Ch. 13 Renaissance

31 August 2022
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Important factors in the emergence if the Italian Renaissance
Economic and political development in city states- merchants gained $ for polital power in a system of patronage (cities, groups, and individuals commissioned writers ans artists to produce specific works) connecting economics, politics, and culture
Characteristics of Renaissance Italy (Northern Italian Cities)
Northern Italian cities led way in great commercial revival- Venice, along with Genoa and Milan, grew rich through seas trade since shipbuilding allowed ships to sail all year long caryying more merchandise; Florence- commercial leader due to favorable location made it a commercial hub that grew wealthy buying/selling goods throughout Europe and Meditarranean-> merchants invested $ in banking, so these families dominated Europe profiting the economic foundations that severe crises could not destroy Florence (people had greater material pleasures)
Government of Northern Italy
Communes: sworn assosicates of free men in Italian cities led by merchant guilds that sought political/economical independence from local nobles (merged to) -> oligarghy: small group that ruled-> popolo: dissenfranchised common people who resented exclusion from power (used violence to take over gov) -> (oligarchies reassrted power) condottieri: mercenary army many cities became signori: gov by one man ruled and handed down to the right to his son (such as Milan), used institutions that really had no power, signori and merchants transformed households to courts: magnificent households to display wealth & power and do business
Italian Balance of Power Diplomacy
Five powers dominated Italian peninsula: Venice, Milan, Florence, Papal States, and Naples (all seem as international powers, but have oligarchies that dominate each) ex. Medici rule Florence Major cities controlled smaller cities, when one stae would gain predominant position, other stats establish a balcne of power against major threat -> invented machinery of modern diplomacy: permanent embassies w/ resident ambassadors in capitals where political relations & commercial ties needed monitoring (one of the greatest political achievements)
A program of study designed by Italians that emphasized the critical study of Latin and Greek literature with the goal of understanding human nature, characterized by self-conscious awareness & reflected on the classics
Why did rich individuals sponsor artists and works of art?
Patrons of the arts sponsored artists and works of art to display their wealth and power, as well as flaunt their patronage of learning and the arts. They spent vast sums on the arts as a means of glorifying themselves and their families and art revealed changing patterns of consumption among the nobility and wealthy merchants.
Castiglione, the The Courtier
Sought to train, discipline, and fashion the young man into courtly ideal, the gentlemen. The educated man should have a broad background in many academic, spiritual, and physical subjects; compose a sonnet, wrestle, sing, accompony himself on an instrument, speak and write eloquently; also included discussion of perfect court lady: educated and talented, yet still delicate Translated into every European language, became how-to manual for people seeking to imporve themselves and rise in the social hierarchy
Pico de Mirandola, On the Dignity of Man
Pico, student of Marsilio Ficino, stressed that man possesses great dignity because he was made as Adam, in the image of God before the Fall and as Chirst after the Reserrection. He believed man had no fixed place, the crucial link in the middle, and could freely choose whether to go to heaven or hell-> man's miraculous nature meant there are no limits to what he can accomplish (studying Christian and classical texts)
Machiavelli, the Prince
Secretary of gov body in Florence, arrested, tortured, and imprisoned on suspicion of plotting against Medici family Function of a ruler is to preserve order and security, to maintain a strong, stable realm, "It is much safer for the prince to be feared than loved", exhibited the quality of virtú, (primary example was Cesare Borgia) should be judged by how well they provide security, order, and safety, maintain order by any means -> weakness would only lead to disorder-> civil war or conquest, so ruler should use whatever means he needs to not turn the populace against him Machiavelli's rule was unacceptable to many
Thomas More, Utopia
Began life as a lawyer, studied the classics, entered gov service Utopia described a community on an island somewhere beyond Europe where all children receive a good education, classics, and adults divided labor or pursuits in business or intellectual activities. Problems were solved by a beneficent gov, profits from business were held in common (since private property promoted inequality and greed) religious toleration, and order and reason prevailed. Disagreement was not acceptable. Viewed as a revolutionary critique of violent society or firmer hierarchy, written in Latin and later translated in Vernacular, became standard of imaginary society
Erasmus's ideas
Dutch humanist, exceptional knowledge of Greek and the Bible Wrote The Education of a Christian Prince, The Praise of Folly, critical edition of the the Greek New Testament, Believed education was the means to reform, the key to moral and intellectual imporvement, core of education should be study of the Bible and classics; essence of Erasmus's thought is the "philosphy of Christ" meaning that Christianity is an inner attitude of thenheart or spirit (Christ's life and what he said and did- not what theologians have written)