Ch 10 Bio

25 July 2022
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Ventilation includes A. inspiration only. B. expiration only. C. both inspiration and expiration. D. the volume of air that can be exhaled. E. the transportation of oxygen to the cells in the body.
B. expiration only.
The respiratory system is responsible for A. oxygen entering the body and carbon dioxide leaving the body. B. carbon dioxide entering the body and oxygen leaving the body. C. nitrogen leaving the blood stream. D. methane formation. E. the regulation of nutrient absorption.
A. oxygen entering the body and carbon dioxide leaving the body.
What do inspiration and expiration have in common? A. They both use the same pathways. B. The air travels in the same direction in both. C. They both end in the lungs. D. They both conduct air from the outside. E. They both remove wastes from the tissues.
A. They both use the same pathways.
Which structure is not part of the inspiration process? A. lungs B. larynx C. trachea D. bronchioles E. All are part of the inspiration process.
E. All are part of the inspiration process.
Which of the following is not part of the respiratory system? A. trachea B. pharynx C. esophagus D. bronchus E. nasal cavity
C. esophagus
Which structure is the initial entry way for air to enter the respiratory system? A. nose B. trachea C. lungs D. pharynx E. esophagus
A. nose
Which part of the respiratory system is composed of skeletal muscle? A. diaphragm B. lung C. trachea D. larynx E. glottis
A. diaphragm
Which respiratory structure is used to produce sound? A. larynx B. nose C. pharynx D. glottis E. esophagus
A. larynx
Which part of the respiratory system carries out gas exchange? A. bronchus B. larynx C. nasal cavity D. lungs E. diaphragm
D. lungs
During respiration, which structure connects the larynx to the bronchiole tree? A. trachea B. glottis C. lungs D. alveoli E. esophagus
A. trachea
Which of the following is not part of the upper respiratory tract? A. bronchi B. nasal cavity C. epiglottis D. pharynx E. glottis
A. bronchi
Which part of the pharynx is mismatched with its location? A. nasopharynx--where the nasal cavities open above B. oropharynx--where the sinuses open C. laryngopharynx--where the pharynx opens into the larynx
B. oropharynx--where the sinuses open
If it were not for the nasal cavity, A. we would not be able to speak. B. more debris would enter the lungs. C. oxygen would not be exchanged in the alveoli. D. food would go down the wrong pipe. E. air would not be conducted to the lungs.
B. more debris would enter the lungs.
When the glottis becomes narrower, A. the pitch of sound goes up. B. the pitch of sound goes down. C. sound ceases completely. D. the volume increases. E. the volume decreases.
A. the pitch of sound goes up.
Which of the following is not part of the lower respiratory tract? A. bronchi B. lungs C. alveoli D. trachea E. larynx
E. larynx
Which part of the lower respiratory tract is intimately in contact with the cardiovascular system? A. lungs B. bronchial tree C. trachea D. esophagus E. sinus cavity
A. lungs
Where in the lower respiratory tract would you find goblet cells? A. bronchial tree B. trachea C. lungs D. esophagus E. nasal cavity
B. trachea
What separates the lungs from the thoracic cavity? A. pleura B. alveoli C. cartilaginous rings D. bone E. skeletal muscle
A. pleura
What is missing in infant respiratory distress syndrome? A. bronchioles B. pleura C. one or more lobes of the lung D. alveoli E. surfactant
E. surfactant
What diffuses from the air in the alveoli into the blood? A. oxygen B. carbon dioxide C. water D. nitrogen E. methane
A. oxygen
Which of the following is not a part of inspiration? A. The pressure in the lungs increases. B. The rib cage moves up and out. C. The intercostal muscles pull the ribs outward. D. The diaphragm contracts and moves down. E. Air rushes into the lungs.
A. The pressure in the lungs increases.
Why is the actual flow of air into the alveoli during inspiration passive? A. because there is a continuous column of air from the pharynx to the alveoli B. because the lungs are surrounded by the thoracic wall C. because the alveoli have a very large surface area D. because the intercostal muscles are involved E. because the diaphragm is involved
A. because there is a continuous column of air from the pharynx to the alveoli
The amount of air that moves in and out with each breath is called the A. vital capacity. B. tidal volume. C. inspiratory reserve volume. D. expiratory reserve volume. E. residual volume.
B. tidal volume.
If you force inspiration, how much more air can you breathe in than the tidal volume? A. two times B. three times C. four times D. five times E. six times
E. six times
Which volume can add an additional 2,900 ml of air to the lungs? A. inspiratory reserve volume B. expiratory reserve volume C. residual volume D. vital capacity E. tidal volume
A. inspiratory reserve volume
During respiration, what is the additional amount of air that can be exhaled from the lungs during an extra deep exhalation called? This volume is usually around 1,400 ml. A. expiratory reserve volume B. inspiratory reserve volume C. residual volume D. vital capacity E. tidal volume
A. expiratory reserve volume
The vital capacity is equal to the A. maximum amount of air breathed in. B. maximum amount of air breathed out. C. maximum amount of air breathed in and the maximum amount of air breathed out. D. the air left in the lungs after exhalation. E. the air that comes in during a normal breath.
C. maximum amount of air breathed in and the maximum amount of air breathed out.
Where is the respiratory control center located? A. in the brain B. in the bronchi C. in the lungs D. in the aorta E. in the diaphragm
A. in the brain
How does the respiratory center control the diaphragm? A. via the blood carbon dioxide level B. via the blood pH C. via the intercostal nerves D. via the phrenic nerve E. via the vagus nerve
D. via the phrenic nerve
When the pH of the blood becomes more acidic, the respiratory center A. increases the rate and increases the depth of breathing. B. increases the rate and decreases the depth of breathing. C. decreases the rate and increases the depth of breathing. D. decreases the rate and decreases the depth of breathing. E. stops breathing all together.
A. increases the rate and increases the depth of breathing.
Carotid bodies and aortic bodies detect A. blood pH. B. oxygen blood levels. C. oxygen tissue levels. D. stretching of the lungs. E. the residual volume.
A. blood pH.
How are internal and external respiration alike? A. Both involve an exchange of gases. B. Both involve carbon dioxide diffusing into the lungs. C. Both involve oxygen diffusing into the lungs. D. Both involve carbon dioxide diffusing into the body's tissues. E. Both involve oxygen diffusing into the body's tissues.
A. Both involve an exchange of gases.
Most of the carbon dioxide is carried in the plasma as A. carbonic anhydrase. B. bicarbonate ion. C. carbonic acid. D. a gas, carbon dioxide. E. reduced hemoglobin.
B. bicarbonate ion.
How does breathing at a very low rate affect the reaction H+ + HCO3- H2CO3 H2O + CO2 ? A. pushes it to the right B. pushes it to the left C. does not affect it D. increases the rate at which it occurs E. decreases the rate at which it occurs
B. pushes it to the left
Which way does the reaction H+ + HCO3- H2CO3 H2O + CO2 proceed in the lungs? A. to the right B. to the left C. to the right and then back to the left D. this reaction doesn't proceed in the lungs E. none of these
A. to the right
Which reaction does carbonic anhydrase catalyze? A. H+ + HCO3- H2CO3 B. H2CO3 H2O + CO2 C. Hb + O2 HbO2 D. HbO2 Hb + O2 E. None of these.
B. H2CO3 H2O + CO2
Which of the following infections does not affect a structure in the respiratory tract? A. laryngitis B. strep throat C. tonsilitis D. otitis media E. bronchitis
D. otitis media
"Strep throat" is caused by what type of infecting organism? A. bacteria B. virus C. fungus D. parasitic worm E. protist
A. bacteria
Which of the following is not a lower respiratory infection? A. tuberculosis B. pneumonia C. bronchitis D. pulmonary fibrosis E. pulmonary tuberculosis
pulmonary fibrosis
Upon X-ray, it could be seen that Josh's lungs were filled with fluid. What is the proper diagnosis for Josh's illness? A. bronchitis B. emphysema C. asthma D. pulmonary fibrosis E. pneumonia
E. pneumonia
Which of these lower respiratory diseases should be treated with antibiotics? A. pulmonary fibrosis B. pulmonary tuberculosis C. emphysema D. asthma E. lung cancer
B. pulmonary tuberculosis
What is the correct order of the following steps in the progression of lung cancer in a smoker? 1. Cilia are lost. 2. There is a thickening and callusing of the cells lining the bronchi. 3. Metastasis occurs. 4. A tumor forms. 5. Cells with atypical nuclei appear. A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 2,1,5,4,3 C. 5,1,2,3,4 D. 1,2,4,3,5 E. 2,1,4,5,3
B. 2,1,5,4,3
Which of the following is not a symptom of emphysema? A. The elastic recoil of the lungs is reduced. B. The surface area for gas exchange is reduced. C. The alveoli are distended and their walls damaged. D. The airways are inflamed and filled with mucus. E. The heart works harder to force more blood through the lungs.
D. The airways are inflamed and filled with mucus.