in a healthy dating relationship if you isolate yourself from other people to be with your newfound partner. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F
Describe what the legal ramifications are for having sexual relations with minors.
Having sex with someone under the legal age is against the law. It can lead to rape charges and can cause the individual to be labeled as a sex offender. The age of consent is different in each state and parents cannot override the law.
What negative social implications might early sexual intercourse have for teens?
Sexual intercourse can have many negative social implications for a teen. For starters, it can harm a teenager's relationship with his or her parents because the boundary of trust has been breached. It can damage a teen's reputation and can also complicate future romantic relationships.
Which statement is NOT true concerning the emotional effects influenced by early sexual activity? A A teen may be afraid of contracting STIs. B. A teen may start lying to family and friends because of shame or embarassment. C. A teen will never regret engaging in sexual activity. D. A teen may feel emotional pain if his or her partner is not as committed to the relationship.
C: a teen will never regret engaging in sexual activity.
Explain some steps you can take to help abstain from early sexual activity.
There are several strategies one can use to help abstain from early sexual activity. Some of the strategies include dating someone who shares the same values, going on group dates, and being honest with your partner about your feelings. It is also important to remember that you always have the option to say "No" and that you shouldn't feel obligated to have sex.
Compare and contrast characteristics of healthy versus unhealthy relationships.
A healthy relationship is based on trust and honesty. In a healthy relationship, partners practice mutual respect, make decisions together, and share their thoughts and emotions. In an unhealthy relationship, a partner may be controlling and possessive. The relationship may feel burdensome and/or be too much to handle. An unhealthy relationship can also lower a person's self-esteem and make a person feel bad about him or herself.
Which statement is NOT true about sexual activity and new relationships? A. Pressure to have sexual relations increases if friends are having sex. B. Having a new boyfriend or girlfriend may increase the pressure to be sexually active. C. Pressure to have sexual relations increases if one of the partners is older. D. Sexual activity poses no emotional or physical risk as long as the partners use protection.