ATI Personal Hygiene Posttest

25 July 2022
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A nurse is preparing to assist a patient with a tub bath. Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take. Instruct the patient to remain in the tub for no longer than 20 minutes Place a rubber mat on the tub floor Gather all necessary supplies Instruct the patient on using safety bars when getting in and out of the tub Assist the patient into the bathroom
1. Gather all necessary supplies 2. place a rubber mat on the tub floor 3. assist the patient into the bathroom 4. Instruct the patient on using safety bars when getting in and out of the tub 5. Instruct the patient to remain in the tub for no longer than 20 min
When planning morning hygiene care for a postoperative patient, which of the following actions should the nurse include? A) Inform the patient when morning hygiene care is provided at the hospital B) Schedule to provide care to the patient and her roommate at the same time C) Ask the patient in what order she typically performs her morning routine D) Plan to provide care before the next scheduled dose of pain medication
C) Ask the patient in what order she typically performs her morning routine
A nurse is caring for a patient who is on long-term bedrest and requires linen changes due to excessive diaphoresis. What is the priority rationale for frequent linen changes? A) Moisture from excessive diaphoresis can cause skin breakdown B) Moisture on the sheets can cause discomfort for the patient C) It provides an opportunity to frequently evaluate the patient's skin on his backside D) It provides an opportunity to turn patient from side to side to facilitate clearing potential fluid from the lungs
A) Moisture from excessive diaphoresis can cause skin breakdown.
A nurse is caring for an adult patient who is NPO. The patient is refusing oral care. What is an appropriate response by the nurse? A) "Since you are not eating, we can wait and do it at bedtime." B) "Oral care is still important even though you are not eating." C) "I'll give you a sip of water to swish around and then you can spit it out." D) "We will wait until your family gets here to help."
B) "Oral care is still important even though you are not eating."
A nurse observes an assistive personnel (AP) make a client's bed while the client is out of the room. Which of the following actions by the AP is appropriate for this task? A) The AP records the task when it is completed B) The AP wears sterile gloves while making the bed C) The AP reuses the patient's blanket and spread D) The AP makes a mitered corner with the blanket and spread
C) The AP reuses the patient's blanket and spread
While performing a complete bed bath for a patient, the nurse should: A) raise the room temperature B) completely remove linens C) add soap to the water in the basin before beginning the bath D) Complete the bathing for one side of the body at a time
A) raise the room temperature
A nurse is assisting a patient with personal hygiene care. Which of the following actions by the nurse will reduce the risk of infection? A) Massaging reddened areas of the patient's skin B) Washing eyes from the outer canthus to the inner C) Washing the patient from the shoulder down to the fingertips with smooth, short strokes D) Cleaning the least-soiled areas prior to cleaning the most-soiled areas
D) Cleaning the least-soiled areas prior to cleaning the most-soiled areas.
A nurse is caring for an unconscious patient. Which of the following statements by the nurse indicates an understanding of providing good oral hygiene for the patient? A) "I'll swab the patient's mouth with lemon-glycerin swabs." B) "I'll swab the patient's mouth with mouthwash." C) "I'll swab the patient's mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide." D) "I'll swab the patient's lips with a very small amount of mineral oil."
C) "I'll swab the patient's mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide"