BCOM Ch. 8

1 September 2022
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The ______ Age is an era in which people engage in networked communication, collaborate across boundaries, and solve problems communally. Social Machine Information Industrial Society
Which statement correctly compares the rate that technology changes to the rate that workplaces change? Technology can change in a matter of months, while workplaces sometimes take decades to change. Technology can change in a matter of days, while workplaces sometimes take centuries to change. Technology can change in a matter of weeks, while workplaces sometimes take months to change. Technology can change in a matter of years, while workplaces take only weeks to change. Technology can change in a matter of decades, while workplaces take only years to change.
Technology can change in a matter of months, while workplaces sometimes take decades to change.
Web 2.0 communication tools are often referred to as Information Age tools. personal brand. Industrial Age tools. social media. information media.
social media.
User 1.0 is most likely to use peer-to-peer programs as the main communication tools. depend on content creator and avoid expressing his or her own opinion. connect to the Internet from various devices. stay connected online all the time. use social networking tools to keep in touch with other employees.
depend on content creator and avoid expressing his or her own opinion.
The use of social media in companies makes knowledge management a difficult task. prevents employees from developing necessary job skills. impedes the training process. causes confusion over which communication channels to use. improves productivity when used constantly.
causes confusion over which communication channels to use.
Which of the following is a property of a social software system dashboard? You can swap or exchange your dashboard with colleagues. You can customize your dashboard to display selected features. You can view others' dashboards within your dashboard. You can delete your dashboard to avoid distractions. You can use the same one across most social media platforms.
You can customize your dashboard to display selected features.
Which of the following statements accurately describes wikis? They create a redundant knowledge management system Their collaborative potential is weaker than other social media tools. They lead to decreased transparency in the organization. They decrease dependency on single employees. They are short blogs that contain just a few sentences per post.
They decrease dependency on single employees.
Traditionally, a blog contains entries by: the managers of a company. professional writers. anyone with approved access. all members of an organization. just one or a few individuals.
just one or a few individuals.
Which of the following is an advantage of having a team blog? It usually contains just a few sentences per entry, so it is easy to read. It focuses on specific topics and areas of expertise, so it helps the team network. It is a way to give stakeholders an insider view by posting about the inner workings of the organization. It is a place to post team updates, progress reports, discussions, timelines, goals, and announcements. It allows members of the team to get to know each other personally and socially.
It is a place to post team updates, progress reports, discussions, timelines, goals, and announcements.
Which statement is a helpful guideline for forums? Use strong, rigid language to make points. Avoid complaining or blaming. Keep the posts under 140 characters. Ignore competing points of view. Use leading subject lines on posts.
Avoid complaining or blaming.
Jamal's company is committed to using its social networking platform. Which of the following is a guideline that Jamal should follow? Avoid participating often. Share personal experiences often. Use a cool, detached tone. Focus on work projects and goals. Do not presume to help others.
Focus on work projects and goals.
Cara has been participating in her company's social networking platform for a while. Which behavior is her supervisor most likely to ask her to change? She often inquires about her colleagues' personal lives. She uses a friendly, direct tone. She frequently asks for work-related information from colleagues. She spends time on the platform daily. She helps colleagues whenever she can.
She often inquires about her colleagues' personal lives.
When a company has a public relations department, that department's job is to influence only the company's managers and employees. government regulators who inspect the company. journalists who report on the company's products and services. anyone who contributes to the company's success or failure. only the company's customers and investors.
anyone who contributes to the company's success or failure.
When stakeholders judge whether the communications and actions of an organization match their needs and interests, they are evaluating the organization's reputation. media. tools. brand. products.
What is the traditional structure for a press-release style public relations message? a pyramid with the most important information last a diamond with the most important information in the middle an inverted pyramid with the most important information first a rectangle with the important information spaced evenly throughout an hourglass glass with the most important information at the beginning and the end
an inverted pyramid with the most important information first
What are the two most common formats for public relations messages placed on a company blog? the op-ed piece and the product analysis the product analysis and the executive biography the executive biography and the organization history the organization history and the press release the press release and the op-ed piece
the press release and the op-ed piece
Which of the following guidelines should people who maintain professional blogs follow in order to be responsive to their readers? Read the comments to learn reader concerns. Use a businesslike tone. Run contests so readers can win small prizes. Use I-statements often to establish expertise. Include lots of images.
Read the comments to learn reader concerns.
Manuel has an active presence on Twitter. About half his tweets convey messages such as "Really excited about today's training seminar" and "My company just launched an awesome product; check it out." How is Manuel's online presence likely to affect his career? His employers will be angry that his discusses company business online. His colleagues probably won't notice because their Twitter feeds are too full. His colleagues will think less of him because he makes grammatical mistakes. His employers will be pleased that he has so much enthusiasm for his job. His colleagues will begin to shun him for trying to use Twitter to get ahead.
His employers will be pleased that he has so much enthusiasm for his job.
Which of the following reputations is a result of sending the meta message, "You can always count on me"? moral, ethical, and fair open, networked, and independent loyal and committed fun-loving and exciting talented, skilled, and capable
loyal and committed
A reputation for being fun-loving will be sought-after in the ______ domains. personal and public professional and public personal and private professional and private professional and social
personal and private
Jessica wants to get ahead in her career, so she has a professional blog. Which of the following posts is most likely to damage her reputation? an analysis of changing demographics in her company's key market an explanation about how to get the most out of a spreadsheet program a summary of a lecture she heard at a recent training seminar a story about how much fun she and her coworkers had visiting bars after the annual sales meeting a favorable review of a best-selling business book
a story about how much fun she and her coworkers had visiting bars after the annual sales meeting
Len has asked you to evaluate his professional blog. Which of the following aspects of his blog would you suggest that Len change because it might damage his online reputation? A few posts review professional articles related to his profession. About one-half of his posts detail one of Len's accomplishments. A few posts give details about seminars being offered to people in his field. About one-fourth of his posts analyze market trends. A few posts discuss the impact of developments in technology.
About one-half of his posts detail one of Len's accomplishments.
Fumiko, who works in accounting, wants her online presence to signal that she is a business professional. What would be the best profile picture to use? a computer-generated avatar a photograph of a calculator a photograph of her smiling face a photograph of her dog a drawing of a flower
a photograph of her smiling face
Which of the following would a company consider an unethical use of social media by its employees? mentioning their employment when praising the company's products declining to answer a question about technical matters that are not their expertise spreading the word about a promotional giveaway that the company is running refusing to give advice about what the company stock might do criticizing a supervisor by name after receiving a poor review
criticizing a supervisor by name after receiving a poor review
Which of the following would a company consider an ethical use of social media by its employees? pretending to be a satisfied customer when praising the company's products discussing company secrets with a friend who works for a competitor letting friends on Twitter know about a publicly posted job opening posting on a family member's Facebook page that it is a good time to buy the company's stock revealing the problems in the development of a new product
letting friends on Twitter know about a publicly posted job opening