Chapter 2 Homework

5 September 2022
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What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?
Kinetic energy is energy in action, while potential energy is stored energy. Correct Kinetic energy is energy in action. We see evidence of kinetic energy in the constant movement of the tiniest particles of matter, as well as in larger objects. Potential energy is stored energy, which has the capacity to do work, but is not presently doing so.
An element has an atomic number of 17 and a mass of 35. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does the element have?
17 protons, 18 neutrons, and 17 electrons Correct The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in the atom. The atomic number is the number of protons in the atom. The number of protons equals the number of electrons in a chemically inactive atom.
Kidneys play a major role in helping to maintain proper levels of Na+ and K+ ions in the blood. If the kidneys fail to function properly, one of the direct consequences would be_________.
impaired nerve impulse transmission Correct Salts are ions that contribute to the ability of nerves to conduct an electrical current.
What is the classification of a solution with a pH of 8.3?
alkaline solution Correct A pH between 0.0 and 7.0 is acidic. A pH between 7.0 and 14.0 is basic. Therefore, a solution with a pH of 8.3 is an alkaline (or basic) solution.
Which organic molecules form the major structural materials of the body?
proteins Correct Proteins form the major structural materials of the body. Because fibrous proteins are the chief building materials of the body, they are also known as "structural" proteins.
Foods are broken down into their building blocks by adding water. This would be an example of which characteristic of water?
Water acts as a reactant. Correct Yes, water molecules are necessary for salivary amylase to hydrolyze starch to glucose in your mouth. Thus, water acts as an important reactant.
Water acts to dissolve molecules in the body. How does water dissolve the salt (NaCl) in your mouth from a salty pretzel?
Water acts as a solvent because the partial negative charge on the oxygen in water attracts sodium, while the partial positive charge on hydrogen attracts chloride. This results in the separation of sodium from chloride, thus breaking the ionic bond. Correct Yes, salt (NaCl) is an ionic compound that can be separated by the polar water molecule.
In plasma, a typical body fluid, protein floating around would be considered to be which of the following?
a solute, specifically both a colloid and an electrolyte Correct Yes, colloids are large particles dispersed in body fluids. Since most proteins have a negative charge, they are also considered to be electrolytes.
Electrolytes are charged particles called ions that are dissolved in body fluids. Which of the following ions would be considered a major anion in the body?
chloride Correct Yes, chloride is a major extracellular anion (negative ion).
Which pH is more acidic, a pH of 3, a pH of 7, or a pH of 9?
pH of 3 Correct Yes, the lower the pH, the more acidic the fluid. pH is inversely related to the number of H+ ions. As the number of H+ ions increases (and thus the acidity increases), the pH decreases. Therefore, a pH of 3 is the most acidic of the three values given.
Cortisol is a type of lipid hormone. Which type of lipid would cortisol be classified as?
steroid Correct Yes, cortisol is a steroid hormone synthesized from cholesterol.