Chapter 18

24 July 2022
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Which of these vessels returns blood to the left atrium of the heart?

 pulmonary veins 
 pulmonary trunk 
 superior vena cava 
 coronary sinus
Which of these vessels returns blood to the left atrium of the heart? pulmonary veins pulmonary trunk superior vena cava coronary sinus
pulmonary veins
Which of these muscles is particularly associated with anchoring the right and left atrioventricular valves? myocardium trabeculae carneae papillary muscles pectinate muscles
papillary muscles
The right atrioventricular valve prevents backflow of blood from the right ventricle into the __________. left ventricle pulmonary trunk right atrium left atrium
right atrium
Which statement is correct regarding the ventricles? The left ventricle empties into the pulmonary circuit. The left ventricle has a thinner wall than the right ventricle. The right ventricle empties into the pulmonary trunk. The right ventricle forms a complete circle in cross section.
The right ventricle empties into the pulmonary trunk
Which heart chamber receives oxygenated blood from the lungs? left ventricle left atrium right ventricle right atrium
left atrium
What is happening during the "pause" phase when the heart is resting (relaxing)? Atria are contracting. Ventricles are filling. Valves are closing. Ventricles are contracting.
ventricles are filling
What causes the abnormal swishing or whooshing sound that is heard as blood regurgitates back into an atrium from its associated ventricle? aortic recoil semilunar valve closure blood turbulence pulmonary trunk expansion
blood turbulence
The __________ valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle. pulmonary semilunar tricuspid mitral aortic semilunar
Which valve is located between the right atrium and ventricle? pulmonary semilunar valve bicuspid valve mitral valve tricuspid valve
tricuspid valve
In an ischemic heart, the affected cardiac muscle cells are likely to have an altered ______. number of Z discs number of desmosomes number of slow Ca+2 channels resting membrane potential
resting membrane potential *Ischemia is cell and tissue damage that result from a lack of proper blood and oxygen delivery. The damaged tissue is normally replaced by scar tissue that lacks the normal cell structure of the original tissue. So "scarred" cardiac muscle would lack the pumps and channels that are necessary to establish resting membrane potential.*
Which of the following does NOT deliver deoxygenated blood to the heart? coronary sinus superior vena cava inferior vena cava pulmonary veins
pulmonary veins *The pulmonary veins deliver oxygenated blood to the left atrium.*
The right side of the heart is considered the systemic circuit pump. True False
False *The right side of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs to be re-oxygenated. For this reason, the right side of the heart is considered the pulmonary circuit pump. The left side of the heart pumps blood to the body, and is therefore considered the systemic circuit pump.*
Which of the following is NOT a difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle? Cardiac muscle does not use the sliding filament mechanism for contraction; skeletal muscle does. The plasma membranes of cardiac muscle cells interlock, but skeletal muscle fibers are independent. Cardiac muscle cells quickly die in the absence of oxygen; skeletal muscle cells are better able to adapt to oxygen deficiency. Cardiac muscle cells contain more mitochondria than do skeletal muscle cells.
Cardiac muscle does not use the sliding filament mechanism for contraction; skeletal muscle does. *Both skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle are striated, and both utilize the sliding filament mechanism for contraction.*
What structures connect the individual heart muscle cells? trabaculae carneae anastomoses intercalated discs chordae tendineae
intercalated *Intercalated discs connect the heart muscle cells. They include desmosomes (anchoring junctions) and gap junctions (communicating junctions).*
At what rate does the sinoatrial (SA) node depolarize? 30 times per minute 40 times per minute 50 times per minute 75 times per minute
75 times per minute *The sinoatrial node typically depolarizes spontaneously about 75 times per minute, although this can vary in different individuals. This rate is directly modulated by the autonomic nervous system.*
Specifically, what part of the intrinsic conduction system stimulates the atrioventricular (AV) node to conduct impulses to the atrioventricular bundle? bundle branches subendocardial conducting network (Purkinje fibers) sinoatrial (SA) node interventricular septum
sinoatrial (SA) node *The sinoatrial node, by spontaneously depolarizing faster than the atrioventricular node, initiates heart contraction.*
Which portion of the electrocardiogram represents the depolarization wave received by the atria from the sinoatrial (SA) node? QRS complex T wave P wave S-T segment
P wave
Which portion of the electrocardiogram represents the time during which the ventricles are in systole? QRS complex Q-T interval P wave T wave
Q-T internal The Q-T interval is the period from the beginning of ventricular depolarization through ventricular repolarization, during which the ventricles are in systole.
During which portion of the electrocardiogram do the atrioventricular valves close, correlating with the first heart sound ("lub")? T wave P wave P-R interval R-S waves
R-S waves *When the ventricles enter systole, the atrioventricular valves close. This valve closure is associated with the first heart sound, the "lub."*
Determine which of the following electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings is missing P waves but is otherwise regular.

Determine which of the following electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings is missing P waves but is otherwise regular. A B C D
B B illustrates a QRS complex and a T wave, but it is missing the P wave.
Determine which ECG shows a normal sinus rhythm.

Determine which ECG shows a normal sinus rhythm. A B C D
A All waves are clearly present in this ECG of a normal sinus rhythm.
What heart problem would be experienced by an individual whose ECG is seen at C? The atria are not pumping blood. The heart would pump with too much pressure (hypertension). The heart is not pumping any blood at all. The ventricles are not reaching systole in every cardiac cycle.
The ventricles are not reaching systole in every cardiac cycle This condition is known as a second-degree heart block. Some signals from the AV node are not being conducted to the ventricles.
The order of impulse conduction in the heart, from beginning to end, is __________. SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers SA node, bundle of His, AV node, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers SA node, bundle branches, bundle of His, AV node, and Purkinje fibers SA node, bundle branches, AV node, bundle of His, and Purkinje fibers
SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers The impulses of the heart originate at the SA node (pacemaker). The impulse is then transmitted to the AV node (atrioventricular node), where the impulse slows down to allow the atria to completely contract and thereby fill the adjacent ventricles. The AV node then transmits the impulse to the bundle of His, which branches into left and right bundle branches. The bundle branches give rise to the Purkinje fibers, which transmit the impulse to the ventricle walls and stimulate ventricular contraction
The P wave on an electrocardiogram represents __________. ventricular depolarization atrial depolarization ventricular repolarization atrial repolarization
atrial depolarization The P wave reflects the depolarization of the atria.
Which of the following structures collects the depolarization wave from the atria to pass it onto the ventricles? atrioventricular bundle bundle branches SA node AV node
AV node The AV node receives the depolarizing wave from the atria and delays and coordinates that distribution to the ventricles.
Hypercalcemia could cause ______. increased osteoclast activity prolonged T wave hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone All of the listed responses are correct.
prolonged T wave The T wave on an ECG tracing represents ventricular repolarization. Repolarization requires the net efflux of K+ ions. Recall that changes in normal ion concentrations, like Ca2+, in the plasma can affect the ability of other ions to move in and out of the cell.
The first heart sound (the "lub" of the "lub-dup") is caused by __________. closure of the semilunar valves ventricular contraction closure of the atrioventricular valves atrial contraction
closure of the atrioventricular valves The first heart sound (the "lub" of the "lub-dup") is generated by the closure of the atrioventricular valves.
What causes heart sounds? heart valve closure blood flowing from the atria into the ventricles pressure of blood in the ventricles opening of heart valves
heart valve closure Heart sounds are caused by heart valve closure.
Which of the following would increase cardiac output? epinephrine decreased calcium during contraction high blood pressure parasympathetic stimulation
epinephrine Sympathetic stimulation leads to the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, both of which increase heart rate and increase contractility, which increases stroke volume. Increasing heart rate and stroke volume increases cardiac output.
Blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the ________. right atrium left ventricle left atrium right ventricle
left atrium
A foramen ovale ________. is a shallow depression in the interventricular septum connects the two atria in the fetal heart is a condition in which the heart valves do not completely close is a connection between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta in the fetus
connects the two atria in the fetal heart
When viewing a dissected heart, it is easy to visually discern the right and left ventricles by ________. tracing out where the auricles connect finding the papillary muscles locating the base noticing the thickness of the ventricle walls
noticing the thickness of the ventricle walls
A man enters the hospital complaining of chest pain. His history includes smoking, a stressful job, a diet heavy in saturated fats, lack of exercise, and high blood pressure. Although he is not suffering from a heart attack, his doctor explains to him that a heart attack is quite possible. What did the chest pain indicate? Why is this man a prime candidate for further complications? Angina pectoris. If the coronary arteries are occluded (atherosclerosis), the heart muscle could be deprived of oxygen, resulting in a heart attack. Myocardial infarction. If the coronary arteries are occluded (atherosclerosis), the heart muscle could be deprived of oxygen, resulting in a heart attack. Angina pectoris. If the coronary arteries are occluded (atherosclerosis), the heart muscle could be deprived of calcium, resulting in a heart attack.
Angina pectoris. If the coronary arteries are occluded (atherosclerosis), the heart muscle could be deprived of oxygen, resulting in a heart attack.
The source of blood carried to capillaries in the myocardium would be the ________. fossa ovalis coronary sinus coronary arteries coronary veins
coronary arteries
Tissues damaged by myocardial infarction are replaced by connective tissue. True False
If the length of the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells was the same as it is for skeletal muscle cells, ________. tetanic contractions might occur, which would stop the heart's pumping action it would be much longer before cardiac cells could respond to a second stimulation contractions would last as long as the refractory period pacemaker cells would cease to spontaneously depolarize
tetanic contractions might occur, which would stop the heart's pumping action
Compared to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle ________. cells are larger than skeletal muscle cells has more nuclei per cell lacks striations has gap junctions that allow it to act as a functional syncytium
has gap junctions that allow it to act as a functional syncytium
Damage to the ________ causes heart block. sinoatrial (SA) node atrioventricular (AV) bundle atrioventricular (AV) node atrioventricular (AV) valves
atrioventricular node
Which of the events below does NOT occur when the semilunar valves are open? Blood enters pulmonary arteries and the aorta. Ventricles are in diastole. AV valves are closed. Ventricles are in systole.
ventricles are in diastole
The atrioventricular (AV) valves are closed ________. while the atria are contracting when the ventricles are in diastole when the ventricles are in systole by the movement of blood from atria to ventricles
when the ventricles are in systole
During the period of ventricular filling ________. pressure in the heart is at its peak blood flows mostly passively through the atria and the open atrioventricular (AV) valves into the ventricles the atria remain in diastole the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves are ope
blood flows mostly passively through the atria and the open atrioventricular valves into the ventricles
Calculate the stroke volume if the end diastolic volume (EDV) is 135 mL/beat and the end systolic volume (ESV) is 60 mL/beat. [Physiological factors that determine cardiac output.] 60 mL/beat 75 mL/beat 205 mL/beat 8100 mL/beat
75 mL/ beat The SV is calculated by subtracting the ESV from the EDV. You are comparing the volume of the ventricle at its fullest to its emptiest.
Which of the following increases stroke volume? severe blood loss decrease in preload exercise decrease in end diastolic volume (EDV)
exercise Exercise increases venous return, which would in turn increase the amount of blood in the presystolic ventricle (preload).
Which of the following factors does NOT influence heart rate? gender skin color age body temperature
skin color
When released in large quantities, thyroxine, a thyroid gland hormone, causes a sustained increase in heart rate. True False