Chapter 12 quizzes

1 June 2023
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b. 1:2
The suggested ratio for the time of inhalation to exhalation when using breath control as a relaxation device is a. 1:5 b. 1:2 c. 3:1 d. 5:1 e. 1:4
a. visualize your best and worst performances
. A good starting point for increasing awareness of arousal states is to a. visualize your best and worst performances b. visualize only your best performance c. develop relaxation skills d. learn transcendental meditation e. learn autogenic training
c. cooling of the extremities
. Which of the following is (are) NOT a stage in autogenic training? a. regulation of breathing b. regulation of cardiac activity c. cooling of the extremities d. a and c e. b and c
b. warmth and heaviness
The two sensations that are emphasized in autogenic training are a. warmth and cold b. warmth and heaviness c. kinesthetic and heaviness d. warmth and kinesthetic e. cold and kinesthetic
c. Schultz and Luthe
Autogenic training was developed by a. Weinberg and Gould b. Jacobson and Benson c. Schultz and Luthe d. Martens and Landers e. Schultz and Singer
c. transcendental meditation
The state of mind produced by the relaxation response is similar to that described during a. imagery b. peak performance c. transcendental meditation d. deep sleep e. progressive relaxation
a. expose the person to increasing amounts of stress, thereby enhancing the person's immunity to stress
The premise of stress inoculation training is to a. expose the person to increasing amounts of stress, thereby enhancing the person's immunity to stress b. teach both somatic and cognitive anxiety skills c. teach people that stress is predominantly in their minds d. teach people to appraise stressful situations e. none of the above
a. cognitive and somatic
Relaxation (anxiety reduction) techniques are usually classified as a. cognitive and somatic b. state and trait c. sport specific and general d. cognitive and appraisal e. somatic and visceral
d. biofeedback
Using an electronic monitoring device that can detect and amplify internal responses not ordinarily available to us is known as a. systematic desensitization b. classical conditioning c. biological mapping d. biofeedback e. biological conditioning
a. diaphragm
Effective breathing occurs from the a. diaphragm b. central chest c. upper chest d. throat e. none of the above
a. breathe out during execution of the skill
Athletes should make sure that when they are performing a skill under pressure, they a. breathe out during execution of the skill b. breathe in during execution of the skill c. hold their breath during execution of the skill d. breathe shallowly during execution of the skill e. none of the above
d. 20 to 30 seconds
Ost has developed an applied relaxation technique using progressive relaxation that can be done at competitions in a. 10 to 12 minutes b. 5 to 7 minutes c. 2 to 4 minutes d. 20 to 30 seconds e. 1 minute
e. a and c
Before starting progressive relaxation, you should a. dim the lights b. put on soft music c. lie down in a comfortable position d. all of the above e. a and c
c. Edmund Jacobson
Progressive relaxation was developed by a. Herbert Benson b. Ken Ravizza c. Edmund Jacobson d. Rainer Martens e. Daniel Gould
a. Tension and relaxation can occur simultaneously.
Which of the following is (are) NOT a tenet of progressive relaxation? a. Tension and relaxation can occur simultaneously. b. A decrease in muscle tension will lead to a decrease in mental tension. c. Progressively contract and relax the major muscle groups in the body. d. a and b e. b and c
d. all of the above
Excess anxiety can produce a. inappropriate muscle tension b. inappropriate thoughts c. somatic (physiological) reactions d. all of the above e. a and c
a. monitor and record your psychological states immediately after practice and competition
A good way to increase awareness of psychological states in sport is to a. monitor and record your psychological states immediately after practice and competition b. talk to teammates c. practice relaxation techniques d. practice cognitive restructuring e. all of the above
a. Herbert Benson
The relaxation response was developed by a. Herbert Benson b. Edmund Jacobson c. Robert Weinberg d. Charles Hardy e. Gunther Schultz
c. matching the type of anxiety management technique to the specific anxiety problem of each athlete
The matching hypothesis refers to a. matching athletes with coaches to reduce anxiety levels b. matching athletes with other athletes of similar anxiety levels c. matching the type of anxiety management technique to the specific anxiety problem of each athlete d. matching athletes to the sport that is least anxiety provoking to them e. none of the above
d. superstition
Which of the following is NOT a coping strategy typically employed by elite athletes? a. social support (friends, coaches, family) b. time management c. thought control d. superstition e. rational thinking via self-talk
e. a and c
According to research with elite athletes by Gould and colleagues, athletes a. prepared for unexpected events b. usually overtrained c. placed a great deal of importance on mental training d. all of the above e. a and c
c. autogenic phase
Which of the following is NOT a phase in the hypnosis process? a. induction phase b. hypnotic phase c. autogenic phase d. waking phase e. posthypnotic phase
d. a and b
According to the study by Eubank and Collins, individuals perceiving their anxiety as facilitative (as opposed to debilitative) use more a. emotion-focused coping b. problem-focused coping c. imagery d. a and b e. a and c
d. all of the above
Which of the following statements regarding hypnosis is (are) true? a. The more open individuals are to receiving suggestions, the more likely they will benefit from hypnosis. b. Negative suggestions almost always result in a decrease in performance. c. The deeper the trance, the more likely the hypnosis will be effective. d. all of the above e. a and c
d. 95%
Which of the following levels of effort produced the fastest running times of 400-meter runners? a. 110% b. 100% c. 75% d. 95% e. none of the above
a. multimodal
Both Ron Smith's cognitive-affective stress management training and Don Meichenbaum's stress inoculation training are examples of ___________ anxiety programs. a. multimodal b. multidisciplinary c. multivariate d. cognitive appraisal e. somatic appraisal
b. problem-focused and emotion-focused coping
The two most widely accepted coping categories are known as a. problem-focused and cognitive-focused coping b. problem-focused and emotion-focused coping c. cognitive-focused and somatic-focused coping d. emotion-focused and somatic-focused coping e. emotion-focused and cognitive-focused coping
e. all of the above
The elements necessary for achieving the relaxation response include a. a quiet environment b. a passive attitude c. a mental device d. a comfortable position e. all of the above
d. a and c
Which of the following can increase activation? a. using positive mood words b. slowing down the breathing rate c. listening to energizing music d. a and c e. b and c
d. a and b
An athlete who is underactivated commonly experiences which of the following? a. heavy feeling in the legs b. mind wandering c. feelings of anxiety d. a and b e. b and c
d. all of the above
Which of the following can be useful as an on-site strategy to help reduce tension? a. Smile when the pressure is coming on. b. Slow down. c. Stay focused in the present. d. all of the above e. a and c
c. imagery and self-talk
Stress inoculation training focuses on which of the following mental techniques to reduce stress? a. attentional control and progressive relaxation b. self-talk and attentional control c. imagery and self-talk d. imagery and progressive relaxation e. imagery and attentional control
a. identify and modify stress-inducing self-statements
Cognitive restructuring attempts to a. identify and modify stress-inducing self-statements b. improve problem-solving ability c. improve attentional focus d. identify different strategies for mental preparation e. none of the above
d. systematic desensitization
Which of the following is (are) NOT among the interventions for cognitive-affective stress management training? a. cognitive restructuring b. relaxation skills c. self-instructional training d. systematic desensitization e. a and c
e. posttreatment assessment
Which of the following is NOT a phase in Smith's cognitive-affective stress management training? a. pretreatment assessment b. treatment rationale c. skill acquisition d. skill rehearsal e. posttreatment assessment
d. all of the above
According to the research on biofeedback by Landers and his colleagues, a. biofeedback provides a mechanism for coping with precompetitive anxiety b. biofeedback can improve the performance of rifle shooters c. biofeedback provides shooters with a greater awareness of their heart and respiration rates d. all of the above e. a and c
e. a and c
Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding research findings on coping in sport? a. Athletes use both adaptive and nonadaptive coping strategies. b. Athletes usually stick with one coping strategy. c. Athletes who had more adaptive coping strategies had higher performance. d. a and b e. a and c
a. coping skills
A key feature in the multimodal anxiety reduction programs is that they help participants learn a. coping skills b. confidence-building skills c. physical relaxation d. cognitive relaxation e. self-esteem
e. removing the stressor
Which of the following is NOT a stage in stress inoculation training? a. preparing for the stressor b. coping with the stressor c. controlling the stressor d. evaluating coping efforts e. removing the stressor
a. emotion-focused coping
Which is the best type of coping strategy to use in an athletic setting? a. emotion-focused coping b. No one type of strategy is best for all situations. c. problem-focused coping d. avoidance coping e. cognitive appraisal coping
a. active-problem-focused coping
For long-term coping, research indicates that the most effective strategy is a. active-problem-focused coping b. avoidance coping c. emotion-focused coping d. cognitive appraisal coping e. active-avoidance coping
d. all of the above
Which of the following is (are) strategies for coping with different emotions in sport? a. vicarious learning b. self-analysis c. reframing d. all of the above e. a and c