Chapter 7 Energy Balance And Weight Control

25 July 2022
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A woman who consumes 1800 nutrient-dense cals per day and expends 2300 calms per day performing physical activity is: A. Positive energy balance B. Negative energy balance C. Negative protein balance D. Likely to gain weight
B-Negative energy balance a person who takes in fewer calories than she burns is in a negative energy balance and likey to lose weight
Indirect calorimetry is a method to measure energy use by the body by measuring O2 uptake and CO2 output. A. True B. False
A - True
A very low calorie extreme diet that requires supervision by a health care professional contains approximately how many kcal per day? A. 300-500 B. 1000-1200 C. 400-800 D. 1300-1500
C- 400-800 This calorie intake is to low to support optimal health
A carbohydrate focused diet restricts daily carb intake to at least how many grams per day? A. 300 B. 130 C. 100 D. 25
C - 100
A low fat diet restricts daily total fat intake to at least what percentage of daily calories? A. 30% B. 22% C. 5% D. 12%
B - 22%
Which of the following is true about adult obesity in North America? A. 68% are overweight and, of these, 50% are obese B. Obesity is on the decline C. 90% consume only as many calories as they need D. 75% of North Americans have more lean body mass than adipose tissue
A - 68% are overweight and of these 50% are obese
The theory that propose that humans have a genetically predetermined body weight or body fat content, which the body closely regulates, is A. Set-Point B. Nature C. Nurture D. Leptin
A - Set-Point
Reasons that aging adults are prone to weight gain include A. Sedentary lifestyle B. Slower metabolism C. Loss of lean body mass D. All of these choices are correct
D - All of these choices are correct a sedentary lifestyle does contribute to weight gain during adulthood, but this is not the only correct answer.
All are significant health risks associated with obesity except A. Gallstones B. Diverticulosis C. Type 2 Diabetes D. Cardiovascular Disease
B - diverticulosis Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, gallstones, and type 2 diabetes
A bomb calorimeter is A. A weight lose product B. A type of software used to calculate nutrient needs C. An instrument used to lower calorie content of foods D. An instrument to determine the calorie content of foods
D - an instrument to determine the calorie content of foods
The low-fat, high fiber approach is the most effective for long-term weight loss A. True B. False
A - true It has been the most successful in long-term studies
What percentage of a day's total energy need is used for digesting, absorbing, transporting, and storing nutrients? A. 1& - 3% B. 5%-10% C. 25%-40% D. 70%-80%
B - 5%-10%
This type of fat distribution is not as risky for development of chronic diseases. A. Lower-body obesity B. Upper-body obesity C. Waste line obesity D. None of these
A - lower-body obesity
An example of a behavior modification technique for weight control is A. Always clean your plate B. Have someone criticize you if you overeat C. Feel guilty after you overeat D. Keep a record of your eating habits to see what situations cause you to overeat
D - Keeping a record of your eating habits to see what situations cause you to overeat keeping a record of your eating habits is an example of a behavior modification technique for weight control
Basal metabolism differs from resting metabolism in that: A. Resting metabolism is about 12% higher than basal metabolism B. Basal metabolism is measured after 12 hours and resting metabolism after 6 hour of fasting and resting C. Resting metabolism includes thermal effect of food D. Resting metabolism is about 6% higher than basal metabolism
D - resting metabolism is about 6% higher than basal metabolism
Problems encountered with the use of drugs to lose weight include A. Medications may produce serious side effects B. Is only successful in those who also modify their behavior, decrease calorie intake, and increase physical activity C. Medications do not lead to permanent changes in eating habits D. All of these choices are correct
D - all of these choices are correct
A general weight reduction diet (lose 1 pound of stored fat without increase in physical activity) should start with: A. 600-800 kcal/day B. 1200-1800 kcal/day C. 3000 kcal/day D. 2000-2200 kcal/day
B - 1200-1800 kcal/day for most people, it would be difficult to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week consuming 2000-2200 kcal/day unless they greatly increase their activity level. This calorie level is most likely to result in weight maintenance
A weight reduction program can be considered effective when the weight loss A. Is done without harming one's health B. Is maintained permanently C. Results in loss of body fat D. Is done without harming one's health and is maintained permanently
D - is done without harming one's health and is maintained permanently a weight reduction program can be considered effective when the weight loss is done without harming one's health, but this is not the only answer.
A reliable approach for weight loss is to A. Reduce daily calorie intake and increase energy expenditure B. Avoid foods containing carbohydrates C. Greatly increase protein intake to prevent body protein loss D. Cut down on water intake
A - reduce daily calorie intake and increase expenditure Cutting down on water intake is not a doos idea whether one is trying to lose weight or not
What is the major factor that explains variability in the energy needs of two healthy men of similar age and size? A. Brown adipose tissue metabolism B. Basal metabolism C. Physical activity D. Type of diet consumed
C - physical activity the type of diet consumes is not a major factor to explain the variability in energy needs
Which is not a weight status objective of Healthy People 2020? A. To reduce by 10% proportion of adults who are obese B. To reduce by 10% proportion of children who are obese C. To increase by 20% proportion of adults with healthy weight D. To prevent unhealthy weight gain in youth and adults
C - to increase by 20% proportion of adults with healthy weight
Which of the following is NOT included in medications for weight loss? A. Sibutramine B. Phenteramine C. Orlistat D. Certain amphetamines
A - sibutramine certain amphetamines are used for weight loss on a short-term basis
A major problem with a very low-fat diet is A. Essential fatty acid deficiency B. Dieters become bored C. Too little dietary fiber D. Too much linoleic acid
B - Dieters become bored fatty acid deficiency does not usually occur on a low-fat diet
Initial weight loss on a fad diet is often A. Water, glycogen, and lean tissue B. Abdominal fat C. Lower body fat D. Edema
A - water, glycogen and lean tissue edema is the unrelated accumulation of fluids in the extracellular spaces within tissues of the extremities
Behavior modification in obesity treatment includes A. Following the physician's order to the letter B. Understanding and correcting poor dietary habits C. Very-low-calorie diets D. Gastric bypass surgery
B - understanding and correcting poor dietary habits
The type of bariatric surgery that decreases the volume of the stomach and bypasses a segment of the small intestines is known as A. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass B. Vertical banded gastroplasty C. LAP-BAND procedure D. A bowel resection
A - Roux-en-Y gastric bypass a bowel resection is removal of part of the intestines, likely due to cancer. This is not a type of weight loss surgery
People who are candidates for bariatric surgery generally have a BMI of _______________ or greater? A. 18 B. 25 C. 30 D. 40
D - 40
Daily food choices rich in dietary fiber contribute to weight control A. True B. False
A - True Foods high in dietary fiber provide bulk to melas and prolong a feeling of fullness after a meal or snack
2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans on weight management suggests aiming for increasing physical activity, decreasing caloric intake, and rapid weight loss. A. True B. False
A - True
The energy required to keep the resting body alive represents basal metabolism. A. True B. False
A - True
Excess body fat is a more accurate indicator of health risk than is excess body weight. A. True B. False
A - True body weight may be greater than a desirable amount, but excess weight yields a health risk only if it is from excess body fat. Location of the excess body fat influences risk as well. In the absence of excess body fat, extra muscle mass poses no risk.
Both men and women tend to store most excess fat in the abdomen. A. True B. False
B - False waist circumference is important indicator
Health problems related to obesity begin when a person's body mass index exceeds 30kg/m(sup)2(/sup) A. True B. False
A - True
The more lean muscle tissue a body has, the higher the body's basal metabolism. A. True B. False
A - True
The major cause of obesity in North America is low thyroid gland activity. A. True B. False
B - False
Rapid weight loss likely contributes to the loss of considerable muscle tissue A. True B. False
A - True
A weight-loss program should include close examination of current eating behavior A. True B. False
A - True
A weight-loss program should discourage meat and potato consumption as they may get stuck and cause indigestion A. True B. False
B - False there is no evidence that food gets stuck in the intestine, putrefies, and creates toxins which invade the blood and cause disease
Eating a low-fat diet for weight control is impractical A. True B. False
B - False recent studies show that a low-fat diet is practical and can still provide satiety if high in fiber
Changing habits is one of the key factors in maintaining weight loss A. True B. False
A - True
You can lose 1 pound of stored fat each week by expending 200 kcals per day beyond your normal energy output A. True B. False
B - False
The causes of underweight are much like the causes of overweight A. True B. False
A - True