Art History: 15th Century: Northern Europe And The Iberian Peninsula I (Practice)

30 August 2022
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What is the antependium?
It is the front surface of a block altar.
Explanation: An antependium is a decorative cloth that hangs down in front of the altar in a Christian church. It is often elaborately embroidered or decorated with gold and silver.
What were the most commonly used symbols in Flemish art?
Everyday objects.
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question, as different artists used different symbols in their work. However, some of the most commonly used symbols in Flemish art include religious symbols such as the cross, as well as symbols of nature such as flowers and trees. Other common symbols include animals, which were often used to represent different character traits, and geometric shapes, which were often used to create patterns and decorations.
Which of the following symbols can be seen in the center portion of the triptych?
All of the above.
What did people place on the altars?
Relics of the church's patron saint.
Explanation: In ancient times, people would place various items on altars as offerings to the gods or as a sign of respect. These items could include food, drink, weapons, armor, or other valuables.
What does an altar symbolize in a Christian church?
Both A and B.
Explanation: In a Christian church, an altar is a physical space where prayer and worship happen. It is also a symbol of Christ's presence.
How did Hugo van der Goes create realism in the image above?
He used atmospheric perspective.
Explanation: In the image above, Hugo van der Goes creates realism by depicting a scene from everyday life. He shows a group of people engaged in a conversation, with some seated and some standing. The figures are all realistically proportioned and their faces are expressive. The overall effect is of a snapshot of a moment in time.
What theme did all of the symbols in Flemish art possess?
Answers may vary. They all had religious meaning.
Explanation: There is no one answer to this question as there were many different symbols used in Flemish art, and each artist had their own unique style and interpretation. However, some of the most common themes found in Flemish art include religion, nature, and daily life. Many of the symbols used in these paintings were meant to represent different aspects of these themes, such as the cross for religion or the sun for nature.
How does atmospheric perspective create realism?
Answers may vary. Objects that are further from the viewer are less clear and detailed, while objects closer to the viewer are sharper and more detailed.
Explanation: Atmospheric perspective creates realism by making distant objects appear hazy and less distinct. This is because when light travels through the atmosphere, some of it is scattered in all directions. This makes distant objects appear less bright and less distinct.
What does the dog represent in the following image? (Hint: The name "Fido" may come from this representation.)
Explanation: The dog in the image may represent faithfulness or loyalty. The name Fido" is derived from the Latin word "fidelis," which means "faithful.""
What is a polyptych?
A polyptych is an altarpiece consisting of many panels.
Explanation: A polyptych is a painting composed of multiple panels. The term is derived from the Greek words for many" and "fold," and it typically refers to a work of art with five or more panels. Polyptychs were popular during the Renaissance, when artists often used them to create altarpieces. The format allowed for a grandiose display of religious scenes, and it also allowed artists to tell stories through a series of interconnected panels. In some cases, polyptychs were designed to be viewed from multiple angles, with each panel revealing a different part of the overall composition."