Astronomy & Cosmology CH 2 QQ

25 July 2022
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When it is summer in Australia, it is A) winter in the United States B) summer in the United States C) spring in the United States
A) winter in the United States
In winter, Earth's axis points toward the star Polaris. In spring, A) the axis also points toward Polaris B) the axis points toward Vega C) the axis points toward the Sun
A) the axis also points toward Polaris
Which of the following is not true during Northern Hemisphere summer? A) Sunlight strikes the ground at a steeper angle in the Northern Hemisphere than it does in the Southern Hemisphere B) The Sun follows a longer and higher path through the Northern Hemisphere sky than it does through the Southern Hemisphere C) Noontime shadows are longer in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere
C) Noontime shadows are longer in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere
We can be sure that variations in Earth's distance from the Sun are not the cause of the seasons, because A) Earth is always exactly the same distance from the Sun B) if distance were responsible for the seasons, both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres would have summer at the same time C) if distance were responsible for the seasons, seasonal temperature changes would be much more extreme
B) if distance were responsible for the seasons, both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres would have summer at the same time
Two stars that are in the same constellation A) must both be part of the same cluster of stars in space B) must both have been discovered at about the same time C) may actually be very far away from each other
C) may actually be very far away from each other
Suppose you see a crescent moon; how much of the Moon's entire surface (the full globe of the Moon) is in daylight? A) half B) one-quarter C) one-eighth
A) half
One week after the full moon, the Moo'n's phase is A) first quarter B) third quarter C) new
B) third quarter
The fact that we always see the same face of the Moon tells us that A) the Moon does not rotate B) the Moon's rotate period is the same as its orbital period C) the Moon looks the same on both sides
B) the Moon's rotate period is the same as its orbital period
The reason we do not have a solar eclipse at every new moon is that A) a solar eclipse can occur only at full moon B) the Moon's orbit is inclined relative to Earth's orbit around the Sun C) the nodes of the Moon's orbit gradually move around the orbit
B) the Moon's orbit is inclined relative to Earth's orbit around the Sun
If there is going to be a total lunar eclipse tonight, then you know that the Moon's phase is A) full B) new C) first or third quarter
A) full
When we see Saturn going through a period of apparent retrograde motion it means that A) Saturn is temporarily moving backward in its orbit around the Sun B) Earth is passing Saturn in its orbit, with both planets on the same side of the Sun C) Saturn and Earth must be on opposite sides of the Sun
B) Earth is passing Saturn in its orbit, with both planets on the same side of the Sun
Which of the following best describes why the Greeks rejected the correct explanation for apparent retrograde motion? A) They did not realize that planets sometimes appear to move backward relative to the constellations B) They predicted that if the Earth orbited the Sun, then stellar parallax should occur, but they could not detect this parallax C) They never considered the possibility that Earth could orbit the Sun
B) They predicted that if the Earth orbited the Sun, then stellar parallax should occur, but they could not detect this parallax