Central Ideas And Context: Utopia

23 August 2022
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Central idea: Utopians strive to make gold and silver less valuable. Which statement provides a critique of the central idea?
c. It is a waste to use gold for everyday purposes, because it is hard to find.
Read the excerpt from Utopia. The Utopians wonder how any man should be so much taken with the glaring doubtful lustre of a jewel or a stone, that can look up to a star or to the sun himself; or how any should value himself because his cloth is made of a finer thread; for, how fine soever that thread may be, it was once. What is the central idea of this excerpt?
d. Utopians are surprised by the great value placed on jewels, cloth, and gold.
Thomas More wrote Utopia during a period of
d. increased prosperity and a growing middle class.
Read the excerpt from Utopia. But after the ambassadors had stayed a day among them, and saw so vast a quantity of gold in their houses (which was as much despised by them as it was esteemed in other nations), and beheld more gold and silver in the chains........... This detail supports the central idea that riches are not important to Utopians. It is best described as a(n)
c. anecdote.
Read the excerpt from Utopia. I never saw a clearer instance of the opposite impressions that different customs make on people than I observed in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there. As they came to treat of affairs of great consequence, the deputies from several towns met............ Which is the central idea of this excerpt?
c. The Utopians are not concerned about dressing fashionably.
Central idea: Utopians distribute wealth to care for all people. Which statement provides a critique of the central idea?
a. Taking from the wealthy to feed the poor discourages hard work.
Read the excerpt from Utopia. In their great council at Amaurot, to which there are three sent from every town once a year, they examine what towns abound in provisions and what are under any scarcity, that.... The central idea of this excerpt is that Utopians make a regular effort to care for those in need. Which detail best supports this central idea?
d. Towns with an abundance provide for those with less
When writing a critique, a reader first finds the central idea and supporting details, then
b. states a position on the central idea.
Which should be included in a critique? Check all that apply.
a. the central idea c. supporting details d. the reader's position e. supporting evidence
Thomas More's fictional text about a society governed by reason and order is most likely a response to the conflict between ___________________________.
the king and church leaders
To critique a text, readers __________________________
examine and explain their position on a central idea
Which line from Utopia is an example of an analogy?
a. They supply or are supplied from one another, so that indeed the whole island is, as it were, one family.
A student is asked to write a critique of this excerpt from Utopia. If these metals were laid up in any tower in the kingdom it would raise a jealousy of the Prince and Senate, and give birth to that foolish mistrust into which the people are apt to fallโ€”a jealousy of their intending to sacrifice the interest of the public to their own private advantage. If they should... Which is a critique of the excerpt?
b. The effects of slavery are much worse than the effects of materialism.
Read the excerpt from Utopia. They find pearls on their coasts, and diamonds and carbuncles on their rocks; they do not look after them, but, if they find them by chance, they polish them, and with them they adorn their children, who are delighted with them . . . This excerpt is most likely More's reaction to his society's
d. greed.
Which line from Utopia is an example of an anecdote?
c. I never saw a clearer instance of the opposite impressions that different customs make on people than I observed in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to Amaurot when I was there.
A text's central ideas are always
b. supported by key details.