Cold War At Its Height Assignment And Quiz

22 August 2022
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The Korean War began when _________ invaded in 1950. The country labeled "A" is ____________. It entered the war on the side of __________. The dividing line between North Korea and South Korea on the map is located close to the _____ parallel.
North Korean forces China North Korea 38th
The partition of Korea into two zones dominates the political and economic life of the peninsula. The division of Korea at the 38th parallel has turned into a hard and fast boundary which cuts off all intercourse between the northern and southern halves of the country, except for the exchange of mail and the transfer of surplus electric power from North to South Korea. What does the passage indicate about the partition of Korea?
It divided the economy and the land.
Explanation: The passage indicates that the partition of Korea is a major issue that affects the political and economic life of the peninsula. The division of Korea at the 38th parallel has created a hard and fast boundary which prevents any communication or exchange between the northern and southern halves of the country.
"If we cannot protect democracy in the cold war, we shall win in a hot war." - Syngman Rhee, President of South Korea, 1950 What did President Rhee mean by this statement?
He was willing to risk war with North Korea to protect democracy.
Explanation: President Rhee was saying that if the United States and its allies could not stop the spread of communism through diplomatic means, they would have to resort to military force. This was a reference to the Korean War, which had begun the year before. The United States had intervened on the side of South Korea, but the communist North Koreans were still making gains. President Rhee was urging the United States to do whatever it takes to stop the spread of communism.
[Deputy Secretary of Defense Quarles] reported that the Soviet launching [of a satellite] on October 4th had apparently been highly successful. The President asked Secretary Quarles about the report that had come to his attention to the effect that [the US] could have placed a satellite in orbit many months ago. Secretary Quarles said that the Army feels it could erect a satellite four months from now if given the order. The President said that when this information reaches the Congress, they are bound to ask why this action was not taken [sooner]. -Memorandum of Conference with the President, October 9, 1957 What do these notes indicate about the relationship between the USSR and the United States?
The United States was competing to keep up with the USSR in the space race.
Explanation: The notes indicate that the USSR's successful launch of a satellite on October 4th had caused the President to question why the United States had not attempted to do the same thing sooner. Secretary Quarles explained that the Army felt it could have launched a satellite within four months if it had been given the order to do so. The President was concerned that Congress would ask why this action was not taken sooner.
It is not an issue of dictatorship. The American Republics have lived with dictators before. If this were his only fault, they could live with Mr. Castro. The foremost objection of the States of the Americas to the Castro régime is not because it is revolutionary, not because it is socialistic, not because it is dictatorial, not even because Mr. Castro perverted a noble revolution in the interests of a squalid totalitarianism. It is because he has aided and abetted an invasion of this hemisphere-an invasion just at the time when the hemisphere is making a new and unprecedented effort for economic progress and social reform. -Adlai Stevenson, US Ambassador to the UN, October 23, 1962 According to the passage, why was the US government taking action against Cuba?
because Castro took action and supported actions that put the Western world in danger
Explanation: The US government was taking action against Cuba because the Cuban government was aiding and abetting an invasion of the Americas.
For the future of peace, precipitate withdrawal would thus be a disaster of immense magnitude. -A nation cannot remain great if it betrays its allied and lets down its friends. -Our defeat and humiliation in South Vietnam without question would promote recklessness in the councils of those great powers who have not yet abandoned their goals of world conquest. -This would spark violence wherever our commitments help maintain the peace-in the Middle East, in Berlin, eventually even in the Western Hemisphere. Ultimately, this would cost more lives. It would not bring peace; it would bring more war. For these reasons, I rejected the recommendation that I should end the war by immediately withdrawing all of our forces. - "Address to the Nation on the War in Vietnam," President Richard M. Nixon 1969 What does President Nixon imply about the United States in this speech?
Its defeat in Vietnam would result in increased conflict elsewhere.
Explanation: President Nixon implies that the United States is a nation that is committed to maintaining peace and that it is a nation that is willing to fight for its allies. He also implies that the United States is a nation that is capable of defeating its enemies and that it is a nation that is committed to protecting its citizens.
Using what you learned in the lesson and the documents you read in the assignment, answer this question: How did the Cold War lead to conflict?
The Cold War led to conflict, because the USSR and the US distrusted each other. They were both stocking up their military weapons, to prepare a war against each other. The USSR was trying to spread communism which spread to Vietnam and Korea. Luckily, the US was able to intervene and Vietnam and Korea were both split in half.
Explanation: The Cold War was a time of great tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. The two superpowers were in a constant state of competition, trying to outdo each other in every way possible. This led to a lot of conflict, as each side tried to assert its dominance. The Cold War also led to proxy wars, where the two superpowers would support different sides in conflicts around the world. This often led to even more conflict and bloodshed.
Tensions rose as the two opposing superpowers competed for
Explanation: control of outer spaceThe Cold War was a time where the US and the Soviet Union were in a state of intense competition, both militarily and economically. This competition extended into the realm of space exploration, as both countries vied for control of outer space. The US had the advantage early on, as they were the first to launch a satellite into orbit. However, the Soviet Union quickly caught up, and the two countries became locked in a race to be the first to achieve various milestones in space exploration. This competition led to tension and mistrust between the two countries, as each side feared that the other was trying to gain an advantage that could be used to threaten their respective nations.
The Korean War began in 1950 when the
Communist North attacked the non-Communist South.
Explanation: North Koreans invaded the South.The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when the North Korean People's Army (KPA) crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. The United Nations, with the United States as the principal force, came to South Korea's aid. China came to North Korea's aid. After more than a million casualties had been suffered on both sides, the war ended on July 27, 1953, with an armistice that restored the border between the two Koreas close to the 38th parallel.
The arms race meant that once the United States built hydrogen bombs,
the Soviet Union built them too.
Explanation: the Soviet Union would also build hydrogen bombsThe arms race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to build the most powerful weapons. The United States built the first hydrogen bomb in 1952, and the Soviet Union followed suit in 1953. The arms race continued for many years, with each side trying to outdo the other in terms of weapon development.
The two superpowers that opposed each other during the Cold War were the United States and
the Soviet Union
Explanation:the Soviet Union would also build hydrogen bombsThe arms race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to build the most powerful weapons. The United States built the first hydrogen bomb in 1952, and the Soviet Union followed suit in 1953. The arms race continued for many years, with each side trying to outdo the other in terms of weapon development.
In which way did the Vietnam War and the Korean War end differently?
Vietnam was united, while Korea remained divided.
Explanation: The Vietnam War and the Korean War both ended with a ceasefire, but there were key differences in how the two wars ended. The Vietnam War was ended by the Paris Peace Accords, which were signed by the United States, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the Viet Cong. The accords called for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of American troops, and the release of American prisoners of war. The Korean War was ended by the Korean Armistice Agreement, which was signed by the United States, North Korea, South Korea, and China. The agreement called for a ceasefire and the establishment of the Korean Demilitarized Zone.
Read the passage from a speech on Vietnam given by President Nixon in 1969. "For the future of peace, precipitate withdrawal would thus be a disaster of immense magnitude. —A nation cannot remain great if it betrays its allied and lets down its friends. —Our defeat and humiliation in South Vietnam without question would promote recklessness in the councils of those great powers who have not yet abandoned their goals of world conquest. —This would spark violence wherever our commitments help maintain the peace—in the Middle East, in Berlin, eventually even in the Western Hemisphere . . . For these reasons, I rejected the recommendation that I should end the war by immediately withdrawing all of our forces." —President Richard Nixon Address to the nation Nov. 3, 1969 What foreign policy direction does the President say the United States should follow?
The US should not withdraw from Vietnam, because that would cause problems elsewhere.
The line graph shows US defense spending from 1946 to 1968. Which of the following statements best explains this graph?
US defense spending declined after World War II but increased as the Cold War heated up.
Explanation: There are a few things to note about this graph. First, defense spending increased significantly from 1946 to 1968. This is likely due to the Cold War, which began in 1947 and lasted until 1991. The Cold War was a time when the US and the Soviet Union were in a arms race," trying to outdo each other in terms of military power. As a result, both countries spent a lot of money on their militaries.Second, there are a few spikes in defense spending. The first spike is in 1953, which was the year that the US developed the hydrogen bomb. The second spike is in 1961, which was the year that the US began sending troops to Vietnam. The third spike is in 1968, which was the year that the US began its "air war" in Vietnam.Overall, this graph shows the increased military spending that was a result of the Cold War."
Which of the following resulted from the Vietnam War? Select all that apply.
Vietnam is united under a Communist government. Support for the containment of Communism lessens. Anti-government feelings spread in the United States. Communism spreads to Laos and Cambodia.
Explanation: -The United States withdrew its troops from Vietnam-The North and South Vietnamese governments were unified-The United States lost the warThe Vietnam War resulted in the United States withdrawing its troops from Vietnam. The North and South Vietnamese governments were unified as a result of the war. The United States lost the war.
Read this passage about the partition of Korea. "The partition of Korea into two zones dominates the political and economic life of the peninsular. The division of Korea at the 38th parallel has turned into a hard and fast boundary which cuts off all intercourse between the northern and southern halves of the country, except for the exchange of mail and the transfer of surplus electric power from North to South Korea." -The Situation in Korea, 1947 Report The passage says that the partition of Korea
divided the country, both in its political and economic life.
In what way did the political situation in Vietnam resemble that of Korea in the 1950s?
Both Vietnam and Korea were divided into a Communist North and a non-Communist South.
Explanation: The political situation in Vietnam in the 1950s was similar to that of Korea in the following ways:-Both countries were divided into North and South, with the North being communist and the South being capitalist.-Both countries had a civil war, with the North Vietnamese fighting against the South Vietnamese.-The United States supported the South Vietnamese government and sent troops to help them fight against the North Vietnamese.