BIOL100- Unit2-chapter7-Photosynthesis-LH

25 July 2022
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Which of the following equations represents photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O β†’ C6H12O6 + 6O2
In which of the following organelles does photosynthesis take place?
What connects the two photosystems in the light reactions? a) An electron transport chain b) Chlorophyll c) A thylakoid d) The Calvin cycle e) A chain of glucose molecules
An electron transport chain
Which of the following are photoautotrophs? A) bacteria found in the human digestive tract B) filamentous molds growing on bread C) corn stalks just before harvest D) deep-sea vent organisms that make organic molecules using hydrogen sulfide as an energy source
C) corn stalks just before harvest
Chlorophyll is found in the __________ of chloroplasts. A) thylakoid membranes B) stroma C) thylakoid space D) outer membrane
A) thylakoid membranes This is where light absorption occurs during photosynthesis and therefore is the place where chlorophyll molecules are located.
In most green plants, chloroplasts are A) evenly distributed throughout the entire plant. B) concentrated in a portion of the leaf called the stroma. C) concentrated in a zone of leaf tissue called the mesophyll. D) evenly distributed throughout the leaf tissue.
C) concentrated in a zone of leaf tissue called the mesophyll.
What is the likely origin of chloroplasts? A) photosynthetic prokaryotes that lived inside eukaryotic cells B) prokaryotes with photosynthetic mitochondria C) eukaryotes that engulfed photosynthetic fungi D) mitochondria that had a mutation for photosynthesis
A) photosynthetic prokaryotes that lived inside eukaryotic cells
What is the name given to organisms that can make their own food and thus sustain themselves without consuming organic molecules derived from other organisms? A) chemotrophs B) heterotrophs C) synthesizers D) autotrophs
D) autotrophs
What two molecules are produced by the light reactions and used to power the Calvin cycle? A) C6H12O6 and O2 B) CO2 and O2 C) C6H12O6 and RuBP D) ATP and NADPH E) G3P and H2O
D) ATP and NADPH ATP and NADPH are both products of the light reactions and are used to power the Calvin cycle.
What provides electrons for the light reactions? A) Light B) O2 C) CO2 D) Water E) The Calvin cycle
Water Electrons are stripped from water in the light reactions of photosynthesis. This is one of the reasons plants need water. Light provides the energy to excite electrons.
What provides the carbon atoms that are incorporated into sugar molecules in the Calvin cycle? a) Sucrose (C12H22O11) b) G3P (C3H6O3) c) Carbon dioxide (CO2) d) Glucose (C6H12O6) e) RuP
c) Carbon dioxide (CO2) CO2 provides the carbon atoms that are incorporated into sugars in photosynthesis. This is why plants need to take in carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide initially combines with RuBP, and RuBP is regenerated to continue the Calvin cycle.
What transports electrons from the light reactions to the Calvin cycle? a) NADH b) FADH2 c) NADPH d) An electron transport chain e) Chlorophyll
c) NADPH NADPH is an electron carrier that picks up electrons in the light reactions and releases them in the Calvin cycle.
The light reactions take place in the _________ and the Calvin cycle takes place in the _________. A) inner membrane; outer membrane B) chloroplasts; mitochondria C) stroma; thylakoids D) mitochondria; chloroplasts E) thylakoids; stroma
E) thylakoids; stroma Within the chloroplast, the light reactions take place in the flattened sacs called thylakoids and the Calvin cycle takes place in the thick fluid called the stroma.
CO2 enters and O2 escapes from a leaf via stroma.; stomata.; thylakoids.; or grana.
B) stomata.
In the chloroplast, sugars are made in a compartment that is filled with a thick fluid called the____
Chloroplasts contain disklike membranous sacs arranged in stacks called
What is the source of energy that provides the boost for electrons during photosynthesis? a) cellular respiration. b) ATP. c) light. d) electromagnetism
c) light.
The light reactions of photosynthesis include _____. a) NADPH recycling. b) the stoma. c) the Calvin cycle. d) reduction of NADP+. e) reduction of CO2.
d) reduction of NADP+. NADP+ is reduced during the light reactions, and these electrons are later used to reduce CO2 to glucose in the Calvin cycle.
The conversion of NADP+ to NADPH occurs with the assistance of _____. a) electrons from carbon dioxide and energy from ATP. b) electrons from water and energy from ATP. c) electrons from carbon dioxide and energy from sunlight. d) electrons from water and energy from sunlight.
d) electrons from water and energy from sunlight Water is necessary because it is the splitting of water molecules that provides plant cells with electrons and a proton to reduce NADP+ to NADPH. Light energy is required to drive the transfer of the electrons to NADP+.
The light reactions occur in the ________, while the Calvin cycle occurs in the ________. a) thylakoid membranes . . . stroma. b) cytoplasm . . . thylakoid membrane. c) stroma . . . thylakoid membranes. d) stroma . . . nucleus
a) The light reactions occur in the thylakoid membranes, while the Calvin cycle occurs in the stroma.
Which of the following are produced during the light reactions of photosynthesis? a) ADP, NADP+, O2. b) glucose, ADP, NADP+, CO2. c) glucose, ADP, NADP+. d) ATP, NADPH, O2
Which of the following are produced during the Calvin cycle? a) ATP, NADPH, CO2. b) glucose, ADP, NADP+, CO2. c) glucose, ADP, NADP+. d) ATP, NADPH, O2
the Calvin cycle produce: glucose, ADP, NADP+
Which of the following colors of light are useful during the process of photosynthesis? Hints a) green, orange, and red. b) orange, red, and violet. c) blue, red, and violet. d) blue, green, and orange
c) blue, red, and violet. We do not see the absorbed wavelengths, only those that are reflected. Plants appear green as they absorb these colors and reflect mostly green light.
Sunlight is a type of ________ energy. Check all that apply a) electromagnetic b) nuclear. c) potential. d) kinetic
a) electromagnetic and d) kinetic
Which of the following colors contributes the least energy to photosynthesis? a) red. b) orange. c) green. d) blue
c) green.
A packet of light energy is called a a) quantum. b) photon. c) phaser. d) pigment.
b) photon.
The primary function of light absorption by photosystems I and II is to produce _____. a) heat. b) a free, energized electron. c) oxygen. d) fluorescence
b) a free, energized electron. This free, energized electron powers the electron transport chain to generate ATP and ultimately be "handed off" to NADP+ to make NADPH for the Calvin cycle.
How do the reaction centers of photosystem I and II differ? a) Each preferentially absorbs slightly different wavelengths of light. b) Chlorophyll a is found in photosystem I and chlorophyll b in photosystem II. c) Photosystem II does not transfer electrons from photons. d) Photosystem I functions first in the sequence of steps...
a) Each preferentially absorbs slightly different wavelengths of light.
Clusters of light-gathering pigments in a photosystem a) pass energy to the reaction center. b) absorb electrons. c) are found in the roots of plants. d) break down H2O.
a) pass energy to the reaction center.
The electrons lost from the reaction center of photosystem II are replaced by electrons from a) ATP. b) H2O- Water. c) CO2. d) photosystem I.
b) Water.
The chloroplast ATP synthase a) helps transport H+ against the concentration gradient. b) is a nucleic acid complex. c) is found in the stroma. d) couples the flow of H+ to the phosphorylation of ADP.
d) couples the flow of H+ to the phosphorylation of ADP.
In simple summary form, the input of the Calvin cycle for every product is _____, and the output is _____ used for glucose synthesis. a) NADP+ ... NADPH. b) 6 CO2 ... glucose. c) ADP ... ATP. d) 3 CO2 ... a three-carbon molecule
d) 3 CO2 ... a three-carbon molecule For every six molecules of G3P produced, 3 CO2 enter the cycle. (One G3P leaves the cycle as an output. The other five remain and are rearranged to form RuBP.) In addition, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P), a three-carbon molecule, is shunted off the cycle for glucose synthesis.
How many turns of the Calvin cycle are required to produce one molecule of glucose? one? six? two? or three?
Two turns Two turns of the Calvin cycle can lead to the production of one molecule of glucose as the three-carbon precursor, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, is produced with each turn of the cycle.
Photosynthetic organisms derive their carbon from a) hydrocarbons. b) methane. c) carbon dioxide. d) carbon monoxide.
c) carbon dioxide.
The Calvin cycle constructs ________, an energy-rich molecule that a plant cell can then use to make glucose or other organic molecules. a) carbon dioxide. b) NADH. c) ATP. d) G3P
The Calvin cycle constructs G3P
You're conducting an experiment... Small aquatic plants are placed into three containers of water mixed with carbon dioxide and indicator solution. Container A is placed under normal sunlight, B under green light, and C under red light. The containers are observed for a 24-hour period. Carbon dioxide absorption is an appropriate indicator of photosynthesis because a) CO2 is needed to complete the light reactions. b) plants produce oxygen gas by splitting CO2. c) CO2 is needed to produce sugars in the Calvin cycle. d) the energy in CO2 is used to produce ATP and NADPH.
c) CO2 is needed to produce sugars in the Calvin cycle.
Plants use sugars as a) a fuel for cellular respiration and a starting material for making other organic molecules. b) a fuel for photosynthesis. c) a source of electrons for chemiosmosis. d) a starting material for the Calvin cycle.
Plants use sugars as : a fuel for cellular respiration and a starting material for making other organic molecules.
You could distinguish a granum from an inner mitochondrial membrane because the granum, but not the inner mitochondrial membrane, would _____. a) function in energy transformation. b) contain protein but not lipids c) have photosynthetic pigments. d) be inside a mitochondrion
c) have photosynthetic pigments. The photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll is anchored in the thylakoid membrane.
Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are similar in that both involve _____. a) water splitting. b) the release of O2 into the atmosphere. c) the production of sugars. d) oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions
d) oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions
When chloroplast pigments absorb light, _____. a) they become reduced. b) their electrons become excited. c) they lose potential energy. d) the Calvin cycle is triggered
When chloroplast pigments absorb light, their electrons become excited. The absorbed energy moves the electrons to a more energetic orbital.
Light reactions are located in the thylakoid membrane because _____. a) the enzymes involved require a lipid bound to their active site. b) chemiosmosis can occur across the thylakoid membrane. c) the membrane brings chlorophyll closer to the light. d) the membrane functions as a mitochondrial membrane but at night.
b) chemiosmosis can occur across the thylakoid membrane. The thylakoid membrane allows for hydrogen ions (H+) to be transported across, thus creating a charge separation. This drives the reactions to form ATP and NADPH.
Although the reactions of the Calvin cycle are not directly dependent on light, they usually do not occur at night. Why? a) It is often too cold at night for these reactions to take place. b) The Calvin cycle depends on products of the light reactions. c) Plants usually open their stomata at night. d) Carbon dioxide concentrations decrease at night.
b) The Calvin cycle depends on products of the light reactions. The ATP and NADPH produced during the light reactions are necessary to provide energy and high-energy electrons for the Calvin cycle.
NADP+ is required for photosynthesis because it _____. a) forms NADPH to be used in the Calvin cycle. b) helps produce ATP from the light reactions. c) absorbs light energy. d) forms part of photosystem II
a) forms NADPH to be used in the Calvin cycle. NADPH is used to reduce carbon during the Calvin cycle.
You have a large, healthy philodendron that you carelessly leave in total darkness while you are away on vacation. You are surprised to find that it is still alive when you return. What has the plant been using for an energy source while in the dark? a) Even though the plant received no visible light, it was able to use the shortwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum (gamma rays and X-rays) to carry out photosynthesis. b) While it did have access to light before you left, the plant stored energy in the form of sugars or starch, and it was able to derive energy from those during your vacation. c) Even though it cannot carry out the light reactions, the plant can still produce sugars because the Calvin cycle does not require light. d) When light energy is not available, plants can derive energy from inorganic molecules.
b) While it did have access to light before you left, the plant stored energy in the form of sugars or starch, and it was able to derive energy from those during your vacation. Because plants can make more organic material each day than they need to use as respiratory fuel and precursors for biosynthesis, they stockpile the extra sugar as starch, storing some in chloroplasts, as well as in roots, tubers, seeds, and fruits.