Chapter 16 Homework Phys

6 September 2022
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Indicate whether the given structure is located in the outer, middle, or inner ear.
outer: pinna middle: stapes, auditory tube, tensor tympani muscle Inner: maculae, semicurcular canals, cirstae, vestibule, otolithic membrane
Read each description or phrase below regarding sound waves. Then click and drag each into the appropriate category based on whether it is associated with pitch or loudness.
pitch: determined by the frequency of sound waves, measured in hertz, a person singing a high C, cycles per second Loudness: measured in decibles, how far back and fourth the cone vibrates on each cycle, sound intensity, amplitude of sound waves
Place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells.
1. Oval window vibrates 2. Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the scala vestibuli 3. Basilar membrane moves up and down 4. Inner hair cells are pushed against the tectorial membrane 5. Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels 6. Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization
Place the following labels in order indicating the passage of sound waves and their conversion to fluid waves through the ear and hearing apparatus.
auricle, auditory canal, tympanic membrane, malleous, incus, stapes, oval window, scala vestibuli, cochlear duct, scala tympani, secondary tympanic membrane
Drag each occurence to the appropriate position in order to identify the correct type of motion.
linear: moving in a car that is driving in a straight line, going up in an elevator, jumping straight up in the air, falling off a cliff, beginning to run. Angular: performing a cartwheel, going on a merry go round, performing a summersault, executing a twist in the air, doing an upside down loop on a roller coaster
Indicate whether each item is a structure or a cavity by dragging it to the appropriate box.
structure: cornea, retina, lens, iris, ciliary body, ora serrata, choroid Cavity: anterior chamber, pupil, hyaloid canal, posterior chamber, vitreous chamber
Differentiating Rods vs. Cones
Rods: involved with night vision, smooth plasma membrane surrounding the intramembranous discs, uses rhodopsin, used in scotopic vision, absorption peak occurs at 500 nm Cones: involved with color vision, highly concentrated in and around the macula, infolded plasma membrane surrounds each disc, uses photopsin, absorption peak occurs at 420, 531, and 558 nm
Place the following labels in order indicating the passage of light through the eyeball.
cornea, anterior chamber, pupil, posterior chamber, lens, vitreous humor, retina, choroid
Put the following events in order to describe the effects of light exposure on the retina. Start with rhodopsin absorbing light, and finish with ganglion cells firing action potentials.
Rhodopsin absorbs light Cis-retinal isomerizes to trans-retinal Opsin triggers signaling cascade in outer segment of rod cells Glutamate release from rod cells decreases Bipolar cells detect changes in glutamate release Ganglion cells fire action potentials
Read each description below regarding the different ways to classify receptors. Then click and drag each description to the appropriate category based on the classification method to which it applies.
Stimulus Modality: thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors, photoreceptors, nocioreceptors Stimulus Origin: interoreceptors, exteroreceptors Receptor Distribution: receptors widely distributed in the skin, receptors associated with cranial nerves
Correctly match each nerve ending with the type of sensation that stimulates it.
Deep pressure, stretch, tickle, vibration: lamellar corpuscles Light touch, movement of hairs: hair receptors Light touch, texture: tactile corpuscles Warm and cold receptors, nociceptors: free nerve endings Light touch, pressure: tactile discs
outer middle inner ear
outer: helix, auricle, auditory canal, lobule Middle: incus, tensor tympani muscle, auditory tube inner: semicircular ducts, vestibule, cochlea
Indicate whether the given structure is more involved with hearing or equilibrium.
hearing: stapes, cochlear nerve, cochlea, tensor tympani muscle, basilar membrane equilibrium: semicircular canals, vestibule, vestubular nerve, utricle
Classify each item as being associated with light positioning (controlling how and where light strikes the retina) or sensory processing (how that information is processed).
light positioning (controlling how and where light strikes the retina) : extrinsic muscles, accommodation, cornea, pupil, ciliary bodies sensory processing (how that information is processed): bipolar cells, ganglia cells, amacrine cells, occipital cortex, photoreceptors