Chapter 6 - Types Of Carbohydrates (Homework #1)

5 September 2022
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b.) All carbohydrates have the general formula Cn(H2O)n.
Carbohydrates, more commonly known as sugars, are made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. The smallest unit of a carbohydrate is a monosaccharide. Two monosaccharides make up a disaccharide, and many monosaccharides make up a polysaccharide. Disaccharides and polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed back into the individual monosaccharide units. Select the statement that is incorrect. a.) Complex sugars are carbohydrates. b.) All carbohydrates have the general formula Cn(H2O)n. c.) Simple sugars are carbohydrates. d.) Carbohydrates contain only carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms.
a.) disaccharide b.) carbohydrate c.) monosaccharide d.) polysaccharide
Complete the following sentences about carbohydrates. monosaccharide, polysaccharide, disaccharide, carbohydrate a.) Lactose, the sugar in milk, is a _____, because it can be split into two monosaccharides. b.) A simple sugar is composed of equal parts carbon and water, which gave rise to the general name of any sugar as a _____. c.) A _____ cannot be hydrolyzed any further. d.) A carbonate that yields many monosaccharides when hydrolyzed is a ______.
a.) triose b.) tetrose c.) pentose d.) hexose e.) heptose f.) octose
Monosaccharides can be classified as aldoses or ketoses depending on the position of the carbonyl group. Monosaccharides can also be classified based on the number of carbon atoms. When using both schemes to classify a monosaccharide, the carbonyl-group classification is given first. For example, a ketotetrose is a very specific type of monosaccharide. heptose, hexose, octose, pentose, tetrose, triose a.) _____ = 3 carbon atoms b.) _____ = 4 carbon atoms c.) _____ = 5 carbon atoms d.) _____ = 6 carbon atoms e.) _____ = 7 carbon atoms f.) _____ = 8 carbon atoms
a.) Glucose b.) Triose c.) Aldohexose d.) Ketose e.) Ketopentose f.) Aldose
Complete the following sentences: aldohexose, triose, aldose, ketopentose, glucose, ketose a.) The most common carbohydrate, _____, has six atoms. b.) Glyceraldehyde is an example of a(n) _____, because it has three carbon atoms. c.) With the carbonyl group on the end of a six-carbon chain, the carbohydrate would be classified as a(n) _____. d.) Any carbohydrate with the carbonyl group on the second carbon is a(n) _____. e.) If a carbohydrate, like xylulose, has five carbon atoms and a carbonyl group on the second carbon, it is called a(n) _____. f.) A monosaccharide is a(n) _____ if the carbonyl group is on the end of the carbon chain.
Classify the carbohydrate tagatose by both the carbonyl group and the number of carbon atoms. O OH || | CH2OH-C-CH-CH-C-CH2OH | | H OH OH (D-tagatose) Enter the classification (e.g., aldotriose).
a.) Secondary
A ________ alcohol has two alkyl groups attached to the alcoholic carbon. a.) secondary b.) hydroxyl c.) primary d.) tertiary
d.) Oligosaccharide
Carbohydrates consisting of three to nine sugar units joined together are classified as _____. a.) disaccharides b.) polysaccharide c.) monosaccharides d.) oligosaccharide
b.) Aldehyde
In addition to containing alcohol functional groups, a monosaccharide that is classified as an aldose would also contain what specific functional group? a.) Carboxylic acid b.) Aldehyde c.) Carbonyl d.) Ketone
a.) Condensation
The formation of a glycosidic bond is an example of which class of organic reaction? a.) Condensation b.) Displacement c.) Hydrolysis d.) Redox
a.) Farthest; right
A D-sugar will have the hydroxyl group on the chiral center _______ from the carbonyl on the _______ side. a.) farthest; right b.) farthest; left c.) closest; right d.) closest; left
b.) Type B
Which blood type would contain only a galactose in addition to the three monosaccharides that all blood types share? a.) Type O b.) Type B c.) Type AB d.) Type A