Culture Custom Adaptive Quizzes

25 July 2022
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An Asian client arrives at the mental health clinic with symptoms of anxiety and panic. While speaking with the client, the nurse notes that the client makes very little eye contact. What does this assessment data suggest? 1Shyness 2Cultural variation 3Symptom of depression 4Shame regarding treatment
2Cultural variation
A nurse understands that value clarification is a technique useful in therapeutic communication because initially it helps clients do what? 1Become aware of their personal values 2Gain information related to their needs 3Make correct decisions related to their health 4Alter their value systems to make them more socially acceptable
1Become aware of their personal values
For which families should the nurse include information related to safe sleeping habits as a priority during a scheduled health maintenance visit for a toddler-age child? Select all that apply. 1 Irish American 2 Asian American 3 African American 4 Hispanic American 5 Caucasian American
2 Asian American 3 African American 4 Hispanic American
A pregnant immigrant notices cultural differences in the way that pregnant women are cared for where she now lives. Which component of cultural competence is being demonstrated when the nurse motivates the immigrant to accept these differences? 1 Cultural desire 2 Cultural awareness 3 Cultural knowledge 4 Cultural encounters
1 Cultural Desire
What should a nurse ask to understand the social organization of an individual? Select all that apply. 1 The nurse should ask about the preferences of caregivers. 2 The nurse should ask about the ways for taking care of the family. 3 The nurse should ask about the effects of the illness upon the individual. 4 The nurse should ask about the individual's expectations from the family. 5 The nurse should ask about the person who is responsible for making family decisions.
4 The nurse should ask about the individual's expectations from the family. 5 The nurse should ask about the person who is responsible for making family decisions.
A nurse is performing health screenings of toddlers in a culturally diverse neighborhood. Which child should the nurse consider at risk for beta-thalassemia (Cooley anemia)? 1Two-year-old child of Greek descent with a large abdomen 2Eighteen-month-old child of Irish descent with very pale skin color 3Three-year-old child of Spanish descent with increased hematocrit 4Twenty-month-old child of Asian descent with edematous knee joints
1Two-year-old child of Greek descent with a large abdomen
The American parents of an adopted Spanish preschooler inform the nurse that the child often stutters while speaking. Upon assessment, the nurse finds that there is no hearing impairment, brain injuries, or developmental disorders in the child. What does the nurse suspect is the cause for the stuttering? 1The child is pressured to speak English well. 2The child is not comfortable with the new environment. 3The change in language exposure has caused stuttering. 4The parents do not provide a happy environment for the child.
3The change in language exposure has caused stuttering.
Which individual is coping with issues concerning dependence versus independence? 1Infant 2Toddler 3School-aged child 4Preschool-aged child
2 Toddler
A nurse is caring for a client who belongs to a different cultural community. The client is not very fluent in the language that the nurse is communicating. What would the nurse say to the client to initiate appropriate communication? Select all that apply. 1 "Please tell me about the healthcare practices and beliefs of your community." 2 "Let me bring in an interpreter to help you understand the medical procedures better." 3 "I would like to know your personal beliefs regarding healthcare traditions and practices." 4 "Please let me explain our traditions and cultural practices to help you understand our healthcare practices." 5 "I have read up extensively about the healthcare practices of your community and have designed a care plan accordingly."
1 "Please tell me about the healthcare practices and beliefs of your community." 2 "Let me bring in an interpreter to help you understand the medical procedures better." 3 "I would like to know your personal beliefs regarding healthcare traditions and practices."
A nurse understands that when a client is a member of a different ethnic community it is important to do what? 1Ensure that the nurse's biases are understood by the family. 2Make plans to counteract the client's misconceptions about therapies. 3Offer a therapeutic regimen compatible with the lifestyle of the family. 4Recognize that the client's responses will be similar to other clients' responses
3Offer a therapeutic regimen compatible with the lifestyle of the family.
Which ethnic group has a greater incidence of osteoporosis due to musculoskeletal differences? 1Irish Americans 2African Americans 3Chinese Americans 4Egyptian Americans
3Chinese Americans
What does the professional nurse consider to be the center of decision-making when providing client care? 1 Ethics of care 2 Nursing skills 3 Analytical skills 4 Research based practice
1 Ethics of Care
A nurse is providing dietary counseling to a client at 14 weeks' gestation. The client is a recent immigrant from Asia, and the nurse explores the foods that the client usually eats. Which foods should the nurse counsel the client to avoid during pregnancy? Select all that apply. 1 Yogurt 2 Oily fish 3 Apricots 4 Raw shellfish 5 Herbal supplements 6 Soft-scrambled eggs
4 Raw shellfish 5 Herbal supplements 6 Soft-scrambled eggs
An African man presents to the emergency department to obtain pain medication. The nurse behaves judgmentally and labels the client a drug abuser. What is the nurse demonstrating? 1 Ethnocentrism 2 Multiculturalism 3 Cultural encounter 4 Cultural imposition
1 Ethnocentrism
A 5-year-old child who is newly arrived from Latin America attends a nursery school where everyone speaks English. The child's mother tells the nurse that her child is no longer outgoing and has become very passive in the classroom. What is the probable reason for the child's behavior? 1Culture shock 2Social immaturity 3Experience of discrimination 4Lack of interest in school activities
1Culture shock
What rules of impression management should the nurse follow when caring for an Asian client? Select all that apply. 1 Greet the client and family in their language. 2 Observe the distance maintained by the client. 3 Refrain from introductions with the client's relatives. 4 Talk to the client in front of the client's friends or relatives. 5 Clarify whether the client wants someone from the family to be present
1 Greet the client and family in their language. 2 Observe the distance maintained by the client. 5 Clarify whether the client wants someone from the family to be present
Which individuals have the greatest impact on the preschool-age client's drawings? Select all that apply. 1 Sister 2 Father 3 Mother 4 Brother 5 Teacher
2 Father 3 Mother 5 Teacher
A nurse plans to evaluate a newly admitted depressed client's potential for suicide. What is the best approach to obtaining this information? 1Questioning the client about plans for the future 2Inquiring whether the client is now considering suicide 3Discussing suicide with other clients while the client is in the group 4Asking family members whether the client has ever attempted suicide
2Inquiring whether the client is now considering suicide
A Latino client with schizophrenia is admitted to a mental health unit in an aggravated and disheveled state after failing to take prescribed medications for the last 5 days. While developing a plan of care that incorporates the client's cultural background, the nurse gives priority to what? 1Socioeconomic considerations regarding hospitalization 2The meaning and attention the client places on the future 3The client's need to control care to ensure desired outcomes 4Inclusion of the family in the plan of care with the client's permission
4Inclusion of the family in the plan of care with the client's permission
The nurse is caring for an Asian-American client with a diagnosis of depression. While interviewing this client the nurse notes that the client maintains traditional cultural beliefs and values. What is the most important information for the nurse to obtain about the client? 1Dietary practices 2Concept of space 3Immigration status 4Role within the family
4Role within the family
A newly immigrated older Chinese adult is brought to a mental health clinic when family members become concerned that their parent is depressed. In an attempt to conduct a culturally competent assessment interview, the nurse asks certain questions. Which questions does the nurse ask? Select all that apply. 1 "What brought you here for treatment today?" 2 "What do you believe is the cause of your depression?" 3 "Does religion have a role in your perception of health and wellness?" 4 "Do you have insurance that includes coverage of mental health issues?" 5 "Have you ever sought treatment for a mental health problem previously?"
1 "What brought you here for treatment today?" 2 "What do you believe is the cause of your depression?" 3 "Does religion have a role in your perception of health and wellness?" 5 "Have you ever sought treatment for a mental health problem previously?"
The registered nurse is preparing to perform a physical assessment of a client with darker skin who is suspected to have jaundice. Which statement by the nurse indicates effective technique? 1"I will examine the conjunctiva." 2"I will examine the lips and tongue." 3"I will examine the nail beds, palms, and soles." 4"I will examine the sclera closest to the iris."
4"I will examine the sclera closest to the iris."
A nurse caring for a pregnant woman determines that she is engaging in the practice of pica. Why should the nurse prepare a teaching plan for this client? 1 Inedible items are being ingested. 2 The client has a need for a particular food. 3 Many foods can cause nausea and vomiting. 4 The client has a dislike for an essential group of foods
1 Inedible items are being ingested.
When caring for clients with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, it is important that the nurse understand the sociocultural influences related to eating disorders in the United States. What are these influences? Select all that apply. 1 Diet industry 2 Fashion trends 3 Fast food industry 4 Over-the-counter medications 5 Competitive women's athletics
1 Diet industry 2 Fashion trends 5 Competitive women's athletics
The oxygen saturation value of an African client measured through a pulse oximeter is 93%. What does the nurse infer from this reading? 1The client has a normal SpO 2 value. 2The oximeter is unable to detect desaturation levels. 3The client has an abnormal SpO 2 value. 4The oximeter may not work with clients experiencing impaired blood flow.
1The client has a normal SpO 2 value.
A multigravida of Asian descent weighs 104 lb (47.2 kg), having gained 14 pounds (6.4 kg) during the pregnancy. On her second postpartum day, the client's temperature is 99.2ยฐ F (37.3ยฐ C). She has had poor dietary intake since admission. What should the nurse do? 1Ask the nursing supervisor to discuss this with the healthcare provider. 2Encourage the family to bring in special foods preferred in their culture. 3Order a high-protein milkshake as a between-meal snack to stimulate her appetite. 4Explain to the family that the dietitian plans nutritious meals that the client should eat.
2Encourage the family to bring in special foods preferred in their culture.
Which individual is coping with issues concerning dependence versus independence? 1 Infant 2 Toddler 3 School-aged child 4 Preschool-aged child
2 Toddler
The nurse on the postpartum unit is providing postpartum care instructions to a 21-year-old Inuit woman who delivered her first baby yesterday without complications. Her husband, mother, and other family members have been with her since delivery. The mother speaks and understands very little English; however, her husband and sister speak some English. What is the best way to ensure that the client and her family understand what is being taught? 1Providing the teaching to all family members and the client 2Asking the client and her family to nod their heads to verify understanding 3Asking the client and her family members to say yes to verify understanding 4Asking the client and family members to repeat, in their own words, what they have been told
4Asking the client and family members to repeat, in their own words, what they have been told
A daughter of a Chinese-speaking client approaches a nurse and asks multiple questions while maintaining direct eye contact. What culturally related concept does the daughter's behavior reflect? 1Prejudice 2Stereotyping 3Assimilation 4Ethnocentrism
A nurse understands that when a client is a member of a different ethnic community it is important to do what? 1Ensure that the nurse's biases are understood by the family. 2Make plans to counteract the client's misconceptions about therapies. 3Offer a therapeutic regimen compatible with the lifestyle of the family. 4Recognize that the client's responses will be similar to other clients' responses.
3Offer a therapeutic regimen compatible with the lifestyle of the family.
While caring for a group of clients from different ethnicities, the nurse observes that a client from Ireland is stoic and not complaining about pain. Which theory should the nurse follow in this situation? 1Roy's Theory 2Watson's Theory 3Leininger's Theory 4Benner and Wrubel's Theory
3Leininger's Theory
A registered nurse educates a student nurse regarding the appropriate method of dealing with clients of different cultural backgrounds. Which statements by the student nurse indicate an understanding of various cultures? Select all that apply. 1 "I should focus on understanding the traditions, beliefs, and values of the client's culture." 2 "I should provide care strictly on the basis of the traditions, beliefs, and values of the client's community." 3 "It is acceptable to provide generalized education and information to clients belonging to a different community." 4 "I should understand that the cultural background of the client has no impact on his or her health, wellness, and illness." 5 "I should be aware of my own cultural background and beliefs when attending to clients who belong to different cultures."
1 "I should focus on understanding the traditions, beliefs, and values of the client's culture." 5 "I should be aware of my own cultural background and beliefs when attending to clients who belong to different cultures."
What points should a nurse keep in mind when caring for a client who belongs to a different culture? Select all that apply. 1 The nurse should be aware of his or her own cultural values and behavior patterns. 2 The nurse should focus on understanding the client's traditions, values, and beliefs. 3 The nurse should understand that unique cultural perceptions exist regarding health practices. 4 The nurse should know that every client strictly adheres to his or her cultural beliefs and traditions. 5 The nurse should know that a client's cultural background does not influence the nurse-client relationship.
1 The nurse should be aware of his or her own cultural values and behavior patterns. 2 The nurse should focus on understanding the client's traditions, values, and beliefs. 3 The nurse should understand that unique cultural perceptions exist regarding health practices.
An African-American woman is diagnosed with primary hypertension. She asks, "Is hypertension a disease of African-American people?" What is the nurse's best response? 1"The prevalence of hypertension is about equal for women of all races." 2"The higher-risk population is composed of African-American men and women." 3"The highest-risk population consists of older Caucasian-American men and women." 4"The prevalence of hypertension is greater for African-American men than for African-American women."
2"The higher-risk population is composed of African-American men and women."
The nurse leader is teaching the staff that the health care provider continuously strives to work effectively within the cultural context of a client. Which cultural principle is the nurse leader explaining? 1Cultural diversity 2Cultural sensitivity 3Cultural imposition 4Cultural competence
4Cultural competence
What statements about culturally congruent care by the student nurse are correct? Select all that apply. 1 "It is the main goal of transcultural nursing." 2 "It is provided through cultural competence." 3 "It is provided in accordance with set criteria." 4 "It is bound to the professional health care system." 5 "It depends on the patterns and needs of an individual."
1 "It is the main goal of transcultural nursing." 2 "It is provided through cultural competence." 5 "It depends on the patterns and needs of an individual."
Obesity in children is an ever-worsening problem. What concept should a nurse consider when caring for school-aged children who are obese? 1Enjoyment of specific foods is inherited. 2There are familial influences on childhood eating habits. 3Childhood obesity is usually not a predictor of adult obesity. 4Children with obese parents are destined to become obese themselves.
2There are familial influences on childhood eating habits.
The nurse is providing care to a bilingual preschool-age child. Which should the nurse take into consideration regarding the child's language development? Select all that apply. 1 Disabilities will manifest in both languages. 2 The language spoken in the home will be less developed. 3 The child will only be able to read in one of the languages. 4 Milestones are reached at the same stage for both languages. 5 Bilingual children often act as medical interpreters for their families.
1 Disabilities will manifest in both languages. 4 Milestones are reached at the same stage for both languages.
The nurse is teaching the Hispanic parents of a preschool child about the prevention of lead poisoning. Which statement by the parents indicates a need for further teaching? 1"We'll use cold water to cook and drink." 2"We know to not store food in open cans." 3"We can use orange powders for diarrhea." 4"We'll start planning healthy midmorning and afternoon snacks."
3"We can use orange powders for diarrhea."
Why is it important for a nurse in the prenatal clinic to provide nutritional counseling to all newly pregnant women? 1Most weight gain is caused by fluid retention. 2Different cultural groups favor different essential nutrients. 3Dietary allowances should not increase throughout pregnancy. 4Pregnant women must adhere to a specific pregnancy dietary regimen
2Different cultural groups favor different essential nutrients.
ow can the lines of communication be improved in a healthcare organization during the process of delegation? 1By considering all aspects of client care 2By selecting experienced nursing assistants as delegatees 3By appreciating and valuing each other's cultural perspectives 4By selecting a delegatee having similar strengths as that of the delegator
3By appreciating and valuing each other's cultural perspectives
Which of these cultural groups adopts a combination of dietary, herbal, and other naturalistic therapies to prevent and treat illness? 1East Asian 2Hispanic 3Asian Indian 4Native American
3Asian Indian
An African man presents to the emergency department to obtain pain medication. The nurse behaves judgmentally and labels the client a drug abuser. What is the nurse demonstrating? 1Ethnocentrism 2Multiculturalism 3Cultural encounter 4Cultural imposition
A hospice nurse is caring for a dying client and the client's family members during the developing awareness stage of grief. What is the most important thing about the family that the nurse should assess before providing care? 1Cohesiveness 2Educational level 3Cultural background 4Socioeconomic status
3Cultural background
A nurse is caring for an adult client who immigrated to this country 5 years ago. What does the nurse know about the past experiences of clients who have immigrated to this country? 1They affect their inherited traits. 2They have little effect on their lives today. 3They are important in assessment of their values. 4They establish personal interactions throughout life.
3They are important in assessment of their values.
resident in a nursing home recently immigrated to the United States from Italy. How does the nurse plan to provide emotional support? 1By offering choices consistent with the client's heritage 2By assisting the client in adjusting to American culture 3By ensuring that the client understands American beliefs 4By correcting the client's misconceptions about appropriate health practices
By offering choices consistent with the client's heritage