Chapter 10 Allowing One To Die Ethics

1 September 2022
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T/F Euthanasia comes from the Greek and means "a bad death"
Explanation: Euthanasia does not come from the Greek and does not mean a bad death"."
T/F Mercy death is defined by the author as direct action to terminate a patient's life without the patient's permission
Explanation: False. The author defines mercy death as direct action to terminate a patient's life with the patient's permission.
T/F Thirty two states specifically prohibit mercy death
Explanation: ?There is no definitive answer to this question as the laws regarding mercy death vary from state to state. Some states may have specific laws that prohibit mercy death, while others may not have any explicit laws on the matter. Therefore, it is difficult to say definitively whether or not thirty two states specifically prohibit mercy death.
T/F The state of California has included brain death in its legal definition of death
Explanation: The state of California has included brain death in its legal definition of death. This means that a person can be declared legally dead even if their heart is still beating. Brain death is irreversible and is usually caused by a severe brain injury.
T/F Mercy Killing is legally acceptable in some states in the U.S.
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as different states have different laws regarding mercy killing. Some states may consider it to be a form of homicide, while others may have specific laws that allow for it under certain circumstances. It is advisable to consult with an attorney in your state to get specific information about the legality of mercy killing.
T/F There is no law prohibiting euthanasia in the U.S.
Explanation: There is no law prohibiting euthanasia in the U.S. However, there are laws against assisted suicide, which is when someone helps another person end their life. Euthanasia is when someone ends another person's life with their permission, typically to relieve them of pain and suffering.
T/F Hospice care is available only to those with "advanced directives"
Explanation: There is no one answer to this question as it can vary depending on the hospice care provider. Some hospice care providers may require that patients have advanced directives in order to receive care, while others may not. It is important to check with the specific hospice care provider to see what their requirements are.
T/F "Inappropriate care", according to the author, is care that does not suit the situation of the patient
Explanation: The author defines inappropriate care" as care that does not suit the situation of the patient. In other words, it is care that is not necessary or not helpful for the patient's condition. This can include both medical and non-medical care. For example, a patient with a cold may receive inappropriate care if they are given antibiotics, since antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Alternatively, a patient who is bedridden may receive inappropriate care if they are not given enough physical therapy to prevent their muscles from atrophy."
T/F A recent study of 850 nurses revealed that 141 had received requests from patients for assisted suicide
Explanation: The study found that 141 out of 850 nurses had received requests from patients for assisted suicide. While this number may seem high, it is important to remember that this study was conducted with a relatively small sample size. Additionally, the study did not reveal how many of these requests were actually carried out. It is possible that the number of patients who actually went through with assisted suicide after making the request was much lower.
T/F The main argument against mercy death is the possibility of find cures
Explanation: for diseasesThe main argument against mercy death is that there is always the possibility that a cure will be found for the disease that the person is suffering from. Even if the chances of a cure being found are slim, there is always the possibility that a miracle will happen and the person will be cured. For this reason, many people believe that it is wrong to end a person's life prematurely, even if they are suffering.
Direction action to terminate a patient's life requested by the patient is called by the author ____________ a.) Allowing someone to die b.) Mercy death c.) Mercy killing d.) suicide
Explanation:for diseasesThe main argument against mercy death is that there is always the possibility that a cure will be found for the disease that the person is suffering from. Even if the chances of a cure being found are slim, there is always the possibility that a miracle will happen and the person will be cured. For this reason, many people believe that it is wrong to end a person's life prematurely, even if they are suffering.
Technology has created problems with the medical definition of death. This is known as ___________ a.) Brain death b.) Persistent vegetative state c.) irreversible come d.) The zombie problem
Explanation: Technology has created problems with the medical definition of death because it has made it possible for people to be alive even when they are not really alive. This is known as brain death. Brain death is when a person is alive but their brain is not functioning. They are not able to think or feel and they are not really alive. Persistent vegetative state is when a person is alive but their body is not functioning. They are not able to move or feel and they are not really alive. Irreversible coma is when a person is alive but their body is not functioning and they are not able to be revived. The zombie problem is when people are alive but their brains are not functioning and they are not able to be revived.
Most arguments for allowing someone to die are based upon the principle of a.) Justice b.) Goodness c.) Individual freedom d.) Life
Explanation: Most arguments for allowing someone to die are based upon the principle of individual freedom. The argument is that each person has the right to make decisions about their own life, and that includes the right to end their life if they so choose. Some people also argue that goodness is a factor, in that it is sometimes better to end a life that is full of suffering, rather than to prolong that suffering.
Which U.S. state has a law allowing "assisted suicide"? a.) California b.) Michigan c.) Florida d.) Oregon
Dr. Jack Kevorkian is infamous because he a.) Murdered many people b.) Performed mercy killings c.) Performed mercy death d.) Allowed his patients to die
Explanation: Dr. Jack Kevorkian is infamous because he performed mercy killings. He assisted his patients in dying when they had no other options and were suffering. This made him a controversial figure, as some people believed that he was taking advantage of his patients and their families.
If you have an "Advanced directive" it means that ______ a.) your medical condition has advanced to a serious or life threatening stage b.) you already know what God wants for you c.) you have a legal document which states how you wish to be treated if you are seriously ill d.) you have a legal document which allows mercy death and mercy killing
According to the author, one of the strongest arguments against mercy death is ____________. a.) abuse b.) God's will c.) Selfishness d.) Economic
Explanation: The strongest argument against mercy death, according to the author, is that it is selfish. Mercy death is often seen as a way to end suffering, but the author argues that it is really just a way to end one's own suffering. It is a way to avoid the pain and suffering of watching a loved one die. It is a way to avoid the pain and suffering of dealing with a terminal illness. It is a way to avoid the pain and suffering of death itself. Mercy death is, at its core, a way to escape suffering. And while there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape suffering, the author argues that it is selfish to want to escape suffering at the expense of another person's life.
A strong argument against mercy killing is based on the principle of ____________. a.) justice b.) freedom c.) goodness d.) value of life
Explanation: d.) value of life
The "domino" argument against mercy killing says that, if sanctioned, mercy killing would ____________. a.) set a dangerous precedent b.) prevent finding cures c.) make doctors and nurses uncaring d.) violate life
The approach to dying that emphasizes "comfort and care" is known as _____________. a.) mercy death b.) mercy killing c.) the "Kevorkian" approach d.) hospice