Art : Printmaking Topic Test Review

1 September 2022
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Define the following terms: - registration - press - keyblock
Registration: A method of correlating color separation so that the colors line up correctly. Press: A device used to transfer an image. Keyblock: A printing block that is used to create a black outline before the color is added, and usually has the most detail.
Explain how wood engraving is done, including its primary benefit. Which artist perfected this type of relief printing?
Wood engraving is the process of carving into the hard side of a piece of wood. It is useful if the artist wants to add a lot of fine detail to the image, rather than color for instance. It was perfected by Thomas Bewick.
Explain the process of creating a linocut. How is it effective? Why is it criticized?
A linocut is created by cutting away an image from linoleum, a soft synthetic material. It is effective because it creates images that are bold and striking, in which the designs are highly contrasting. The process is critiqued because it is relatively simple to create and perfect, when comparing it to other techniques in art.
Explain how a drypoint artwork is created, including the tools and materials used.
To create a drypoint, the artist draws onto a metal plate using a hard tipped needle known as a burr. The pressure and burr with influence how the final piece appears.
Why must the artist choose his/her tools, products, and method carefully? Explain your answer.
The tools, paper, ink, and method of relief printing will influence the final product and the effect it produces. Certain methods/techniques, tools, and products serve different purposes, whether it be detailed, color, design, etc.
How did the use of printmaking change the world of art?
Printmaking allowed pieces of art to be shared with more than just the artist themselves. It allowed art to be reproduced and circulated both quickly and inexpensively.
How is etching similar to drawing?
When an artist etches a piece, he/she draws the image or design on a surface, which has been coated with a thin layer of acid. The artist is still essentially drawing when he/she creates an etch, however the end result, media, and tools is quite different.
Define the following terms: - relief - ground - etch
Relief: Sculptured artwork on a flat surface where some parts are raised parts have been carved away. Ground: A waxy material used in engraving. Etch: The product made by using a metal plate and special tools to scratch an image into a waxy surface, and is then dipped into an acid bath.
What is lithography? What is the history of lithography? What is it used for today?
Lithography is a printing medium using a stone press on which areas are made receptive to ink, while other areas are not. The word "litho" means stone, which relates to the use of the stone press. Today, lithography is mainly used in modern-pop art and in printmaking.
What is serigraphy and what is it primarily used for? Name the popular term for serigraphy.
Serigraphy is a technique in which an image is transferred by forcing ink through fine mesh or silk. It is primarily used for making placing logos, images, or characters on T-shirts or other pieces of clothing. The commonly used term for serigraphy is silkscreen printing.
What method was used to create each image above? Compare and Contrast the two examples above. Provide at least 3 observations.
Picture 1 is an example of a linocut. Picture 2 is an example of a wood engraving. Observations may vary, but could include the following: Picture 1 has a lot of dark values, bold lines, and non-detailed images. With picture 1, there is either black or white, and the values are created by the thickness of the lines. With picture 2, the values change based on the detail of the engraving and the amount of ink applied. Picture 2 includes a lot of details and is a realistic portrayal of the subject (owl). The subjects in both pictures are visible and definable. Picture on is of a bull ring, with Spanish matadors and picture 2 is of an owl in a tree. Neither picture uses color.
Define the term, layout. Look at the image below. Describe the layout. Do you find it engaging? What draws you to it? Be specific in your descriptions and opinions.
Layout is the overall plan for the appearance of the plan, which is designed to be interesting and draw people to it. Descriptions will vary, but may include components such as the typeface, the placement of the words and images, the words and images chosen, etc. Opinions should be justified and thought out.
What type of surface is most commonly used for engraving pieces, such as the one above? Why would the process be difficult?
In engraving, artist typically would use a metal sheet as the surface for their piece. Etching is difficult because of the amount of scraping required, the strength and control the artist must use, the sound of the scraping, and the inability to make corrections.
What is graphic design?
Graphic design is an artistic and professional form of communication that focuses on the use of symbols and stylistic elements to convey a message. To be effective, it must be easily understood and recognizable.
Define the term, advertisement. Look at the advertisements below. Which communicates most to you? Why?
Advertisement is a method of communication, whether through words or pictures, used in order to persuade the general public to consume or purchase a product or service. Advertisement opinions will vary, but should be supported with reasoning.