Chapter 2 - Ethics and Public Speaking

24 August 2022
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In public speaking, sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against..
Ethical Decisions
Name the guidelines for ethical speechmaking?
one to make sure that your goals are morally sounded meaning make sure the consistency with the good of society and your audience. Second is to be fully prepared for your speech. Third is to be honest with what you have to say throughout your speech. The fourth guideline is to avoid name-calling at anytime and any other forms of abusive language. Being fair is the key. Last and fifth guideline is to put ethical principles into performance at all times
Which of the following are included in your textbook as guidelines for ethical speechmaking? a. Make sure your goals are ethically sound, stay within your time limits, and practice your speech delivery . b. Be honest in what you say, be fully prepared for each speech, and make sure your goals are ethically sound. c. Avoid global plagiarism, use quotations r ather than paraphrases, and put your ethical principals into practice. d. Be fully prepared for each speech, avoid name-calling, and stay within your time limits. e. Establish your credibility, be honest in what you say, and put your ethical principles into practice.
Be fully prepared for each speech. ?????
Tanya went to the beach instead of staying in town and working on her speech. When she realized how soon the speech was due, she asked a friend who had already taken public speaking to loan her an old outline, which she used verbatim for her class speech. Which of the following statements best describes Tanya's actions?
Tanya is guilty of global plagiarism.
What does your textbook recommend as a way to avoid patchwork plagiarism?
Consult a large number of sources in your research.
Ryan located three excellent sources for his persuasive speech. He copied long sections from each source word for word, strung them together with a few transitions, and mentioned the sources of his information in passing. Which of the following statements best describes Ryan's situation?
Ryan is guilty of patchwork plagiarism
Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to steer clear of incremental plagiarism?
Cite the sources of all quotations and paraphrases in your speech.
To avoid plagiarism when using information from an Internet document in your speech, your textbook recommends that you keep a record of
a. the title of the document. b.the author or organization responsible for the document. c.the date on which you accessed the document.
The three guidelines for ethical listening discussed in your textbook are
listen attentively, avoid prejudging the speaker, and support free speech.