Chapter 15 Quiz

10 October 2022
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Since the war eight months ago, Henry, a 35-year-old soldier, has been experiencing flashbacks that causes him to relive the grievous experiences that he went through during the war. Henry is terrified of these flashback episodes and tries to avoid all reminders of the war. He refuses to talk about his feelings and avoids looking at his uniform. This anxiety interferes with Henry's sleep and social functioning. In the context of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, it can be inferred that Henry is exhibiting the symptoms of: a. post-traumatic stress disorder b. obsessive-compulsive disorder c. specific phobia d. antisocial personality disorder
a. post-traumatic stress disorder
An individual diagnosed with an anxiety disorder is most likely to experience: a. hallucinations-that is, seeing or hearing things that are not there b. motor tension, apprehensive expectations, and thoughts c. episodes of unrealistic excitement and euphoria d. recurrent thoughts of death and suicide
b. motor tension, apprehensive expectations, and thoughts
Which of the following statements is most likely true of the biological factors implicated in the development of depressive disorders? a. Depressed individuals show hyperactivity in those regions of the brain that are responsible for recognizing opportunities for pleasurable experiences. b. Depressed individuals have too many receptors for the neurotransmitter serotonin. c. Depressed individuals have too many receptors for the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. d. Depressed individuals show lower levels of brain activity in the section of the prefrontal cortex that is involved in generating actions.
NOT c. Depressed individuals have too many receptors for the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.
Bency has an abnormal fear of marriage and commitment. She has never been in a committed relationship and is terrified of getting married. In this case, she is most likely to be diagnosed with: a. gamophobia b. aerophobia c. xenophobia d. hydrophobia
a. gamophobia
Individuals with borderline personality disorder are: a. attention-seeking, dramatic, and lively b. impulsive, insecure, and emotional c. manipulative, deceitful, and amoral d. emotionally cold and apathetic
NOT c. manipulative, deceitful, and amoral
One of the reasons for the concerns raised by the critiques of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is that: a. generally U.S. insurance companies will only reimburse for treatments of diagnoses that appear in the DSM-5 b. the DSM will overlook the biological factors involved in psychological disorders c. the DSM will disregard social norms and subjective judgments d. prescribing psychoactive drugs for a patient will become very difficult even if it is necessary for the patient's survival
NOT b. the DSM will overlook the biological factors involved in psychological disorders
According to Dr. Sullivan, a well-known psychologist in Konesia, the lack of emotions experienced by psychopaths can be attributed to amygdala disfunction. In the context of the theoretical approaches to psychological disorders, Dr. Sullivan's view supports the: a. sociocultural approach b. biological approach c. social cognitive approach d. psychological approach
NOT d. psychological approach
__________ is an anxiety disorder in which an individual experiences recurrent, sudden onsets of intense terror, often without warning and with no specific cause. a. paranoid personality disorder b. kleptomania c. bipolar disorder d. panic disorder
d. panic disorder
Which of the following is most likely emphasized by the psychological approach to psychological disorders? a. genetics b. social context c. emotions d. cultural norms
c. emotions
Cathy is worried about her mental health. She visits Dr. Henderson, a psychiatrist, to seek treatment for her condition. When Dr. Henderson asks her questions about herself, Cathy reveals that she is unhappy and feels worthless most of the time. She doesn't eat or sleep well and has even contemplated suicide. Dr. Henderson also learns that Cathy has been experiencing these distressing symptoms for almost 3 weeks. In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, it can be inferred that Dr. Henderson is likely to diagnose Cathy with: a. bipolar disorder b. social anxiety disorder c. dissociative identity disorder d. major depressive disorder
d. major depressive disorder
Who among the following is most likely to be diagnosed with excoriation disorder? a. Mis, who has the compulsive habit of checking herself in the mirror and cannot stop thinking about herself b. Kyle, who has the habit of collecting items and finds it difficult to discard those items c. Natalie, who has the habit of picking her skin to the extent that is causes bleeding and bruises d. Karen, who has the compulsive habit of puller her hair from her scalp and eyebrows
c. Natalie, who has the habit of picking her skin to the extent that is causes bleeding and bruises
Amok is a psychological disorder that is associated with the culture of the people living in: a. the Philippines b. China c. the United States d. Japan
NOT d. Japan
When Jack's ex-wife informs with that his son has been killed in a car accident, Jack responds by saying "Good, now I don't have to pay child support!" In the context of personality disorders, it can be inferred that Jack is most likely suffering from: a. major depressive disorder b. antisocial personality disorder c. a specific phobia d. schizophrenia
NOT d. schizophrenia
Keith, 10-year-old, is diagnosed with conduct disorder. Leah, Keith's psychologist, says that his abnormal behavior is most likely caused due to exposure to chronic parental conflict. Which of the following approaches to psychological disorders is best exemplified in this scenario? a. medical approach to psychological disorder b. sociocultural approach to psychological disorder c. biological approach to psychological disorder d. cognitive approach to psychological disorder
b. sociocultural approach to psychological disorder
People suffering form schizoid personality disorder are: a. emotionally cold and apathetic, and they are generally detached from interpersonal life b. dependent on others for emotional and physical needs, and they perceive themselves as childlike and helpless c. always on the lookout for danger and the slightest social mistreatment d. attention-seeking, dramatic, lively, and flirtatious
NOT b. dependent on others for emotional and psychical needs, and they perceive themselves and childlike and helpless